View Full Version : Im tapped and so are the maples

white mt
03-05-2008, 06:43 PM
Wow lots of stumbling and falling out their and wet to the bone and tired, but its a good feeling to have 800 taps done. Yeterday was runing good as I was drilling. How are you all doing out in the woods. Dan

03-05-2008, 08:37 PM
we tapped 70% of our taps on Saturday and Sunday before I flew back out West...reports from the guys is that it not running much in Andover yet..

spent better part of two days last week shoveling out our modest (130+) tubing set up- what a Paint in the A**

lots of help from parker setting up our new SP-11 and the hobby releaser from Laperrier and the Maple guys

best of luck to folks back east...I may have missed my window out here- silvers look ready to bud, but I'm going to put in a few taps and check sugar %...
