View Full Version : Governor Update

02-27-2008, 06:34 PM
I talked to kevin yesterday and he was sick as heck. Hadn't moved in a couple of days. Thought he had the flu.

Well I just got a call from his wife, he's in the hospital.

Went into the dr.'s today cause he knew something just wasn't right. They rushed him in for surgery. I guess he has or had apendicitis. he's in the hospital now for another day or so I guess. So looks like tapping this weekend is out. But maybe we can gather up a few locals and go over and bail him out in a week or so when he's more up to snuf.

Russell Lampron
02-27-2008, 07:31 PM
Sorry to hear that. It would be a shame if he missed this sugaring season again. Matt when you talk to him again wish him well for me. I know what he is going through. I almost died from a ruptured appendix when I was 13 years old. The Dr thought I had the stomach flu.

I was laid up for quite a while. If there are some locals that can help him out he could supervise while others did the work. He isn't going to be able to lift anything, except maybe a boiling soda or two, for a few weeks.


02-27-2008, 08:40 PM
Wow. Thanks for the update.

Hope this doesn't put him over the edge for good on sugaring. He's got to be pretty bummed...

Last time I saw him was two years ago when he came all the way down here to get a set of 2 x 6 pans. I wish I was closer.

Didn't he have a motorcycle accident a few years ago too? I think that was in 2006?

02-27-2008, 08:45 PM
Matt, give him my regards when you talk to him next. I miss his posting and sharing of info. Lou

02-27-2008, 09:20 PM
He's right on the edge as it is. I know this could make him say frig it one more year. Hopefully he has a quick recovery and is right on track. Season is looking like it is going to be late this year anyway.

Valley View Sugarhouse
02-27-2008, 09:41 PM
Matt I am tapping the weekend of the 8,9 if you get there or if he needs tapping after that, let me know you can count me, my tools and maybe my tapping help in..


02-28-2008, 04:00 AM
I owe him a day as it is,,if you head over let me know when and Ill be there

02-28-2008, 06:34 AM
I talked to his wife this morning. She said he is at the hospital in new london. Not going to be home till sometime saturday. I guess he's fine now but could have been alot worse.

NH Maplemaker
02-28-2008, 08:13 AM
Matt, Sorry to hear about Kevin ! I'm only 15 minutes away. If things are all set to go hear I would be glad to help! Do you think he will be up to all the hard work and boiling that soon after his ordeal? Keep us posted! I bet that 3% will be there if at all possible !!

Jim L.
I will talk to my helpers also!

02-28-2008, 08:51 AM
Count me in too. Just let us know.

NH Maplemaker
02-28-2008, 09:52 AM
You know if this all works out, it will give all of us local guys a chance to meet!!!

Jim L.

02-28-2008, 07:12 PM
I talked to kevin tonight, he's in pretty rough shape but seems to have good spirits all things considered. He is going to be there till saturday then few weeks I guess of taking it really easy. It would be fun to go give him a hand and if there were enough people there it wouldn't take too long. I think on his own, he'd just say the heck with it for another year. I'd like to see him back in the swing of things.

Jim it would be nice to have a little pow-wow and meet everyone. He can just sit in the sugarhouse and we'll give him a radio to bark out orders.

Valley View Sugarhouse
02-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Matt where in NH is he??? I am tapping 1 week from sat but if we could get a crew together Sat the 15th we all should be tapped by then things should be ready to really break loose and that would be the 2 weeks they say he has to take it easy.. I don't know how many taps he has but if we got a crew I would think we could tap out and all get home to boil that evening..


Russell Lampron
02-28-2008, 07:44 PM
The 15th would work for me. Matt you can pick me up on the way by or we can use my car from here. I'll have my cordless and batteries all charged up.


NH Maplemaker
02-28-2008, 08:05 PM
Valley view, Kevin is just out side Of Claremont,NH in the town of Unity! His Sugar bush and shack are owned by Sullivan County. It on the prison farm property! I think you guys would come down I-91 to claremont exit!
Jim L.

Valley View Sugarhouse
02-28-2008, 08:58 PM
Man that makes life way too easy for me hell 45 min and I am there.. How many taps does he have?? Man this could be fun having all you guys herass me about my gas tappers lol

02-28-2008, 10:32 PM
That is a very noble thing you guys are doing. I am proud to be associated with folks like you.....

02-29-2008, 06:15 AM
Jim is exactly right on location etc.

He was planning on tapping roughly 1000 this year so really wouldn't take too much time. Or with enough of us there, just keep going till we've had enough and might give him pleanty of taps in to make some drums this year. I think he's got roughly 1600-1800 with tubing to them. He strung up a bunch of used tubing that need some old drops cut out and connectors put in but that's all in an upper section.

Russ I'll pick you up.

He'd never ask but I'm sure he'd be very happy to see anyone show up. Then we can force him to sugar this year.

