View Full Version : spam and scams

maple maniac65
05-07-2008, 06:33 AM
For those of you who have websites BEWARE! There are emails being passed around from far off places like Africa looking to buy maple syrup or so they say. What they are asking for actually is a link to your website sent to them. That will enable them to send out as much spam as they want and anything else. If someone is looking to buy from a website especially mine will know what the prices are and how to pay for it. A good contact for a wholesale account will list their name, business, contact info, telephone number. If you still have questions about them check them out on the web. Most companies are listed on their home city/town chamber of commerce. The internet is a wonderful tool but spam and people looking to scam you are getting more common.

05-07-2008, 08:24 PM
I ask them to send the money first, I didn't hear from them again, seemed to work for me:)