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View Full Version : waterloo front syrup pan, raised ridge on two sides of bottom?

04-26-2008, 11:28 AM
i recently bought a 2x8 evaporator, it an older waterloo set of pans, and i assume the arch is also but not sure. well on the bottom of the front pan there is about a half inch lip sticking down on two sides, on the side with the drawoff boxes, and the opposite side, this is too narrow to fit down over the sides of the arch rails, but with it sitting up ontop there is a half inch gap on the other two sides, whats up with this, is my arch too wide for my pans, it measuers 27 inches outside to outside, and the pans are 24, or do ya just pack this gap with gasket? im going to build a new airtight arch for it so i would like to know how the pans should sit before i build it

Haynes Forest Products
04-26-2008, 02:33 PM
I will asumme that were talking about the finish pans? If you were to build the arch inside the lip what would that do to the Flue pan? If the pans match and your plumbing will match up then try a dry run setting it up on 2X4 to see how it will all work. You want to cover as little area as possible on your pans. With that in mind heating that lip isnt a good thing. Having your syrup pan higher than the flue pan spells disaster.

Grade "A"
04-26-2008, 07:49 PM
You may be able to put a piece of 1/2" thick steel (spacer) all the way around to lift both pans up so they will fit on your arch.

04-27-2008, 10:29 PM
yea i didnt think having that lip down there would be a good idea gettin the heat, but i also dont think that i want to have the angle iron width of the top of the arch that narrow to where i would lose almost 2 inches of the bottom surface of the pan for heat exposure