View Full Version : Insect damage.
Justin Turco
04-30-2008, 12:11 PM
What kind of insect bores into the tree and wraps its way around the tree just under the bark as it works it way up, occasionally going straight up. Takes a couple of years to see what has happened. The area where he's done his thing dies. And the bark falls off exposing the tunnelling. This is something I would say started maybe 3 years ago looking at the damage and regrowth that has taken place around the dead tunnelled areas.
Don't Asian long horn beetles bore right into the tree? Not just under the bark?
I just noticed that the trees that have newly been attacked by our local appeliated (spelling?) woodpecker were initially victims of this insect.
Jim Brown
04-30-2008, 12:43 PM
Justin; See you just bought an RO. You will find it will be some of the best money you have ever spent if you consider your time worth any thing!
We had marathron boils last year 60 plus hours.
made twice as much syrup this year and longest boil was 7 hours!!
Your going to Love It!!
04-30-2008, 12:47 PM
check out
the key with Asian Long horned beetles is their size...the holes they bore tend to be pretty large-
give the State of Vermont co-op extension a call...I know in NH, Kyle Lombard or Jen Weimer, who work for the state will make a "house" call to help a landowner identify what is eating their trees...they know their stuff and its a free visit...
Justin Turco
04-30-2008, 04:59 PM
Valley View Sugarhouse- you nailed it. That is exactly what these bugs are doing to our trees. The pictures in the link you sent, depict perfectly what the damage looks like. NOT GOOD! I'll go back and read what they say about this pest.
On another note: Thanks for the encouragement Jim, I am really looking forward to getting this RO set up! Things were starting to feel out of hand this year, but this should make it managable. I've got some learning to do!
thanks, Justin
04-30-2008, 07:07 PM
You forgot to add you will be adding taps. Sounds like you got a steal on the RO if it has only been used 1 year and the membrane has been properly cleaned and stored. I would guess that thing is 8k to 10k new.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-30-2008, 07:16 PM
post edited
05-01-2008, 04:42 AM
I have been cutting the affected trees in the orchards I tap and getting the wood out of there,,,not wide spread for me but I see it once in a while,,,
05-01-2008, 08:24 AM
Maple borer sometimes gets worse in areas when you open up a stand too much. The adult is more attracted to trees with sunlight on the bole. The larva partially girdles the tree a year after the eggs are laid. So don't thin a stand too heavily where the borer is present. I would do what Parker is doing, just gradually select against the damaged trees in your regular thinnings.
Take the worst trees first and open up your best trees on two sides of the crown. When the canopy closes, consider another thinning.
Justin Turco
05-01-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the info. everyone. I told my wife that I couldn't believe how quickly answers come on this website. Thanks. I'll put a call into to the county folks. I'll cut the trees that I've found on my land. It looks like they will die.
Valley View Sugarhouse
05-02-2008, 02:51 PM
where in Vt are you?? if you are close, I could use the I gotta go look at a possiable pest in a sugarbush excuse to my wife, and take a road trip...
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