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04-20-2008, 08:04 PM
im just cuiuos about how much syrup every body made
made 4-5 gallons of dark
46 taps
165 gallons boiled

04-20-2008, 08:31 PM
234 taps 56 gals. of A 4 gals B 5 FACE CORD OF WOOD
it was an excellent year for me


WI Sugarpop
04-20-2008, 08:44 PM
Collected 714 gal. of sap and made 20 gal. of medium syrup. Ran out of fire wood so pulled taps a week early. It was a good year.

04-20-2008, 08:45 PM
138 gallons of light and medium on 450 taps + 10 gallons others boiled from sap I took them. Gathered about 6,000 gallons of sap.


Breezy Lane Sugarworks
04-20-2008, 09:15 PM
431 gals. 1400 taps. Mostly Fancy and Medium amber. But some of everything.

Haynes Forest Products
04-20-2008, 09:18 PM
In 2 1/2 weeks in Door County Wis. we made 150 gal top grade and 5 gal nice dark syrup 2 points over for the owner of the trees. Thinks light syrup is a waste of time. 2400.00 fuel oil 275.00 elec. 295.00 propane 6 cases of beer tried to make every mistake in the book but loved every day in the mud.

04-20-2008, 09:27 PM
Light syrup a waste of time? It takes a little more attention to the details to make light syrup that is true. Sounds like you had a great year and the tree owner is happy with his darker and heavier syrup too. Everyone wins!

Oh yea we had a "B" on the farm snorty old chub! Spent lots of hours on her.


04-20-2008, 09:35 PM
320 gallons total on 1400 or so taps. Not sure of the exact total. Burned four cord or so. RO performed flawlessly.

04-21-2008, 01:36 AM
from the guys running the co-op back in NH...105 gals on 335 taps...mostly light and medium...burned 5 cords of wood.

Here is BC made almost a gallon of syrup from 3 silver maple taps in 10 days...could have been more, but started to burn out the electric stove in our rental...lowest sap sugar content was 3.5 %...


Thompson's Tree Farm
04-21-2008, 03:21 AM
Made 457 gallons on 1500 taps. Best year in quite a while. I'll credit vacuum on 800 taps.

Russell Lampron
04-21-2008, 05:30 AM
I made 104 gallons from 500 taps. 200 of those were on vacuum which produced 1140 gallons more sap than the gravity tubing and buckets. Next year all tubing will be on vacuum and will only put out about 60 buckets. Had about 110 buckets out this year.

04-21-2008, 05:37 AM
2426 off 5000 taps. even amount of each grade. last boiling day made a good tasteing B. .48 per tap. did not freeze for 10 days in height of season. got to love the new spout adapters, saved my season

Dave Y
04-21-2008, 05:45 AM
I made 448 gal from 1775 taps. collected 21600 gal of sap and boiled 27 different days. great season.

SV Sugarer
04-21-2008, 06:16 AM
31 gallons from 88 taps. 1st and best year ever!

04-21-2008, 06:23 AM
Made 205 Gallon on just under 600 taps this year. Logging took out half my taps this year. Should be back closer to normal next year.

super sappy
04-21-2008, 06:27 AM
we made 88 gallons- A- syrup mostly light,some med then some tasty dark ,and a little tar. Tapped out at 206 taps. We used spout adapters on all of the old plastic and they performed like new tubing. I would have broke 100 if I hadnt screwed up and siphoned out a whole bulk tank approx 300 gallons of early sap onto the ground plus a couple of other blunders. A guy on the other side of me probuced just over 1/2 gallon per tap on gravity. Best year he has ever had in 40 years boiling. -ss

04-21-2008, 06:54 AM
115 gallons on 580 taps. We bought around 600 gallons of sap. Burned 8 cords of wood. Need to get an RO to keep the wood splitting under control.

04-21-2008, 06:57 AM
24 Gal from 159 taps.

Dumped about 500 gal of sap. Just not enough time and lacking motivation when sap dropped to %1.5. Now to start on my hobby RO!!!

