View Full Version : Got my new (to Me new) unit home

08-11-2008, 10:23 AM
I went on Saturday to Ohio to pick up my new 2 x 6 Leader drop flue evaporator. Made it out and back in 11 1/2 hours round trip. When I got it home I found that a large amount of fire bricks were falling out and I also found out that I need to replace more of the sheet metal than 1st thought, but all in all I made a good deal. With my evaporator I got 51 galvinized buckets with lids and spikes. Have to clean them up but they were in good shape. My pans are SS but lead soldered but in very good condition. I am looking foward to working on the new unit but I am not sure if I should order the sheet metal from the factory or have a local fabricator cut them out for me. Any sugestions would be helpful. I can not determine what model the unit is as on the pan there is a lable from Leader but no model number or name. Both of the pans are 2' x 3'.
Well I just wanted to crow about my new toy.

08-11-2008, 05:26 PM
As for cleaning everything up, with the lead in the solder you are better off leaving a coating of sugar sand on it. That will help keep your lead levels down. As you use them you can scrub them to keep clean just don't go crazy on the solder. As for the sheet metal, I would have your local fab shop bend it for you it would save some $.
Where is the float? If it is in the middle and part of a pre heater pan it is called a leader special or a pleasure model. If the float is external on the side then it probably is a king.
Good luck