View Full Version : Diference between filmtec membranes
Does anyone know the difference between the NF-270, NF-90 and the Mark 1? I currently have 2 NF-70's and need to replace them. They are in an old Coster machine and I am able process a total of 14 gpm at 8 percent. I do not want to lose any production as this just keeps up with my evaporator. I am unable to get any help from Filmtec. They just want to cover their butts and not give me any real production numbers, just theoretical optimum numbers based on everything but sap. Has anybody switched from an NF-70 to one of these other membranes? The Mark-1's are very pricey but if that is what I need to keep up then so be it.
05-21-2008, 11:30 PM
i am in the process of building my own ro i have talked to a few guy with ro the use filmtec i got the xle 4040 it seem to be the best for money i found them here for 249.99 if you go to it will tell youall the spec of all it Dow recamends the xle for sap use
Russell Lampron
05-22-2008, 11:29 AM
With the amount of concentrate that you are producing I would assume that you have 8" membranes in your RO. The NF-70 is no longer available and can be replaced by the NF-90, NF-270 or Mark 1. Go to for information on Filmtech membranes. They have spec sheets for all of the Dow Filmtech membranes. The Mark 1 was designed specificaly for maple and is faster than the NF-90 and NF-270. The NF-270 is faster than the NF-90 but will pass sugar.
06-09-2008, 12:03 PM
You can use any ro membrane ,, any Brakish water RO element is very good.
You need to take in consideration the working pressure .
jason loper
12-11-2008, 11:53 AM
I have a question on the membranes, I have an ro that I just bought and know very little about them. Mine has three 4" membranes that i believe are 40" long. Are all three of the membranes the same on these machines. If so I would be looking at $300 or so a piece to replace them.
Russell Lampron
12-11-2008, 03:09 PM
All 3 membranes should be the same. If you get them from the link in my post above the NF90 4040 and NF270 4040 are about $300 each. The XLE 4040 can also be used but needs to be operated at a lower pressure and it is $245.
jason loper
12-11-2008, 08:39 PM
Would you lean towards the NF-90 or the NF 270. When they say that sugar will pass through at high concentrate levels how much sugar would I be loosing?
Rusty Bucket
12-11-2008, 08:40 PM
The NF-270 is the fastest of the three membranes, and it will not pass a measurable amount of sugar if you don't push it past 10%. The Mark 1 and and NF-90 are really the same membranes but the 90 has larger holes so you need bushings to make it fit. The disadvantage of the 270 is cleaning, it is a much more fragile membrane and you have to be very careful of the PH of your cleaning solution.
Homestead Maple
12-13-2008, 08:15 AM
Hydranautics brand membranes are used in the RO's that Leader sells. I've checked the prices online and prices for these membranes are competitive.
12-14-2008, 07:10 PM
Where did you look for those prices? Was it on a Hydronautics website, Dow, etc.?
Homestead Maple
12-14-2008, 08:24 PM
The web site is, They are part of Siemens and on the site in the left hand column click on RO membranes. They have dealers in Randolph, MA, South Windsor, Conn.
12-16-2008, 11:03 PM
Thanks! Will check it out.
12-17-2008, 06:18 PM
Has anyone used the xle 40-40? I have the 270 40-40, which worked great for three years, but the last two have struggled. Is the xle as fragile with the cleaning?
Russell Lampron
12-17-2008, 06:44 PM
The XLE-4040 performs about the same at 200 psi as the NF90-4040 does at 500 psi which isn't as fast as the NF270-4040. There is no problem with high ph cleaning that I know of. It is tape wrapped not fiberglass wrapped like the NF series and may come apart with repeated use at high pressure.
12-17-2008, 10:39 PM
I looked at the Hydronautics membranes, but I didn't see the model listed that Leader uses, unless it has another name. I recall they use the PVD1.
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