With that oil fired 2x6 and his RO, he won't have to do much heavy lifting and the bulk of the work will be done in the woods. He can just hammer right along in the sugarhouse.

02-29-2008, 06:29 AM
Appendicitis almost got my 80 yr. old nieghbor a few months ago. The doctor said he was in baaaddd shape at the time but he was out running the snowblower and his alaskan sawmill 2 weeks later.

02-29-2008, 08:54 AM
Matt, keep me in the loop I may be able to make it and help.

02-29-2008, 09:46 AM
Nice job gentlemen, I admire your integrity.

3% Solution
02-29-2008, 11:01 AM
Hey Guys,
Yup nasty stuff, that appendicitis!!
Just got on here to see this, Igave his house a call and left a message!!!
We're tapping Sunday, so count me in!!!
It's just over the hill from here!!
Would really like to met all you guys!!
Mark-NH I'll give you a call, maybe we can truck pool!!!
Matt let me know what's happening.
3% standing by.

Valley View Sugarhouse
02-29-2008, 03:31 PM
I will even buy the beer for the sit and BS session we have after the work is done...

02-29-2008, 05:09 PM
I'll keep everyone posted when I hear he's back at home and feeling more up to it.

Valley View Sugarhouse
02-29-2008, 08:26 PM
Matt does he have all the conn. to fix the rest of his lines?? With the crew it looks like we will have I maybe can bring one of my guys and just do that while the rest tap and maybe have all 16-1800 in for him.. If he doesn't have all the conn. let me know I will grab a bag at Bascoms when I am there this week..


3% Solution
02-29-2008, 08:46 PM
Hi all,
Talked to Kevin's wife this afternoon.
She said he is doing better, but has a bit of pain.
May come home tomorrow, depends how he's doing.
Andy, what day are you going to Bascom's and how do you get there from where you are?
If your going through stop by, depending how you go, you may go right by me.
I'll check with the tapping crew this Sunday to see who may want to come over with us.
Matt, keep us posted and if you need something if your at Kevins you know where I live.
Stay safe all.


02-29-2008, 09:58 PM
Wish I were closer to help. Kevin has always been good to help others and I would like to repay but 1,000 miles is a little too far.

Hop Kiln Road
03-01-2008, 06:21 AM
Hey Guys, is it okay to tap the limbs or do you gotta dig down to the trunk? Bruce

03-01-2008, 06:42 AM
Hey Guys, is it okay to tap the limbs or do you gotta dig down to the trunk? Bruce

Well it depends on how big the limbs are if they’re bigger then 10 inches in diameter then go ahead.

3% Solution
03-01-2008, 07:03 AM
Hey guys,
Not trying to be rude and crude here and don't take it the wrong way, but let's hold this thread to just "Governor Updates".
We really want to know what's happening with Kevin and this is our place to come for info.
Thanks guys for being so understanding.
The best to ya!


3% Solution
03-01-2008, 07:16 PM
Hi everyone,
Matt, not trying to steal your fire, thought it would be ok to add if I heard anything.
Saw Kevin's wife at recycling this morning.
She said he is going to be in the hospital for another day or so.
Just some typical stuff to work out.
He wants out of there I guess, all of us would too.
She was pretty happy as to what is happening here on the Trader for Kevin.
Maybe Matt can enlighten us a bit more when he comes on.


03-01-2008, 08:08 PM
Hey, just started reading this post, I have to go back and read all the posts from states I have missed. It has been something not having Kevin around, I always look forward to his posts.... I hope he gets on his feet soon, I know he hates sitting around, it bothered him a lot when he had his crash on the bike and it set him back awhile.... you guys up there are great helping him out, nice to know that we are all in this together and here to help one another in rough times.
Kevin we are pulling for ya.. Get well soon. the maples will wait ;)

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-01-2008, 09:21 PM
If you could get away from boiling for a evening we would love to have you join us... I have a spare bdrm and a few small kids 3 and 5 myself so if you wanted to bring the whole family you are more then welcome... Heck I could use the wood lugging-loading help for a night..


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-02-2008, 06:47 AM
Hi All,
I really want to take the time to say thanks. Kevin is not a person to ask for help a lot. When I said there was a lot of people out there that wanted to come and help you tap, I could see he was getting choked up. But Kevin will not let anyone see that side of him. Dave it was nice to meet you. What are the chances of that happening. Kevin is in the Hospital til maybe Monday. He is having his ups and downs. I am a little concerned. I have been pumping the nurses for information. He had a not so good day yesterday. He said he was very weak and wasn't himself. I will let you all know if he comes home or not Monday. Again thanks.
Christine and Dakota

03-02-2008, 07:53 AM

Tell Kevin we are 100% going to give him a hand. And I won't take "I'll do it next year for an answer". We will show up and tap him in for sure. All he has to do is be ready to boil. If it's a week or two then fine, we can work when he's ready to see some steam. It will be good for him. Season is going to be a long one so there will be pleanty of time. Cheer him up and tell him his maple buddies and people he's never met are ready to come over and give him a hand to get him in the right track.

