View Full Version : Done and in the jars!

03-18-2008, 09:10 PM
I have finished my first batch of sryup. Built a homemade barrel evaporator patterned after Dennis H's in this section. Boiled the sap tapped from trees following tapping instructions found in the tapping section. Stored the sap for nearly a week using the techniques listed here. Filtered and bottled using a coffe pot as explained in the bottling thread. Tonight I have 20 half pints of light clear sryup sitting in my sugar shack. Thank you all for helping me, my dad, who is now hooked,and my kids enjoy a new hobby. I hope I can someday add valuable information to this forum.

Hey maybe I can! I needed a holder to support my felt cone filter as I transfered the sryup into my coffe pot. I used an inverted tomato cage. The wire that normally sticks into the ground became the hooks for the filter tabs and the wire cage fit nicely over the coffe pot! Simple,free, and effective.

There, I can sleep well knowing that I have started to repay my debt to the MapleTrader forum!!!

03-19-2008, 06:58 PM
You Just helped me out with a problem. Thanks!!!

03-19-2008, 09:11 PM
Tomatoe cage! Great idea!

VT maple maker
03-20-2008, 07:03 PM
That would work very nicely i can imagine. Very creative. Ive come to realize that sugarmakers are some of the most creative people around. I love it. Good job.


Gary in NH
03-20-2008, 07:20 PM
I 've been hanging my filters by the knobs on my kitchen cabinet doors ang trying to think of a better way. The tomato cage is perfect!!!!!!!

Thanks and happy sugarin'