View Full Version : what is maplerama in vt????

07-19-2008, 08:22 PM
i have heard of this before and found it on there website but it says nothing about it realy, just who to contact to register etc, nothing about who can go or what its about? is it like informational like the seminars at bascoms? can just anyone attend or only vt sugarmakers? is there a cost? sounds like it might be a nice trip next weekend if its something worthwhile

07-19-2008, 09:07 PM
Hey Mark,
Maplerama is the state maple tours, held each year, in a different county each year. It consists of a tradeshow on Thursday, tours to a variety of sugarhouses on Friday,followed by a banquet. Saturday is typically more tours, with a BBQ at one of the stops. These are run by each counties' maple association, and vary widely. You can check with Andy, under the tapping in Vt thread for the info to register if you wish. It's typically a great time, with lots of conversation with other maple producers.

thunder mountain maple
07-20-2008, 07:08 AM
If anyone needs info about the maplerama send me a PM.
We are one of the stops on the tour.

07-20-2008, 09:18 AM
I have found maplerama to be very educational and informitive,,,a very fun and worthwile thing if you are a maple junkie,,,,,everyone has someting to offer-diffrent way of doing things,,,and a great attitide,,,,imho

07-20-2008, 09:27 AM
The Grafton county fair is going on right across the river thurs? till sunday I think,,,,thats always fun,,if your in the area anyway,,,,,the fair is in North Havrill N.H.

07-20-2008, 03:17 PM
thanks guys for the general info, sounds a little more involved than i would care to get into this weekend. definatly sounds interesting and informative tho, by the way anyone know what the cost is? and how is it work, everyone just drives around and visits each sugarhouse along the route at there leasure or is it more of a structured thing going from one to the next

Valley View Sugarhouse
07-20-2008, 03:58 PM
there is a signup sheet with the prices on the link in tapping VT. All the tours are done by bus, camping is available on site, bankuet is on site. lunches, continental breakfast etc.. Venders will be there, door prizes at the banquet, silent auction, 50/50 rafflr. man I am out of breath...