It's not my thread, Dave please post anything you have to keep us up to date.

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-02-2008, 08:33 AM

let him know that he does not need to worry about what we are all doing, he needs to worry about getting better and getting home... If there is anything that any of us can do for you to make your life easier also, let us know!!


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-04-2008, 07:19 PM
Hi everyone,
Just an update on Kevin. He is still in the hospital. He is much better today. Not sure when he will get out. I have told him not to rush to come home as you need to get better first. I know Kevin he wants out. I am sure he wants to get back to emailing everyone but it maybe awhile for that. I will keep you all posted of when he comes home.

03-04-2008, 08:20 PM
Glad to hear he is doing better and tell him to get his butt back on the trader. He has been playing hooky for a few months.

3% Solution
03-04-2008, 08:45 PM
When Kevin gets ready to come home, if you need a hand getting his sorry butt in the house you just let me know, I'm just down the street!!!!!
But then again, all the Mapletraders are are just down the street!!
Keep us posted and if you need anything give a shout!!


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-05-2008, 06:16 PM
Hi All,
Kevin is home. He is still not well enough to be jumping hoops. He needs to get his rest now. Dave I got his sorry butt in the house. I just gave his a boot in the butt and in he went. We will keep you posted on how he is. He maybe.

03-05-2008, 07:58 PM
I talked to kevin tonight. He said if we want to put a group together he'd take us up on it. I can go when ever.

Anyone is welcome to come, at any skill level. More people the better. There's some tanks he needs to move around at the sugarhouse and stuff like that. Setting up his evaporator. Some drilling, tapping. And cutting in drops on some tubing.

I'm up for anyday. He mentioned the weekend. I'm not sure if it would work for anyone this weekend. If so let's get a concensus and make a plan. I'll probably spend the night, either at kevins or Russ's to break up the drive. Kevin said he can make room for 3-4 people at his house if you want to stay.

3% Solution
03-05-2008, 10:04 PM
Looks like we got a storm coming Friday night into Saturday, so I'd say this weekend is not good.
Let's give Kevin some time to get back a bit before we overwhelm him.
I think next weekend would be good, you know the 15th.
On another note check "Tapped In Newport"
Let me know, I'll be there!!


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-06-2008, 03:23 AM
Hi Guys- I'm up about every Hour like in the hospital so i decided to tune in and see what's been posted. Thanks for all the replys for help and such. I could barely move under my own power last night but am starting to feel better that i'm off the IV bag feedings and putting some real food into my stomache since yesterday morning.(About a small cup cake and i was full) I lost 14.2 Lbs of weight in the hospital=Around 13+% body weight.

Things are going to start coming uphill fast with some eggs and bacon for breakfast coming up this morning and real meals to continue after that////No Chinese buffet's for a while.

I am scheduled to go back to work next Fri, Sat, Sun And Mon which will put me back into my normal rotation at work=although i would'nt be able to probably be at the sugarhouse for an Hour or so each day=If it was decided to form a crew that weekend?-what ever day help shows up there probably would be something to do. I can however be there this weekend.

I gave matt a kinda rundown of what Misc. tubing stuff that needs to be snuffed up in the woods and tapping and moving a few tanks around at the SH. I'll make him up a list anyways so there is a plan of attack.

Thanks for your time,

Russell Lampron
03-06-2008, 05:09 AM
Governor it is good to have you back. Don't over do it and end up back in the hospital. We miss your words of wisdom around here.

Matt you are welcome to stay here Friday and Saturday night if you want. Of course that will depend on the BIGSAP and if you have to be home to boil. I agree with Dave the 15th will give the Governor more time to get his strength back and the weather looks bad for this Saturday. There will still be plenty of season left after that so he can get some syrup made and listen to that RO hum.


03-06-2008, 06:17 AM
What ever works best for everyone is fine with me.

03-06-2008, 06:55 AM
Let's talk and see if we can ride share royalmaple. Lou

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-06-2008, 06:59 AM
you guys can count me in on the 15th there is no way I can miss that much fun...

03-06-2008, 07:38 AM
Great to hear from you Kevin.

NH Maplemaker
03-06-2008, 08:14 AM
At this time the 15th looks good for me!! It will be like a mini ya all come party!! With out fire works!!

Jim L.

03-06-2008, 09:24 AM
15th works for me.

03-06-2008, 05:25 PM

No problem you come down to my house and I'll take you over. 15th is fine for me too.

03-06-2008, 07:30 PM
I am IN! Me, my drill, tubing pliers and whatever else I can find to slow me down.

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-06-2008, 09:58 PM
I have room for a few to stay here if need be.. I will even throw a big old boilin party for anyone that wants to come (if the sap runs).. I never pass up the chance to have people help load wood.. lol

3% Solution
03-09-2008, 10:35 AM
So, how's the Gov doing haven't seen or heard from him since Thursday or Friday???

