View Full Version : Ticks
05-23-2008, 06:55 AM
well anyone that knows me knows that I have quite a lot of surface area that they can get on. My problem has been picking off one or two a day and sometimes more. So here is my question, does anyone have a receipt to keep them away? ( I've used sprays cloths with a insect block which don't work for me and it doesn't seem to matter if I'm in the woods or on the grass I still get them.) Your help would be appreciated.
Royalmaple, are you having the same issue with them?
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
05-23-2008, 07:19 AM
TapMe- I make up my own homemade bug lotion and it keeps the skeeters away fairly good/Might work on ticks?
Anyways get a container of Rubbing alcohol and go find yourself an christmas tree/dump out about 1/4 of the solution/start pulling needles and fill the original container full of the needles from the X-tree and let that sit for a couple of weeks and then apply it as needed.
Father & Son
05-23-2008, 08:54 AM
Avon "Skin So Soft" mixed 50/50 with water then put into a spray bottle works well for flying bugs, don't know about ticks.
05-23-2008, 09:09 AM
not much works for ticks there is a tick spray but never seemed to work for me light colored clothes they say works ...
one or two a day is nothin was down in Jersey mothers day we went for a walk was out 5 minutes in my parents back woods and my daughter had three on her i have picked 20 of my lab when i lived in PA just after a hour or two of bird huntin
05-23-2008, 09:50 AM
Go to your local hiking shop, buy permitherin spray, Sawyers has it in an aresol.
You spray on the clothes you use for hiking or working in the woods... and tick/mosquito will DIE when it touches the clothing(which lasts through many washes) Yes they roll up and fall off.... I do my boots and hiking pants. it's not good for you as a liquid getting on you.. but once it's dry on clothes its okay.
Good luck :) hope it helped
05-23-2008, 10:17 AM
Thanks, It looks like I will try the sawyer product. Found a bag of bug killer in the garage (old) and we will spread it on the lawn areas to try and help.
Maple Hill Sugar house, Pm me that stuff that you make if you please and I'll give it a try.
Just came in from working on the lawn tractor and took 4 more wondering soles looking for lunch off my tee ****. I must be sweet or maybe it's the ab+ that they like. They just give me the hebe geebees you know.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
05-23-2008, 03:56 PM
TapMe- Your going to make the solution up yourself. Just go to a store and get some isopropyl (Rubbing) alcohol and you can make it up yourself for a $1 and 5 minutes of your time..
05-23-2008, 06:05 PM
I've been lucky only had a few crawlers on me so far. See what happens this weekend. Big tubing session planned. That place is loaded with ticks in the summer.
I haven't had any luck with anything to actually repel them. I did hear my brother mention that at the new cabelas he saw some spray that lasted a week and was suppose to repel ticks. Could be like the stuff Jim was talking about. I might have to go get some. They just freak me out too, hate those SOB's.
I've looked into a lot of studies and they are attracted to CO2 mostly, people have made some primitive traps using dry ice I guess they work. But who has endless supplies of dry ice.
Quit panting so much in the woods and you'll be all set.
Haynes Forest Products
05-23-2008, 08:26 PM
Id get one of those monkeys that like to pick them off and eat them for free..........just a thought
05-23-2008, 10:22 PM
I cover about 20 counties here in Western Pennsylvania for work surveying, there are place where I can never see a wood tick, and places where I'm paranoid enough to check my pants every two minutes. I still expect to extracate several from my hide before this winter. I've yet to find anything that really deters them. Even Harts tick spray for dogs liberally applied to pants will still let some turn up in bad areas. So as far as I'm concerned, I know where I may see 80 ticks in one day, and where I shouldn't see any at all, thats just a cost of working outside!
05-25-2008, 08:30 AM
i like the monkey idea ...think if u train them right they can run up and doewn the hills with the tap lines and mainlines and how royal maple likes to set his lines with flashing lights so the jet liners dont hit them he could have the monkeys running up and down trees for the price of ticks and bannas
05-25-2008, 11:42 AM
Just like motel 6, we'll leave the lights on for you.
