View Full Version : Float gauge
03-11-2008, 11:27 AM
With my hood I have a hard time seeing the level in my syrup pan.
I have a float box from a float valve that I am not using. I am thinking about putting this float in my syrup pan with some marks on the stem relitive to the side of the pan at varius levels.
Sorta like using the float as a glass sight gauge.
Any thoughts?
03-11-2008, 02:14 PM
If it's drop flue, it wouldn't be neccessary if your pans are level as the drop flue pan is always going to be higher than the drawoff point on the syrup pan and you can watch the levels on your syrup pan and if it is boiling hard, the level will jump up and down so much in the sight glasses, it is hard to tell exactly what the level is.
03-11-2008, 08:25 PM
I probably should just stay quiet, but I like puzzels. I have no clue as to what most folks have and what names really mean about all the parts.
But if I was after a gauge i think I might get some stainless tubing if this rig you have is and most seem to be. I would get a wine bottle cork and float it in a glass of water, adding stainless nuts untill it set about level in water. I might cut the cork in half as well, maybe more.
Then add the rod and a sliding marker inside the tubing, maybe added a upper guild with a hole for the rod, clip it to the pan where you can see.
The weight would dampen the action of the boiling, as would the tubing and while the accuracy wouldn't be perfect it would be good enough I think.
The tubing could have a a hole drilled low to allow sap in that might not be boiling so hard as well. That way the tubing can sit right on the bottom of a pan.
If not then it is easy, I am just all wrong...
03-11-2008, 09:17 PM
325 - do you have float boxes on the outside of your syrup pan not covered by your hood? I determine my sap level in my syrup pan by looking in the float box. My opening between my float box and syrup pan in 1 1/2" high. I use that as my guage to measure depth. If I'm unsure, I put a ruler in the float box.
I think a float in the syrup pan would jump around like crazy.
03-12-2008, 08:57 AM
I think if you put the float inside the pan you might get overheating under it, especially as the level gets a little lower.
That will cause
1) more boiling and raise the float to give an erroneous level indication
2) you will be more likely to get scorching under it
There is a reason all the manufacturers put the float in a box on the outside.
03-13-2008, 06:39 AM
I have a sight glass on my rig, with the glass tube marked with 4 lines. Top line is maximum level, next down is optimal level, next one is minimum level, and the last one (Marked in red) is the "Oh CRAP" line. (Emergency flood time!)
Unfortunately, a good boil keeps the sap in there jumping REAL bad. It still takes experience to know where to run it. All such devices are just more info to base decisions on, not the final answer.
03-13-2008, 06:49 AM
I dont have a out of pan float box but one may be on the list for next year.
Like Ibby said I am just looking for more info while running the evaporator.
Like I said with my hood on I have only a small space to shine my flashlight into to gauge the level of liquid in my syrup pan. Already this year I have had it to low. Seeing into my flue pan is not an issue at all.
So it looks like the concensus is that it may not be such a good idea to put a float into the syrup pan.
03-13-2008, 07:53 AM
My Half PInt never had a level gauge so I'm only speculating here. When I get the new evap going, if I get the "bouncing" that you guys are reporting in the sight gauge, I'm going to put some kind of a stopper in the top of the glass. Tape, a rubber plug, or maybe a wine cork, with only a tiny breather hole in it. This should dampen out the bouncing ... I hope.
I might shorten the glass tube too. Now it's 10" long and I think we only need a couple inches.
03-13-2008, 08:28 AM
If You Can See Into Your Hood With A Flashlight, Why Not Put A Light In Your Hood. I Have A Light In Both Of My Hoods And Would Not Be Without Them. All You Need To Do Is Cut A Hole In The Top Of Your Hood And Install A Small Quartz Halogen Spotlight In The Hole. With Good Light You Will Be Able To See Your Sap Level Ok
03-18-2008, 07:40 PM
I have a level guage on my fridge stove and my new evaporator.They are made with copper pipe and sap tubing.I put pictures in my 2008 album in photobucket. They work good for me. Darrell
03-18-2008, 08:12 PM
I ended up redesigning my syrup pan hood. I cut it back to only about about 4" wide this opened up most of the pan yet most of the steam still goes up the stack.
03-18-2008, 09:14 PM
I have a sight glass on my flue pan as well. It is designed with a 3"x3" metal box with no bottom that sits on the flues right in front of the valve for the sight glass. This prevent the sap from jumping in the glass - keeps the sap at a more consistent level and works nicely.
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