03-09-2008, 07:14 PM

He's been over here, dubbing around with me.

Getting stronger by the day. I had to keep him on light duty.

Does everyone know how to get to the sugarhouse for the 15th?

3% Solution
03-09-2008, 07:53 PM
Yeah I know where he's been.
You tell him him owes me big time, I moved his bobhouse out of the road this afternoon!!!!!!!!


03-10-2008, 07:08 AM

That's great, I 'm sure he appreciated it. Christine called and said it blew into the road, so he headed back to see what he could do. See you this weekend. How's that EEU working?

3% Solution
03-10-2008, 08:48 AM
Hi Matt,
I do believe the EEU is helping out a bit.
Like everybody who boils on rainy days, I didn't get a good evap rate.
The other night was pretty good, I think I maybe up to around 30 GPH.
Are you coming down Friday?
If you are stop over, we should be making steam.
The wife says we sure do make more of that than we ever have before.
See you this weekend!!


03-10-2008, 01:22 PM
Count me OUT. Sorry guys, too many repairs in my bush. The weather Saturday got me behind-er.

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-10-2008, 04:04 PM
Can any one give me hid address and or directions?? Oh and what time we are starting??? Better be early, looks like I will need to be home to boil in the afternoon/evening... Thanks all


3% Solution
03-10-2008, 06:00 PM
Don't know what time we will start, that's up to Matt and Kevin, however if you want to meet me in Claremont say at Wal-Mart we can convoy from there. Maybe NH Maplemaker can meet us there also.
Other than that you go out Chestnut Street heading toward Unity, NH.
Go out of Claremont 4 or 5 miles follow the sign to the Sullivan House of Corrections or Nursing Home, which will be a right fork at the base of Unity Hill and just before you get to the nursing home the sugarhouse is on the left.
Let me know and I'll PM you my cell number.


03-10-2008, 06:26 PM
I'm all for starting early. I'm not sure what time I am going to leave but it will be early or I might head up friday night.

Kevin's working the overnite this weekend so he's got to catch some sleep but he'll be around. We can start when ever. Consensus?
8am? 7am, 4am?

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-10-2008, 06:57 PM
3% I am more then happy to meet you then I am more then happy to drive anyone that meets us, I have a crew cab truck so there is more then enough room.. Give me a call on my cell @ 802-431-3539 with paticulars...

Matt, if you want to make the drive 2.5 hrs to my place fri it looks like I will be boiling.. you are more then welcome to saty here, either night..

Keep me posted....

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-10-2008, 07:00 PM
After starting at 6 am on sat in the rain, and putting in 12 hrs, I guess nothing this weekend will bother me...

3% Solution
03-10-2008, 07:15 PM
I'll give you a call when we figure out what time and we can chat.

You can stay here if you would like, just can't fart, burp or pick your nose, at least in front of the wife!!!
If you have another guy coming that's ok too.
We will no doubt be boiling too.
Then you can check out a small rig and RAW sap!!!!
The wife says by that time she would welcome a break!!!!
About the time ......... well considering we have some folks coming from afar (you know like The Three Wisemen) 8 am maybe 9 am would be good.
Shouldn't take too long, if there's boiling sodas waiting at the top!!!!
Let me know!!!


03-10-2008, 07:34 PM
What tools should we bring besides snowshoes?

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-10-2008, 07:57 PM
If it is anything like 20 miles north you need snow shoes, snowshoes, gators, and snowshoes.. That will at least get you in the woods..

I will bring my gas tapper (and the 2 gal of gas I need to use) and my tubing tool.. If there is anything else I need let me know..

oh what size taps?? I have a few bits of each let me know what we need and I will bring them also..

NH Maplemaker
03-10-2008, 09:07 PM
3% and Valley view
Yes I would be glad to meet up with you guys!! Just let me know were !! There a few places to grab some breakfast for you guys who are starting down this way early!! There talking about a possible snow storm for sunday !! So we better geter done!!

Jim L.

03-11-2008, 08:09 AM
I'm gonna bring a load of stuff and I'm gonna try to throw my sled in the back of my truck so we can hammer up and down the hill as needed. I would suggest snow shoes for sure. I have a couple extra pairs of bear paws if someone needs some.

Kevin's got about everything but I was going to bring my own two handed tool, cutters and all basic tools. I don't think we'll need a mainline tool but I can bring mine just incase.

He has 5/16 and some 7/16, but I'm pretty sure he said he's got some reducers for the 7/16. If not some will be 7/16 and majority are going to be 5/16.

I'll call kevin maybe tonight and see whats up. I haven't figured out when I'm coming over but if I make it up on Friday night I'll give you a call and might stop over 3% or Valley view.

3% Solution
03-12-2008, 06:21 PM
Hey Matt and others,
What time are we going to meet at the sugarhouse in Unity?
If any of you folks have those walkie-talkies they sell at Wal-Mart or other places they may come in handy Saturday. If we can all get on the same frequency, hopefully!!!!
Using them may be easier than running up and down the hill and I do mean hill!!!!
NH Maplemaker and I was chatting today about maybe doing breakfast somewhere in Claremont. (Good idea Jim)
Any thoughts from anybody???