04-21-2008, 07:29 AM
18 gallons of syrup mostly amber from 80 taps in buckets. Best year so far. And we sold some sap also.

04-21-2008, 07:53 AM
106 gallons on 440 taps.We boiled pretty much on weekends and made 95% Med & light. I think the new UV was worth while. We ran out of wood long before the trees ran out of sap.

04-21-2008, 08:10 AM
97.5 gallons from 500 taps on gravity. Aprox 50% light with a little med and 50% dark A from 4721 gallon of sap. Made aprox 50% of season's crop in 6 days one week and got 2300+ gallon that week which was about as much as I got in the other 5 weeks combined. All in all, a good season and thank God for the one week. 2 years ago I had a similar season, I just never got the one week and that is the some thing it appears most of NE suffered from this year. They got 4 or 5 weeks of trickling sap, just never got the one week and that is usually the difference between a fair or poor season and a good season. 2 weeks or 10 days will make a great season. I thought we were going to get a second week like that this year, but it never happened. Either way, it was 5 more gallon that I had made the year before with 170 less gallon of sap and a record year for me. It appears I burned 5 to 6 cords of wood.

Justin Turco
04-21-2008, 10:15 AM
105 gallons plus on 435 taps. Our best year also. We stayed in wood by the skin of our teeth. Burned 5 to 6 cords.

04-21-2008, 11:04 AM
68.5 gallons on 194 taps, not sure how much wood i burned but probably 3-4 cords of wood some very wet wood. i could have made another 10 gallons of B/commercial but the wood got so wet from the three rainstorms we had, my evap rate was dipping into the low teens. I decided it wasn't worth it to spend that much time outside with wet wood.

maple flats
04-21-2008, 04:12 PM
I had a great season. I made 186 gal on 500 taps gravity, and at the very beginning of the season I had to dump some sap that got too old before I had enough to sweeten the pans. I don't remember exactly but I dumped somewhere around 125-150 gal. I need 200 gal min for my first boil. I had the great fortune of being covered as news articles in 2 newspapers, once a 3 full page spread in a magazine section, and a third article interviewing other producers had my picture in the article because the photographer had been to my place the day before for that big article and used my picture, name and address for the article featuring other producers. As a result I am almost out of syrup already except for 32 gal B and 7 gal C which I am selling bulk. I have only about 5-6 gal other on the shelf total adding up all size jugs and bottles and i have already bought 62# of light, some I bottled as light and some I blended with 2 gal of dark A to get middle Med which I bottled. I will have to keep buying so I don't have to send customers away. This years production is my best ever at 186 gal and last year was #2 at 78 gal. Last year I did not sell out but only had 12 gal bulk and very little bottled as carryover, which all sold out too.

Father & Son
04-21-2008, 05:58 PM
Our best year so far (only our 4th) made 56 gallons on 146 taps. Processed 2505 gallons of sap and sold 210 gallons of 3.1%. 50 gallons was A light and 6 gallons was A medium and the medium was on the last day (April 4th). Boiled 13 times using just less than 2 cords of wood. Spent the first 5 or 6 boils trying to figure out what we were doing wrong with this new rig - very low gph, but with all the help from local sugar makers and all the great folks here on the "Trader" was up to a little over 40 gph on not so dry wood.


04-21-2008, 08:42 PM
373 gals 760 taps. Ran out of wood so I quite. Easly could of hit 400 gals, If I had the wood.

04-21-2008, 09:49 PM
10 gallons from 70 taps. Burned about a full cord of wood. I dumped quite a bit of sap that I wasn't able to get to in time.

04-21-2008, 09:49 PM
Was going to get some other stats for you guys but just havent had time. Still playing pick up. Made 820 gals on 1572 taps. Still running when we quit but we were out of wood too and interest. Used around 11 cords of wood. Great season, had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Saw lots of things I can do to improve my system and plan on doing that before next year. Sugar content ran 2.4 when we started and was 1.1 when we quit. Most of the season it was probly a little over 2. Thee(bigsapzar)roon.

