View Full Version : anyone looking for work
MR Electrician
03-01-2008, 01:13 PM
hey is there anyone thats looking for work .
my company needs 3000 electrician's for an upcoming job in alberta canada
if you know any licenced profesionals were looking
camp work. room and board is paid and yr flights home and back are paid.
top union rates and benifits.
pm me if you know anyone .
03-01-2008, 01:24 PM
what does this have to do with home made equipment???????
03-01-2008, 02:01 PM
What kind of pay does this involve? Just wondering!
Fred Henderson
03-01-2008, 03:47 PM
What could I make in a year as a top hand?
MR Electrician
03-01-2008, 04:40 PM
ok here it is give it a go
now before anyone else gives me
Edit.... flack(by Moderator)
the reason i posted this is i care about all the good maple addicts out there and would like to spead the wealth.
this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy all over.
hard maple
03-01-2008, 04:58 PM
Mr. electrician
I could use some help gathering my buckets..
I pay in syrup, 1 quart per day..
PM me
lets talk turkey
Jim Brown
03-01-2008, 05:50 PM
Mr. Electrician;This is a free forum made possible by a couple of great guys in NH It would be greatly appreciated by some of the folks on this forum, myself for one if you would refrain from the use of the four letter adjectives and keep this a friendly exchange of information.
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
03-01-2008, 06:09 PM
Yes we try to keep it relatively clean and civil, Sometimes we get frustrated and show it here and sometimes we slip and write the expletives... thats where I come in and edit it for you ;)
03-01-2008, 06:22 PM
Sweet how did you get that job.
03-01-2008, 09:35 PM
I for one could use a job but I know nothing about electical work. I can however cut meat.
i thought this would be a good thread to hijack. how did surgery go and are you going to make syrup?
MR Electrician
03-01-2008, 11:11 PM
ok so i try to help those little mapleites that are less fortunate than us and someone throws a hissy fit.:cry:
i for one am proud of the job i found and am pleased to spread the wealth.
i allready have a few freinds that are working with me whom are greatfull for the referal as was i when i got it.
03-01-2008, 11:45 PM
Its not about throwing a hissy fit, its about abiding by the registration terms and conditions of becoming a member on here. It specifically cites the use of vulgarity and off topic posts. You agreed to it, as well as we did.
03-02-2008, 07:59 AM
I looked on the site and do not see pay anywhere.
What can a entry level electrician expect to make up there?
03-02-2008, 08:54 AM
Fred, i had a double fusion in my back last year (12/26/06) that is feeling just fine. I returned to work in May and found my knees gave me more trouble than before. So on 8/22/07 I had my right knee replaced. The plan was for me to return to work on the first of Dec. and work till after Easter then have my left knee done. However when I told my boss I could return he informed me that he was laying off several meat cutters and closing at least one store. So I was given a layoff. Now it is hard to find work when you tell prospective employers that in April you will need 12 weeks off for knee replacement. So for now I am unemployed and free to work alot at making syrup. My knees don'tbother me as much when I am on soft ground as they do on the hard concreet. I now have surgey schedualed for April 15'th for my left knee and am hoping that syrup season comes and is over by then.
MR Electrician
03-02-2008, 09:52 AM
I looked on the site and do not see pay anywhere.
What can a entry level electrician expect to make up there?
my pay package is worth $40.00/hr plus bonuses and bennifits and the new raise starts march 1st
a first yr earns $20/hr plus bonuses and bennifits
and theyre looking for all trades .
the projected work load for the next 20 yrs in the oil industry is incredible
theres 20 billion in work anounced last yr in alberta alone ,now they have oil in saskatchawan and manitoba plus theres 2 refineries in newfoundland starting this yr thats 5 yrs work ,
shell is building a new refinery in sarnia ontario this yr thats 8 yrs work .
the oil and gas industry is booming they will surpass the auto industry as the #1 employer in canada.
oh and i havent even discussed the lower united states
theyre still recovering from katrina
this is allso why your going to be paying $4.00 a gallon for gas soon
the global economy is booming and theres just not enough surplus oil to feed the demand.
did that answer yr questions
03-02-2008, 11:15 AM
Sounds like a good opertunity for someone. 20 years and 7 kids (long story):) ago I may have jumped on it.
I guess I will stick to fixing medical equipment till the youngest turns 20 then Key Largo here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now back to the great outdoors and the taps that are calling my name.
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