03-13-2008, 08:02 AM
I got some of the motorola radios, good idea. We can sync them up so we have full communication to all patrols.

I'm gonna leave here at say 4am on saturday, get to russ's around 5:30ish maybe closer to quarter of 6. Then we should be in the neighborhood around 7ish. Doesn't have to be that we can shoot for 8 if that gives everyone enough time to get there etc.

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-13-2008, 05:30 PM
I would be in for breakfast!!! Is the hill there manageable with snowmobile?? I have a sd tiuring with back rack and 2 up seat if we could use it, let me know..

3% Solution
03-13-2008, 06:10 PM
Hi all,

Andy; get off this message board and check your cell phone, then give me a call.

Matt and Russ; we're going to do breakfast in Claremont, you guys interested??

Anyone else that's coming Saturday; interested in doing breakfast with us??


03-13-2008, 06:19 PM
Where are we having breakfast and what time? I will need to boil sat. night so would not mind starting kinda early.

3% Solution
03-13-2008, 06:37 PM
Hi Parker,
Looks like Demick's on lower Main Street in Claremont.
Across from Lamberts Supply.
Meeting there at 7 am or so.
If you know where it is cool, if not I can meet you downtown somewhere.
I think we're all going to have to do the boil thing Saturday night.


03-13-2008, 08:03 PM

You can certainly bring your sled. I was going to bring mine too. There are trails and it will help getting up and down or running back to the sugarhouse if we need to for something.

I'm leaving here at 4am on saturday, heading over to pick up russ in loudon, then heading up to kevin's house. Should be there just about 7am or shortly after. He's gonna be up for a couple of hours then has to go to bed, he's working overnights this weekend. So we might swing down to see you guys at breakfast or we'll just meet you at the sugarhouse. Kevin's gonna get everything we need ready and extras at the sugarhouse. I'm bringing all my tools, might be handy to have a couple of two handed tubing tools, friskars etc. We should have it covered.

3% Solution
03-13-2008, 09:16 PM
I'll bring my chainsaw and the guy that's coming with me will bring the safety equipment for the saw use.
If you think of anything else that I can do let me know!


Valley View Sugarhouse
03-14-2008, 05:41 AM
I will bring a tapper, bits and my 2 handed tool, and snowmobile if there is anything else here let me know.. Dave I just got your message, I was in northern VT with WI-FI but no cell.. I will give you a shout later today..


Russell Lampron
03-14-2008, 06:52 AM
I'll see what Matt wants to do when he gets to my house. We will probably grab a coffee for the ride and meet you guys for breakfast. I am going to bring my cordless and 7/16" and 5/16" tapping bits. I am going to bring a swing press, tubing tools and snow shoes too.


03-14-2008, 07:20 AM
I'm gonna call kevin tonight at 5pm to see how he made out today in case we need anything else. Should be all set.

Valley View Sugarhouse
03-15-2008, 06:58 PM
I owe everyone that went today a apology, I was called to northern NY (watertown) friday @4 and got stuck there. I just walked through my door now.. I am truely sorry for not being there to help, and missing the oppertunity to meet you all... I hope everything went well and my absence did not make too much of a inconvenience to the rest of you...

Again I apolagize..

03-16-2008, 05:39 PM
I would like to start by saying thank you to royalmaple and Russell Lampron for there hospitality. It made the trip much more doable.

It was great to meet fellow traders at Kevins. Wish I could have done more in the PM. Was great to see 3% operation and a good one at that. His hard work and planing have paid off.

Mighty Marvin, Lived up to his name. What a beast Parker has, and to see it in full production is amazing. I have never seen so much steam in one spot at one time. It was so thick that you could not see Parker on the other side of his rig.

It was also a great experience to help boil and make some great product with Royalmaple and Russell at there sugar houses. Again thank you for putting up with me.

Oh Russ, great boiling sodas

Russell Lampron
03-16-2008, 08:44 PM
It was great to meet fellow Maple Traders and sugar makers at The Governors place on Saturday. Jim L. I would like to talk RO's more with you. Lou it's good to hear that you made it home safe and got some taps in today. Dave you have a nice little operation going there. The EEU looks good and works good too. Non Maple Trader Jim was a big help and it was nice to meet all of you guys. For a bunch of guys that just got together on a Saturday we kicked some serious butt and got a lot of work done in a small amount of time.


NH Maplemaker
03-16-2008, 10:24 PM
I want to take a moment to say that there are some great people on the trader!! Royal, Russ ,TapMe, 3%, Parker,These guys traveled for miles to help out a fellow trader who needed a hand!! We had a good day had a few laughs and work was"nt work it was fun!! I would do it again in a hart beat!! Thanks guys for a grate day! Russ at some point we will have that RO discussion !

