View Full Version : New bush almost ready to go!

03-03-2008, 12:25 PM
We put in a hard day yesterday to try to get our new bush ready for sap. I pulled 6000' of 5/16" tubing plus 500' of 1-1/4" mainline - all through deep snow. Between my brother and I we stretched tubing and cut in 435 droplines. That brings our current total in the new bush to 605 taps. Once we get everything tapped we'll add a few sap ladders and one spur line off of the mainline that should get us to almost 800. We still have to install all the saddle manifolds, the valves at the end of the mainlines, hook up the releaser and get the vacuum pump going.

03-04-2008, 04:43 PM

I have to give it too you. You and your brother sound like a well oiled efficient machine. Doubt too many others could have done that in dry conditions, much less that much snow.

03-05-2008, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the compliment. We're both quite athletic and still in our early 30's so we can go harder than most. I was exhausted at work all day Monday - it was one day I was glad I sit at a desk in a glass tower!

My brother is unbelievably fast with the 2 handed tubing tool. It takes him less than 10 seconds per dropline. I should video him using the tool and post it. In the snow I can just stay ahead of him when I'm stretching tubing but without snow he's waiting on me to finish each line.

03-05-2008, 05:25 PM
Ennis- Cant wait to here how the new bush performs. What do you use for an evaperator and what did you go with for a pump? Theron

03-05-2008, 07:05 PM
Jemsklein- HOw soon do you think itll be till you tap. Im looking foreward to see how your evap you built works. Theeron

03-05-2008, 07:59 PM
Well we are tapping on March break so. The whether was good here on Monday and the whether man said we are about 1.5 - 2 weeks until we get warmer again. I got 2 gallons from my 20 test taps and that is about it.

03-05-2008, 08:36 PM
We'll tap next week as well. I'm off work the last 2 days of March Break and there's no need to do it sooner unless the forecast changes significantly. I should be able to put in 1000 taps per day if my mother can cook enough food to keep me going!

We've got a 50cfm flood oil pump for the new bush. We ran 2000' of vacuum line from the pump to the releaser. With only 605 taps and 50cfm we should be able to suck the roots out of the ground! Ultimately it's the right size once we're over 2000 taps on that system.

I think our evaporator is a 5'x16' but I'm not certain. The arch is older than dirt (my grandfather bought it used in the mid 70's) but we've got a new stainless flue pan and 4 channel front pan for it. We have a forced air system but the front isn't air tight so it's not as efficient as it could be. It does the trick - up to 200 gph if we fire hard and have the right wind.

Theron - How are you making out so far? I know you had a good first boil. Made much since?

Maple Restoration
03-05-2008, 08:39 PM
Hi James and Ennis glad to hear you guys are well on your way down south, Thing are still tight up north and doesn’t look like we can tap for another 2 weeks. I look forward to hearing how your new rig work out James, all the best to you both.

03-06-2008, 05:07 PM
Ennis- Ive boiled 5 times and drew off 4 times and currently Ive made 128 gallons that are pressed and in barrells. It ran today but never thawed out till late in the day. Looks like I may have a thousand gallons by freeze up tonight maybe. Not exactly sure. I think Im we are doing pretty good for biginners. Im running consistenly 26 at the releaser. Had a real bad ice storm other day but did little damage. Today I just got the system back intact. Had 7 5/16 and 1 half inch line off and still had 23 at the releaser. Maybe im undersized with my pump? Just kidding. My dad has been helping me all the time. Hes been terrific. He cant get enough of it. We are having a total blast. Were just getting good with everthing now I think. The pump is to where I feel comfortable just letting it run and I pretty much run it around the clock now. We feel pretty good about the ro now. The evap is a pleasure to run. We just got the hang of the press. This setup was the best money ive ever spent. Im trying to keep the vac up and the sap boiled. Whatever we make we make. Ill tell you another thing I would never be at this point without royal maples help. I have a new question everyday and he always has time to help me out. He gives you northerners a good name up there. Theeeron