View Full Version : price

ontario guy
04-07-2004, 06:01 AM
How much do people sell their syrup for? (per gallon=4 liters)

I sell mine for only $8/liter to my coworkers. It is dirt cheap for them but i can sell everything i bring. It is convenient but not very profitable.

There are people around here selling some for $15/liter.


04-07-2004, 06:09 AM
Mark, Don't know much about the canadien market but here in VT a gal sells form 25-40 a gal. half gallons sell from 15-23.guarts 9-13. and pints 4-6............Like on some of the jugs say if you had to tap,gather,boil and bottle the stuff "How much would you charge"!!!!!!! Id sell it for 12 a litre......unless you get your jugs free, id up my price.......Just my opinion....Mike

04-07-2004, 06:17 AM
$4 half pint..........$6 pint.........$10 qt.........$35 gallon, no problem with those prices.. still maybe too cheap, but it works for me

04-07-2004, 08:17 AM
I agree with with Jeremy, don't cut your throat and bleed from all your hard work.Especially with fuel and supplies prices now a days. We sell for $40/gal ,$11/qt ,$7/pt and$5/ 1/2 pt. All grades same price.Why not get top $$$$$ especially when your syrup is the best. Well ,better than that syrup from the deep south. :wink: :P :P :lol: :lol:


04-07-2004, 09:51 AM
I sell a QT 9.00 1/2 gal. 17.00 gallons 30.00

04-07-2004, 10:14 AM
I agree with if you can sell for more!! I figure this year was to get our name out, next year I may go up a buck on the qts and pints... maybe do $38 on a gallon, but for lots of people doing the even $$ makes it easier, qt for 10 is real popular!!

04-07-2004, 10:16 AM
The prices I am seeing in Maine right now are (for syrup in PLASTIC jugs--glass is more): $40/ gallon, $23/half-gallon, $14/quart, $8/ pint, $5/half-pint and $3 for anything smaller.

These numbers are on the high end, and I have seen about a $1 to $2 fluctuation on some of them.

04-07-2004, 12:15 PM
I have always sold mine for $ 10 @ quart and $ 6 @ pint since I started years ago. In WV, we have to charge sales tax on everything. So with sales tax, it is $ 10.60 @ quart and $ 6.36 @ pint. I am going to raise it to $ 11 @ quart and $ 6.50 @ pint next year and include sales tax in the price. I sell a lot to people I go to church with and other family friends and they forget about sales tax and I don't want to ask them, so next year, I will tell them the price includes tax!

In Highland County Virginia which is a couple of hours from me, they make 5,000 to 10,000 gallons each year or maybe a lot more than that and all the producers are selling it for $ 11 or $ 12 per quart.

I don't fool with anything larger than a quart because I have found out over the years that is what I get stuck with because people don't want the larger sizes. Some people will buy 2 or 3 gallons of quarts and pay more even if I have the 1/2 gallons or gallon jugs available.

Besides, I make more money from the quarts and they take up less space in the fridge. :D

04-07-2004, 01:41 PM
1/2 pint $3.50 Pint $6 Quart $10 1/2 gallon $19 Gallon $37. I also do a lot of glass and that varies depending on the price of the container.

I have found candy to be very profitable. People will pay a dollar an ounce and 1 quart of syrup makes over 30 ounces of candy so you can increase your profit if you are good at making candy.


04-07-2004, 06:15 PM
We only bottle in pint mason jars, and charge $6/pt.. All the syrup we sell goes to NYC via a local farmer. Our syrup helps suppliment his limited offerings, given the time of year. He thinks I should raise the price to $7. I'm fortunate to have access to his markets and I get a good discount when I order my jars through him.


04-07-2004, 09:12 PM
Gallon-$33, 1/2 gal $19, quart-$11, pint-$7.00, 12oz glass-$5.50


Breezy Lane Sugarworks
04-08-2004, 06:58 AM
I sell all my grades for:
Gallon: 30.00
1/2 Gallon: 17.00
Quart: 9.00
Pint: 5.50

This is my third year doing it this way, and so far no troubles.