Jim L.

Russell Lampron
03-17-2008, 05:27 AM
I forgot to mention Matt and Parker in my earlier post. Parker is hard to miss when you see him standing there in the road. Matt is a great ring leader and we had fun making the hard work more like play time.


3% Solution
03-17-2008, 06:12 PM
Hi guys,
Here are a couple of pics of the Governor's Day in Unity, NH last Saturday.
Hope they work!!
If this works I have a couple more.
Parker .... we know you was there, but didn't start taking pics till after you were gone! Not ommiting you.
Let me know!





03-17-2008, 06:18 PM
Been really busy since I got back. It was really nice to meet you guys and it was alot of fun. Hopefully we can all get together but hopefully not because someone is sick or hurt.

3% Solution
03-17-2008, 06:41 PM
Hey Guys,
Here's a couple more pics .............




03-17-2008, 08:55 PM
Wish I could have been there, 1,000+ miles is a little too far.

NH Maplemaker
03-18-2008, 06:36 AM
Brandon , We know you would be the frist to help if it was possible!!!!
3% Please don't delete the pic of your camera . Would like to have a few off the sugar house pic made up!! One for each member of TEAM TAP OUT ! Will put one on the wall of fame in my sugar house!

Jim L.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-18-2008, 10:17 AM
Thanks to Jim L and Parker for the help=I didn't get to see you guys saturday when the rest of the crew stopped by the house that evening. Hopefully by thursday i can get behind the nursing home and get some of those taps in. First though i got to get the sap storage area roof jacked up and a new post in as the old post that rotted at the bottom was pulled right out at the top a good 2' sunday when i stopped over quick/Roof is just hangin'. Major ready to fall in/barely holding on by the edge beams.

Russ was all smiles when i pulled him out a boiling soda/sorry captain but christine already offered you the sprite-It was all wet anyways.

Myself and the Captain have this plan going on that in Late August of this year we are going to help another maple trader out in the same kind of fashion..(had this partially planned for about 6+ month now).= Anyways were planning with Forseter1 to set up his tubing system for him in the Upper pennisula of Michigan. We will drive out there from here and are planning to be gone about a week. So if anyone else would like to come along for the experience your more then welcome to ride along. Jerry is going to provide the grub and I'll figure in the gas.(Haul sleds to central Wisconsin will pay for the gas). Bring along your sleeping bag as we'll stay at the sugarhouse and camp in the woods 2 miles off the road. Also get your permission slips signed as i don't want to be held responsible for court proceedings or anything like that?

If anyone is interested in that trip to UP in Aug. get a hold of us.

Thanks to all again for the help.
The Gov.

03-18-2008, 01:26 PM
Glad to see you smiling again and back at it. Hope you have a great year and a quick recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-18-2008, 06:15 PM
Vally View- Don't worry about missing the event saturday= A mans gotta do what a man's gotta do...

As the Governor I hearby give you a Pardon for saturday. LOL

Good luck sugarin'.

3% Solution
03-18-2008, 08:00 PM
NH Maplemaker,
Pics are gone off the camera .................. but I got them on disk!!!!!!
Had you there for a minute didn't I???
Have you heard from the school yet?
Looks like we'll be boiling tomorrow around noonish if you want to stop over!
Did you boil today?
Stopped in to see Mark-NH tonight and he was making Light on Sunday also.


3% Solution
03-23-2008, 07:05 PM
Hey all,
I saw the Governor in Claremont tonight.
First thing I saw was this sap tank in the back of a small pickup and I said what to h@#*.
Now that's what I saw first was a sap tank, then the pickup.
This whole maple thing is so addictive :) :)
Six feet in the bed, the rest, 6 or 7 feet, hanging out the back.
I know Kevin is on right now, so I let him give you guys an update on the situation in Unity!!
Go for it Kevin.


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-23-2008, 07:31 PM
That big tank was for my Permeate from my Electric Evaporator. I had to sand/prime and put 2 coats of food grade paint on the very bottom of it/as the sap storage area at the Sugarhouse roof drips in some spots and the water rusted the bottom of my Galvanised tank. Good goverment job while i was boiling. Got my 600 GPH electric evaporator (RO) over to the sugarhouse Thursday and got it in the box and all wire up and the heater going,wash tank and Vessel in there too/Tight squeeze in a 40"?X8' area. I Just got a little more plumbing to do to get all the tanks piped in and the valve control panel is mostly all hooked up on the inside of the box. Going to get a switch and box and wire that up to the 2X6 burner then wire that into a plug in or the breaker box. Hopefully i'll be ready to boil on Tue. at the latest=But will wait until the weekend coming up for that? Plan on getting in more taps behind the nursing home=probably 500 more maybe tomorrow and Tue? but definitely have them in this weekend at the latest.

I'm certainly on the hind teat this year/hope to make at least a gal or two this year. Figure season is close to 1/2 over+??