04-21-2008, 10:54 PM
We made 320 gallons from about 700 taps. 260 light, the rest med.-dark. A great season, indeed! Glad to have extra syrup with bulk prices up so much.


ontario guy
04-22-2008, 06:25 AM
Hi all,

We had a terrible year for syrup.. it went from winter to summer and we kind of missed spring. We only made 15 gallons from 107 taps and it was all med.
A friend of mine made 32 gallons from 1300 taps (he only collected 4 times)
it went from bellow freezing to wearing shorts.

Anyway there is always next year, we had fun just the same.


04-22-2008, 11:54 AM
About 730 gallons (2760L) from 3800 taps. Disappointing year.

04-22-2008, 12:14 PM
93 gals of syrup. 20gals light,45gals med, 23 gals dark and 5 gals of grape floavored (watch out when you recycle buckets). Ran out of wood twice, lightly scorched the syrup channel in my syrup pan, cleaned up easy,made many a few mistakes. Went from 66 tapps and a flat pan to 216 tapps and a 30x10 Leader. Made new freinds, renewed old ones the experince PRICELESS. Anyone got a good BBQ receipe for grape flavored syrup?

Haynes Forest Products
04-22-2008, 04:58 PM
Im glad this thread is going I would also encourage anyone large or small producers to start a tradition of taking the first bottle of the new season and hang it on the wall or rafter I did this starting the first year in the Suger Shack and its a great way to compare each years color. We also pencial in next to it gallons sap Syrup produced and yes always hang a empty bottle if you dont tap or boil its a great way to start a history in your sap shack

04-22-2008, 08:23 PM
I made 5.25 gallons. Really happy about it really I didn't start building until march 16. And didn't fire up for week after that. So the season was at least a quarter gone. I have big plans for next year. Luckily my wife thinks this is as cool as I do. So hopefully we'll get a shack up this fall and have a real evaporator. Already got lines on all the trees I need for next year.
Plus this was a great segway from snowmobile to motorcycle season.

maple marc
04-22-2008, 10:37 PM
Made 24 gallons on 59 taps--way above my expectations. We had some great runs. I learned a lot. It was fun to get my little evaporator up to 20 gph during our best boils. With relatively few taps and 5 years at this, I have identified the best trees. 59 taps collecting alone is just about my limit.

Strangest day was the mystery evaporator shut down during a good boil. We thought it was a wind shift--no draft at all. Turned out the stack was blocked by soot on a screen. I had forgotten to put the cover on the stack before a big rain storm. The rain washed the soot down onto the screen. I removed the screen.

04-22-2008, 11:33 PM
made 105 gallons on 450 taps best year ever had

04-23-2008, 04:42 AM
405 gallons from 1868 taps,,all but 200 on 22" vacuum that ran around the clock when above freezing (expensive) burned about 21 cords,,,,never got that week of really good sap runs,,,and never got more than a gallon of sap per tap,,,sugar content was higher than normal (boiling 2.5% sap is fun),,I do think that the spile extensions made a diffrance,,and I would have made a littel more if I were tapped earlier,,,,not the 700 gallons I was shooting for,,,,BUT,,we did what we could with what we had,,,,,,

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-23-2008, 07:02 AM
post edited

04-24-2008, 06:26 AM
180 gals on 842 taps....

04-24-2008, 09:37 PM
I made 668 gallons and sold over 3,000 gal of sap so if I hadn't run out of wood I would have made about 730 gallons with 1165 taps all but 4 on vacuum. Thats about .62 gal per tap which blows my mind since the best I had done in the past was .41

04-25-2008, 06:37 AM
well we got 15.85 gallons from 400 taps. and sold all but 2 gallons last weekend.

04-26-2008, 09:55 PM
163 gallons from 620 taps. No vac. One big run at the very end of a late season to begin with. I thought it was a good season. But not compared to some of the NY and PA guys. It must have been a very exceptional year for you?

04-27-2008, 06:13 AM
515 gals all light except 200 of med this was our best year ever I am looking for an oil fired finishing pan with baffles if any one is selling