View Full Version : cheshire county

03-19-2008, 10:42 PM
anyone in this area??? how much longer do we have???

03-20-2008, 06:03 PM
3 more weeks at least.

02-19-2009, 05:23 PM
Already started about 850 done 400 more to go as I pull them out from under the down fall. Sap running daily

DS Maple
02-19-2009, 06:33 PM
Thinking very seriously about this weekend, but not sure yet. At the very least I'm going to put marking tape in the hands of some Dublin students and send them off to find vac leaks.

The Maple Men
02-19-2009, 07:15 PM
it was going pretty good today over this way just tapped 3 test holes this am and by 5 pm i had just over 2 gallons and that was all i need to see i will start to tap sunday and hope for the a good season

02-22-2009, 07:49 PM
Just now thinking about tapping.

DS Maple
02-22-2009, 08:13 PM
After looking at the forecast last Friday, I made the call to wait until next weekend. It just doesn't look very favorable this week. The sap may dribble wed-thurs, but with the cold before and after I don't think much will be missed. I did get a group out on Saturday to help with the vac system, but ran into a few issues. Have 28" at the pump, but it really fizzles out half way through the system. I'm hoping there's just a big leak somewhere that I walked right by without noticing. Then again, it is one of those Welch pumps that people here say won't work so maybe that's the issue. Finally, I ran the evaporator through a test cycle today with water, and came to discover that the recently-worked-on flue pan has a very tiny leak. What a perfect time to find this:)

The current plan though is to tap next weekend and see what the weather brings us. (Which hopefully won't be another big snow storm.)

DS Maple
02-28-2009, 07:12 PM
Got 800 in today, (the Monadnock Drive sugarbush,) so not a bad start. A little help and some nice new tapping bits sure go a long way! Hope to get the vac system over there operational tomorrow, and then go hang a few buckets.
I'll send a crew out to finish the Dublin stuff on Monday or Tuesday, and then should be ready. With buckets and all there might even be over 1000 taps. Hopefully the weather will turn in our favor and then things will be all set.