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View Full Version : why does new hole run faster?

03-31-2008, 07:54 PM
Just for the heck of it. I placed a second tap on one of our larger sugar maples. Tree is about 30" in dia. This tap is on the north side of the tree, the tap placed 3 weeks ago is on the south west side.

Do any of you know why the new tap is running like crazy at about 2 drops per second, while the earlier tap is maybe one drop every second or two? This was last Saturday and even today the new tap has out performed all of the others, including the "sister" on the same tree.

I'm pretty new at this and wondering if I re-drilled my tap holes would I expect to see the same? I think I read that the holes close up.

Thanks for any info you can share.

john allin

Fred Henderson
03-31-2008, 08:22 PM
After a tap been in a while the wood is already starting to heal its wound. This is why some ream( like 1/64" bigger) the holes or go just a little deeper. Like say 1/2".

03-31-2008, 09:22 PM

Thanks for your reply.

If I re-drill would that help any? Just wondering, if the hole is healing - would this not open it up some.

john allin

03-31-2008, 09:24 PM
Oops, I think you answered my question. Reaming would be the same as re-drilling yes?

Fred Henderson
04-01-2008, 06:12 AM
Yes. How long have the taps been in?

04-01-2008, 04:59 PM
Tapped on Sunday March 9th. We're in N.E. Ohio.

Mike Van
04-01-2008, 06:27 PM
John, I'm pretty sure it's a bacteria that starts growing in tap holes after awhile, that causes them to slow and eventually stop. Mine usually put out some skunky looking sap just before they stop all together. Years ago they'd put formaldehyde tablets in tapholes to slow this bacteria up. That practice has long been banned though. If you ream that hole, you might get a few more days from it, I found it to be not worth the time though.

04-01-2008, 08:07 PM
It's bacteria growing in the taphole that blocks the sapflow. Reaming removes a layer of clogged wood and going in a bit further exposes new unaffected wood. Reaming works much better if the tap is flushed with alcohol and the spile dipped or sprayed. I reamed 2,000+ taps the last week and collected 2,000 gals of sap today, it's still flowing too. If I had not reamed I would have gotten a couple hundred yellow gallons.

04-03-2008, 06:28 AM
Thanks for all of the help. I will do that tonight - only have 18 to do - not a big chore.