View Full Version : poison ivy
06-02-2008, 03:24 AM
dose any one know a good way to kill poison ivy that is on my maple trees want to kill it but not the tree
maple flats
06-02-2008, 08:00 PM
I have the same problem. I used to get poison ivy real bad but i work in it so much I think i have gotten an immunity of sorts. As for killing the poison ivy, try pulling it from the tree and hit the first several leaves with a spray for poison ivy. There is one I use called cross bow, roundup also has a formula that is labeled for poison ivy. As long as you get it away from the tree where you spray you are OK. Pioson Ivy also likes acid soil, I have often wondered if you could get it just by adding lime on the poison ivy. Not sure what it might do for the maple tree tho.
06-03-2008, 10:56 AM
both cross bow and round up are safe to use on trees as long as you arn't getting it on the leaves of a young tree. Cross Bow is also exceptionally good for multiflower rose. In fact it won't affect most grass , rasberry or other types of undergrowth.
06-03-2008, 08:00 PM
I have used both Cross bow and Round up and found roundup works much better for killing multiflower roses, but unfortunately, it kills all the grass the mist hits. I spray about 2 to 3 four gallon backpack sprayers every year and I mix 1 pint of roundup to 4 gallon of water. Don't sound like a lot of spray, 8 to 12 gallons, but you can spray a ton of multiflower roses with that much. Just need to hit them for 1 to 2 seconds. Maybe with the Crossbow you have to spray them a lot longer?
Haynes Forest Products
06-03-2008, 11:20 PM
Make sure that if you use a Systemic type killer that on very hot days the fumes dont drift up onto low branches. The hotter the day the quicker the plant obsorbs the Roundup the less you need so be carful. If i look at a picture of Poison Ivy i break out.
Gary R
06-04-2008, 06:30 AM
Try contacting Tom Erdman. He is the state forester (DCNR) for Erie County. He will come out and look at things and give you recommendations for free. He may ask you if you are interested in joining the Stewardship forest program. I have done so. In the program you have a forester write you a management plan according to your goals and desires. The state provides cost sharing dollars and you may be able to have this plan written for free. You will receive all kinds of information.
Good luck!
06-04-2008, 06:37 AM
thanks gary i will get ahold of him i was telling a guy at work about my prop his idea was get a goat tie it to the tree till it eats all the ivy them move it to new tree i like that idea but instead of ivy i have to deal with goat s&*t
06-04-2008, 09:51 AM
and the goats will eat everything the see i had 3 for clearing land if the taste the maples and think there better u will end up with a bigger mess
06-04-2008, 10:58 AM
Brandon, My father has fought Multi flower roses for years. He has never had lasting results with round up, but with the cross bow he just sprayes them once, and they die off in a couple weeks never to return. We used some in the woods that I work with the same results. The nice thing is that it dosn't kill anything else around it. We even cleaned out the spayer tank in my yard without killing the grass. In all fairness though we are using a PTO pump and pumping out of a 55 gallon tank. We soak the bushes till it runs off. It is expensive but we feel that over time it is much cheaper than repeat aplictions of roundup.
Gary R
06-04-2008, 07:14 PM
I too have started to control multiflora rose. Penn State lists many ways to control it. I choose the one my state forester recomended. It's called "hack and squirt". You cut the bush off and spray round up on the exposed cut. I use a weed eater with a brush blade or a device call a Swedish brush axe. The cut must be sprayed within 2 hours. This method is done in the dormant or actively growing season. Round up (41% Glyphosate) is mixed 1 part to 3 parts water. This is strong, but you only squirt the exposed cut.
Time will tell if this works well.
I also have Japanese Barberry to control.......I better get in the woods!
maple flats
06-04-2008, 07:26 PM
I should also mention, if you try any of these, be sure to read carefully and follow exactly label directions. I have my private applicators license and believe me this is very important. You can get a ticket and be fined if you do not follow the label directions. Make sure the target pest is on the label, for your state and yes, they do vary some. I you do not find the target pest so labeled be sure to be spraying something that is labeled and the spray can hit unlabeled pests.
maple flats
06-04-2008, 07:29 PM
And make sure you mix the label specified amount with the label specified diluter (usually water, but not always) and only mix what you are going to spray and have no left overs. Triple rinse your sprayer after, and also apply the rinse to the target pest.
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