View Full Version : new guy here

03-24-2008, 09:12 PM
HI everyone,have been reading posts here for the last few months and now have joined your wonderful group, have learned some much here just by reading your posts !!
I have about 30+ large surgar maples that have never been taps,it's too late this season but are going to try it in 09 season
my plans for the 09 season is to build sugar house,get all the stuff that i need to start up with...so if you have any info,or know where i can get some of the tools of the trade or have some to sell let me know ,all info will be very welcomed !! thanks

Gary R
03-25-2008, 07:19 AM
Hello Nightwinds,

I am a first year syrup guy. The amount of information found here is endless:) . If you search old threads you will find answers to many of your questions. Buy a copy of North American Maple Producers Manual (Ohio State). There's alot of technical information in it that is needed. Depending on how elaborate you go, initial start cost can be pricey, However, you will have years of enjoyment. Now is a good time to start for next year. Cut firewood! It took me month's of planning and fabricating. Then there's testing to iron out the kink's. Good luck!

03-25-2008, 08:14 AM
Welcome to the trader.. you just need to stay here to learn all you need, other than that, doing it is the best teacher :) Good luck and we will answer anything you need to know or listen to how things are going... we are like a big family here :)