View Full Version : ideal tempture

03-16-2008, 06:55 PM
hello all what is the ideal temp and conditions for sap to run?....homefarm....

03-16-2008, 08:02 PM
you could write a book about what makes a good sap run...but GENERALLY speaking- below freezing at night- say 25 def F. - then above freeing during the day- say 42-45. sunny weather is ideal. Wind and precipitation also plays a role- "Wind from the West, Sap Runs Best. Wind from the East, Sap Runs Least" is one expression that seems to hold true for me. I also seem to get some good runs when its raining...

my .02 cents worth

Fred Henderson
03-16-2008, 08:22 PM
An East wind is always a cold one. Rainy weather equals a low pressure which is what vacuum does .

super sappy
03-16-2008, 10:25 PM
Home farm - What has your season been like so far? Sap has been running great here lately and I am only 1 hour south.Just curious.To answer your question VODOO -ss

03-17-2008, 07:51 PM
i might have 300 gal so far in a week i dont know if its good or bad?im also not finshed tapping yet(have to tighten up the lines) i might have gotten a late start how do you know when to start?....homefarm....

super sappy
03-17-2008, 08:13 PM
I get up at day light every day reguardless of when I go to bed it is some how ingrained into my Scottish DNA.In the early spring when I heare crows at daylight it is time to tap. They ushally crow at first light here on or around the last week of feb. - It seems to work for us -ss

Dennis H.
03-18-2008, 08:35 AM
Temps? I haven't figured what works down here. It is mother nature, she will do what she wants to do.

Mike Van
03-23-2008, 07:45 AM
The best runs I see are nights that go down to 28 of so, and the next day sunny, no wind up to 45+. Last night here, 18 - it'll be noon anyway before anything runs. The wind makes a difference too. Friday we had mid 40's, 30 mph wind out of the north, 16 gal from the 40 taps I've still got - Yesterday was the same temp, lot less wind, I got 30 gal. from the same trees.