05-25-2008, 12:06 PM
I dont know if it would work for anyone ealse,,,,but,,,I eat a LOT of garlic and onions this time of year,,,once in a while there will be a tick crawling around on me,,but its been a long time scince one dug in,,,,but you smell like garlic,,
05-25-2008, 04:23 PM
lou, two suggestions because if you got them ticks, so do I. Im right on the river and those suckers love the mossy areas and tall grass.
I drench myself with OFF brand tick spray from the knees down on top of my clothes. when im working in the woods etc this works ok. The other option in Gueinne Hens. Those things only eat ticks and they are pretty easy. They free-range, so the only bad thing is if you have neigbors who get upset. Otherwise I hear they are the best remidy. Look forward to linking up with you soon
05-25-2008, 08:36 PM
guinea's work well ..i know a few people that use them
05-27-2008, 09:23 AM
there are a lot of ideas here and thanks
I am a regular eater of the onion family and that is not working for me, have pulled off at least 2 ticks a day for the last 4 weeks and I am not doing much in the woods. Just don't know why. I was hanging clothes out on the line last week and saw three jump and land on my tee shirt witch was light colored. I am just starting to believe that this is my destiny in life. eeeeeeuuuuuu
The hen thing is out of the question right now, mother said so. Will have to work on that one.
Thanks for all the suggestions I will start trying some right away.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
05-27-2008, 07:18 PM
My son got out of the shower the other night and my wife says come here=I think dakota has a tick in him? I said send dakota into the bedroom where i am. Yup he's definitely got a deer tick head first into him. Get the tweezers i hollar. Got the tick pulled out and was putting it into a baggie and the wife says throw it out!! We'll i start telling them the story as to why not throw it out and what to look for after the fact and what symptoms can happen.
She calls the Dr. office and they tell her the same thing i told her/Then she starts to tell me all about it tonight=Told her i didn't want to hear it as she knows more then i ever though of knowing (-: (-: (-;
Hopefully it doesn't have Lyme DYZEEZE.. (; (; (; (;
05-27-2008, 08:38 PM
you are most times safe as long as they havent stated to swell up
05-27-2008, 10:28 PM
yup the doc told me that lyme disease isn't contracted unless a tick has been engorged. I've had two latch on but never had one engorge.
Haynes Forest Products
05-27-2008, 11:15 PM
The hardest part about getting a tick off your wife's back is to time your jumping up and down to hers. That will teach her to ask me to look at a mole on her back.LOL
05-28-2008, 06:42 AM
I've done the antibiotic thing 3 times for testing + to that ugly thing. It isn't any fun to have to check yourself for ticks. But now how does that song go from Paisley about checking for ticks. I would just like a force field around me so I would not have to worry about them.
The thing about being engorged is alright but if they are in the skin then they have the ability to transfer the diseases.
Maybe I should change my handle here to the tick magnet.
05-28-2008, 10:26 PM
All you need to do is what I did to get rid of the ticks. I put up a sign advertising the Royalmaple Spa and Resort in Buxton. Printed up some flyers with directions and like magic all but a couple that couldn't read left the neighborhood.
What ever you do don't tell Matt! LOL
05-29-2008, 06:14 AM
Mark thanks your always looking out for a buddy.
So the people that can't read stay over your way, is that what you are getting at?
As of yet I would say the ticks are not as plentiful as normal in my area. They must have heard of an all you can eat buffet in Minot?
05-29-2008, 06:28 AM
Hit a milestone yesterday, didn't have a tick on this body. First time in weeks. I just hope it keeps up.
Mark sent the printing order out this morning, thanks for the heads up.
05-30-2008, 09:33 PM
For what ever reason here the tick population seems to have dropped from the past few years. We have some but not nearly as many as even mid April.
Maybe they are just regouping and planning a masssive attack!
I have some work to do in the woods, where they have been kind of thick last 2 springs, this weekend. I'll find out for sure how bad they are.
Matt we would never send the illiterate ones to Buxton! At least not all of them.
05-31-2008, 08:11 AM
I spoke to soon, Took off another one yesterday. I seem to be in the heart of the population I guess. Spreading all kinds of bad stuff today while it's wet. Hope this works.
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