View Full Version : New website for Patrick Phaneuf Evaporators

03-13-2008, 07:06 PM
If you could believe the good luck we were able to register

www.maplesyrupevaporators.com for Patrick Phaneuf.

The web site has just been uploaded and is alive. It is far from complete and will likely not get a lot of attention from Patrick or me in the next few weeks.
We took 60 pictures of my 2 x 6 which will need a lot of work in Photoshop before I add them. Pictures of evaporators is like a picture in a house of mirrors.

Any comments and suggestions should come my way for now.

The hosts of this forum "Mapleguys" are now stocking and selling Patrick's evaporators.

see http://www.mapleguys.com/index.php?category=29&PHPSESSID=7ed4c86a936da3112bcd58ee46f37953