View Full Version : Hartland,New Brunswick 2008 Season

03-09-2008, 10:14 AM
Had the past week off to get ready for the season.Weather hasn't been great for working in the bush but got 3 days in. The other days we worked at other projects,such as a new front pan & bottler. The snow is very deep,had to dig a lot of lines out.I haven't seen the snow this deep since I've been helping with syrup,10 plus years. Got most of our taps in,just a few squirrel damaged drops to replace.Forecast is for below freezing most of week so we have time left yet to get finished, & with the time change we can go out after work.

03-09-2008, 04:57 PM
Hello Murferd, I am also from New Brunswick, Halcomb, and was wondering if you could help me out.I was wondering if you know of any maple syrup supplies dealers in New Brunswick.I am trying to find a used stainless steel pan maybe 2'x3' or 2'x2'. I see some in the states but the shipping is expensive.Maybe you know some local producers who might have one. Thank you...

03-10-2008, 08:55 PM
Good to see another NB producer.There are a couple in NB that I know,Cecil Briggs in Stilesville,near Moncton,he's a member on here.Email:cbriggs@nbnet.nb.ca
Another is Dominion & Grimm in St.Quentin,Sheila is the contact,very good at her job. 506-235-3001 Email:quentin@domgrimm.com
Good luck with your search & season!

03-10-2008, 09:41 PM
Thanks very much, I will email them both to see what they have for pans.

03-13-2008, 05:54 AM
are you looking for a flat pan? i have a 2X4 finishing pan. let me know i may know where there are a couple. Dave

03-15-2008, 08:00 AM
Maplepro, yes I am looking for a flat pan. My plan is to build an evaporator 24"x48" and have the smokestack coming out the top of the evaporator so my batch pan would have to be shorter than 48". However ,I can alter my plans if I can get a good price on a used ss pan. I'm not sure i know what a finishing pan is. Is it the kind with the dividers in it? I'm new to maple syrup making so maybe your pan might be what I need I don't know.I currently have 20 taps and I boil on a turkey fryer.I will have 40 taps next year so I want to use wood not propane. Any insight or help finding the pan I need would be very much appreciated. Just on a side note, I priced firebrick yesterday in Miramichi and one store wanted $4.00 a brick another wanted $3.25 and Kents want around $2.70. That stuff aint cheap..

03-16-2008, 07:40 PM
my pan is stainless it has a divider in the middle of it and has a draw off on both sides I can email you a picture if you want it might be a bit expensive I am asking 600.00 for it but i am neg. a new2X4 pan is well over 1000.00 if you are looking for new I would suggest Patrick Phaneuf [patrickletolier@msn.com] he would build you anything you need he is in Quebec I have bought some canning pans off him a 16"X24" and 16"X16" and he is half the price of the dealers and twice the workmen ship! He is a bit slow but what you save and the quality is well worth it. What size of pan are you looking for? I can ask around a couple of places and see what I can find.

03-16-2008, 09:26 PM
I want to go with a 24"x36" flat pan. Stopped to see a local tig welder the other day and am waiting for a price on a pan from him. I will e-mail Patrick and see what he can make one for.If you happen to come across one for a good price please let me know.I am not in any hurry I plan to have this setup ready for next season, not this one. I was hoping to pay around $200-$250 dollars for one but maybe that's not reasonable. Thanks.

03-17-2008, 07:31 PM
We just had a syrup pan made local. I have about $300.00 in the stainless steel & bending & about the same in getting it welded. It's really nice though.Good luck finding a pan that size for what you want to pay.

03-17-2008, 08:29 PM
I will ask around and see if i can find anything the worst thing with scrap being so high i know of alot of small pans that have went to the scrap yard and stainless being so expensive! it may be hard to find but where theres a will theres always away!

Murferd.. how things going in hartland? have you made any syrup yet? we are having a rough time with snow down here. looks like maybe this weekend finger are crossed..

04-06-2008, 08:03 PM
Slow start to our season,we've only got 19 gallons of syrup so far.The forecast looks good for this week,we are crossing our fingers.

Neil L
04-07-2008, 08:13 PM
Slow weekend in Sussex too,made two gallons of syrup had to come home,my father stopped by he said they collected 40 gallons at noon and will collect another tonight,it'll be a busy weekend .I'll go up tomorrow night to collect.I also tapped 30 trees around my house,what a mistake that was MORE SAP.Maple bug fever.

04-22-2008, 06:49 PM
Season done,was crappy here. Made 87 Imp gallons compared to 225 last year,same amount of taps.Weather just didn't cooperate,oh well always next year!