Almost forgot finally hiked up the mainline to cut that tree off it above the well pipe/did an old indian trick tightening the tension back on the mainline=stretched the wire to a crotch between two trees and took a piece of wire and made a 3" loop put a stick through the wire loop and the stick across the backside of the 2 trees/slick if i do say so.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-24-2008, 07:38 PM
Tomorrow is going to be a good day to go on leak patrol with the video camera. Turned on the vacuum today and only went up to 8"=major leaks for sure.I went out behind the sugarhouse and i could hear the first one about 100' up the mainline over the puttering of the vac. pump. Grab some tubing, tubing tool and my tool pouch full of fittings and headed after it. Mice or squirrel chew bigtime. While i was up there i could hear several more over 75' away. Well i got like 5 major leaks fixed. Broken nipple off a star and 2 leaks an the saddle drops and a few squirrel chews on the lateral and 1 major deer chew on the rigid lateral line.

Noticed quite a few leaks at the taps. 5/16" hole on the 19/64" spouts? Seems that the spouts are in past the first barb/I never really like the way the small spouts seat. The 7/16 has such a taper at the end that they were almost fool proof setting the spout. Got back down to the sugarhouse an hour later and had 15" of Vac. I only got about 3/4 of the way up the mainline going directly straight up behind the sugarhouse and working within a couple of taps off it.Still major leaks on the mainline that cuts left off the back of the sugarhouse and the heads up hill cutting the bush in 1/2. Getting there but way far from the end as i expected a fair amount of blunders as that system wasn't used last year.

Put a valve in the dump tank inside the sugarhouse and forgot that open (idiot) had more sap on the floor then in the tank? Still haven't piped in any of the tanks yet to the electric evaporator. Spent 1 1/2 Hrs making up the piping system off my electric evaporator so i could change tank feeds from inside the box and not run around out back of the SH and have to switch valve's.What a cluster that was as i forgot to add a spot for the wash tank/Barely had room to cut the PVC and get a T in there for that to pipe in. Another whole story threading it onto the feed pump=Move vessel and RO and jockey it just right so i could spin on the 5 T's/valve contraption. They only make the high pressure hoses long enough to barely reach the vessel-Ding bats should add like 3' to them...

Spent 1 1/2 hrs running around to 3 different hardware store's looking for a 6" piece of threaded SCH 80 PVC in 1 1/4 or 1 1/2" for my sap extractor so that i could have isolatation valves at the SH for my wet and dry line going out to the Mtn behind the nursing home. I have probably 30 close nipples in those sizes/but needed the long one so that i could thread in the valves or they would hit the other nipple and only spin 2/3 of a turn and stop. The 6" piece put it out beyond the other valve so i could spin it on.

Had 1 small leak on the extractor where i took the dremel and made (2) of the 1" holes to a 1 1/4" and a 1 1/2" instead of cobbering it up again double piping the 1 1/4 down to (2) 1" factory fitting holes and the same with the 1 1/2".

Piped up my switch box off the burner on the 2X6 so that i can have a close by emergency switch. Will wire that in this week. Brought in some pallets so that i could get a little height for my permeate tank so it will be able to pipe into the feed pump on the electric evaporator. Probably could have flipped the big tank up onto the banking behind the SH by myself?

One thing for certain is i don't miss all the blunders. Had about 7 today/usually give up after 4. Chip away at it i guess?

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-05-2008, 09:02 PM
Anyone got any oil tanks 1/3 full that they need moved? Burned up about 20 gals. of my goverment subsidy so far and have made about 55 Gals. of quality product. Pulled off 20 gals. of low light amber a few days ago on the first boil of the season and made 5 of low Medium the other night and about 30 gals of Mid. Dark today on week old sap. Today i sent the 2 1/2 Week old sap throught the Electric Evaporator 1 time at 9.4% and sent some of that up to the 100 Gal. head tank to cook under the UV Light and left the other 100 Gals in the lower tank. I let the lower tank recirc. through the EE for a little while and then want to send it to the head tank after i get it up around 25%+. Still thinking i got to ram the head tank up to 30% so i can save on my fuel assistance before i send it to the combobulator.

Sap is pretty much had it/but i've seen worse and i am still making awsome tasting product for how long the sap has set.

The first pass through the EE it likes it and then the 2nd pass is like 60% flow rate and then the 3rd. is like 50% and then i do a quick rinse with filtrate and i get back up to 100% flow after it takes about 15 minutes to get all that 18-20% sap out of the membrane.

Pond across the road from the sugarhouse is starting to open up on 1 edge of ice. Looks like maybe 10 days to 2 weeks and it's history around here for the maple sugaring season-not sure if i want to pound in any of the taps behind the nursing home or not? Maybe monday i'll but the bit to the wood??

3% Solution
04-06-2008, 07:22 AM
Hey Kevin,
Nope already did that trick for you.
If I do it again it's going to get real cold in here!!!!!
You going to be around over in Unity today????
Glad to here your making some good stuff!!


