View Full Version : Who is going to Bascomes and on what day??
I am planning on being there on Friday,,,,Free eats agine this year...Parker
04-18-2004, 04:31 PM
I will be heading up there on Saturday, I need lots of new stuff for next year. Hope to see some people from the trader there.
Russell Lampron
04-20-2004, 05:50 AM
I will be going on friday. Free food and maple talk always makes for a good day. :D :D :D
Times of sap and no wood are better than times of wood and no sap
04-20-2004, 06:10 AM
I think I am going on friday.
04-21-2004, 10:38 AM
My father-inlaw and I will be going on Friday, I'd like to learn more about tubing and vacum systems. And , well , there is that free food.
04-21-2004, 11:47 AM
Well, you lucky dogs. I would love to go but I guess 12 to 15 hours one way is too far to drive. I have always wanted to be there, but maybe, I can take a week and come up that way sometime and catch both weekends! :cry: :cry: :cry:
04-21-2004, 02:47 PM
nope..:( doing a cabinet job that weekend :( :cry:
04-22-2004, 06:12 AM
Cabnet job Jim??, Tell mother you'll get'um up real soon , like when you get back from Bascoms. Slip her some cash , and say ''I think we need some new curtains to go with the cabnets, don't you Dear?''.
See you there!!
04-22-2004, 07:12 AM
Unfortunately they are a side job, not for our house :( pre existing plans with my partner. first weekend we can start installing the cabinets after we have been building them for the past 3 weeks :cry: I would love to see all of you up there, have some burgers for me :lol:
04-28-2004, 09:58 AM
This just in, the guy doing the tubing seminar canceled! Bascoms called Glen Goodrich and he is going to do the tubing seminar.
04-28-2004, 03:00 PM
If anyone wants to videotape the seminar, I would be glad to pay a god price for the tape and the trouble. I have been a customer of Bascom for years, so I am sure they wouldn't mind!
04-28-2004, 05:28 PM
I saw Glen's presentation a couple years ago and was very impressed.Looks like good weather for both days, I hope to go friday,if I'm not still sick,and then go to the newengland forestry show @ the big E on sat. Glen charges $ for his seminars so taping may be prohibited.
04-28-2004, 06:28 PM
Is anyone planning on going on saturday.
04-28-2004, 06:47 PM
I went to Bascom's today with a buddy of mine who needed some stuff , the trucks were backed up unloading , lots of cool stuff!!!
Bring your checkbooks , see you there.
I went to the open house today and I'm glad I did. Met up with Brian and Parker,always nice to talk maple! Glen put on a nice talk as usual and was available before and after for questions, this took place right in the bush which was very helpful.The boiling seminar was also very informative,yes middle aged maplers can be taught new tricks! Always nice to look at all the fancy stuff and some new things on the market as well, the new mini high vacuum pump for the small producer looked like a nice set-up. The sap ladder pulsator was also interesting to see in action.Go if you can!
04-30-2004, 06:25 PM
Oops last post was me.
Russell Lampron
05-01-2004, 05:55 AM
My son in law and I went to Bascom's yesterday. As usual we left a bunch of money there. We bought a nice used 300 gallon stainless Leader round bottom tank and a vertical releaser. Saw some people from the Trader there. Had a nice chat with W. F. Mason and his father in law. The weather was great and the seminars very informative as usual. 8) :D :P
Times of sap and no wood are better than times of wood and no sap
Russ- Sorry I missed you and W.F. Mason,,,,I really liked Glenns tubing seminar and I thought the fellow form leader did a good jog too...I also left some coinn over there,,,very easy to do,,but you have to have jugs and you might as well get them when they are 10%off,,,Also left some late in the season syrup over there,,$1.10 a pound is not much for all that effort but what are you going to do???? Have a good one,,Parker P.S. the maples are just starting to leaf out here so they really stand out,,I am going to take a plane ride over this area to see if I can find the "LOST SUGARBUSH",,wish me luck...
Russell Lampron
05-02-2004, 05:20 AM
Hope you find that lost sugarbush. The maples are leaving out so fast over here that you can almost see it happening. Kind of like watching grass grow but more exciting. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Times of sap and no wood are better than times of wood and no sap
05-02-2004, 03:01 PM
It is exciting to watch the maple leave out but it is more exciting when the leaves are falling to the ground because that means sugaring season is just around the corner. :D :D
Man, we have it bad don't we..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
05-03-2004, 11:00 PM
I just want to thank Bascoms for the good time and there help . This was the first year for me . I more than enjoyed there open house it was great.
05-03-2004, 11:50 PM
mapleman3 i was wondering if i could see your setup when you have some time . I live down the road from you just didnt have time to get over there while you were boiling.This was are first year for us ,put out 86 taps and was overtaken by the amount of sap. We made 15 gals of sryup off a homemade rig that was donnated to the cause.We are intrested in buying a real evaporator to cut down on the insane hours.I live close to you but where we boil is 30 mile west of you I ant tring to tread on your turff just need Knowlegde.Sorrey about the terribal spelling
05-04-2004, 06:13 AM
Bundy.. your more than welcome to stop in, give me a shout sometime I'll show you around. what town are you in?
email me if you want at
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