04-06-2008, 08:10 AM

THat's great you are making some quality product. it would be nice if dave would give you another tank that only has like 20 gallons of oil in it. THen you'd have enough for at least another season.

04-06-2008, 03:19 PM
Most of all we are glad to see you back to your old self and making syrup. Had us a little worried there for a while with your 2 week hospital stay.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-06-2008, 04:37 PM
3% i was at the sugarhouse for about 6 hours today. I had to move (2) hives of live bees this morning that we got from another beekeeper that moved to California. Very light/had to feed them a pollen patty=couldn't really get the top opened up much-they were a little riled from the ride and waiting at the top entrance's for me. Almost got it by 3 of them/They were determined and so was i.. I finally got the tanks down and the EE really doesn't like going over 20% with that old sap when i'm trying to ram it up higher/flow cuts right in 1/4-Like about 4 gals a minute output on concentrate and permeate.

Boiled down about another 10 Gals of Mid. Med and the last pail through the press today was a low Med. and that was on sap that has been sitting since(3/15?) when the Tap out team put the mainline into the 1100 gal plastic tank on the ground=Been 500 gals sitting in there since then and i sent that through the EE yesterday after i used the Tanaka to get it up to the 1100 Gal plastic tank on the rack behind the SH then i could run it through the EE as that tank on the rack is plumbed in.

I got my numbness award today i started the EE and had the 13.6% concentrate running down the drain for about 3 minutes(forgot to switch the valves over from the drain to the tank on the seperate control panel)=Also was draining a tank and 2-3 gals of concentrate went on the floor and i had an overflow from the combobulator that probably spewed about a Pint. right over the pans and down the sides.

Here's one for MYTHBUSTERS= I shut of the EE after i did a quick rinse with filtrate (10 Min.) to get the 20%+ sap out of the EE and vessel i'm drawing off syrup about 2 minutes later and i hear the overflow=Here comes the sap over the top of the head tank into the lower tank it sits on. I'm like what the cluck is going on? I look in at the EE and it's off. I climb up the ladder and pull the concentrate hose out of the head tank and it's still coming out. Now picture this the EE sits about 5' lower then the head tank/but yet it's still pumping out sap uphill?? CRAZY. I watched this for like 30 seconds in amazement=still coming out/tasted it and yup its sweet=Went down to the EE again and looked for the Sap Gremlin? Mythbusters what was happening here?? Oh i must add that the filtrate tank is about 8' lower then the head tank. What's going on??

Dave i'll fix you right up with some tubing that you want to replace you old line with this spring/summer=That will be your goverment profit sharing...

I still have about 25 Gals. of concentrate sitting in the head tank= Didn't eat anything yet today so came home because i had the hungry horrors. Save it for another day. Shut the Vacuum pump off=sap was coming in slow/but i was sick of listening to the check valve rattle all day.

3% Solution
04-06-2008, 05:16 PM
Hi Kevin,
I guess I should have stopped over.
You going to be around there on Tuesday??
I think we can get a numbness award at least once during the season!!!
Yeah ok on the tubing.
Keep plugging!


04-06-2008, 05:27 PM
Must have been natural vacuum.

04-06-2008, 06:09 PM
Could it be pressure from the head tank pushing the sap through the EE? Nah like Matt said natural vac.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-06-2008, 06:31 PM
The head tank is 5' higher then the EE=I pulled the hose out of the head tank and it still flowed uphill out the concentrate hose..

This is what i haven't fully figured? It was kinda a natural vacuum if you was to equate in the lowerness of the combobulator. It's float is probably lower in level then the top of the EE/But the sap still flowed out the concentrate hose after i lifted it another 8" or so higher then the head tank. Still haven't totally figured out what was going on/But when i went down to the box and shut the permeate feed valve off to the EE and went back up to the top of the head tank and lifted the concentrate hose out it flowed enough to empty a natural level to the hoses height and stopped.

The world was upside down for a second and it might have been gravity at it finest and i still don't see why it was flowing??

3% i should be around tues. Tomorrow I'm going to get things straightened around better tomorrow at the SH + get the tanks all cleaned out good.

3% Solution
04-06-2008, 06:52 PM
You have an idea what time you'll be there?
Tell you what, give me a call when you head over.
I know that NH Maplemaker would like to meet you.
Me, I just want to come over and watch the Mad Sapper make syrup.


Russell Lampron
04-07-2008, 06:56 AM

I think it was a thermal action. A heat rising suituation where a warmer liquid was pushing a cooler one up as it tryed to rise to the top. Of course this may be BS because I don't know what the temp of the permeate and condensate were or the ambient temp.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-07-2008, 07:22 AM
Russ- It was like 2 gal. a minute or better coming out the concentrate hose. I really thought i forgot to shut the EE off. Certainly un-explained. But when i closed the filtrate valve to the feed pump and then checked it=it stopped. Both the sap and the filtrate might have been about 50*. Might have still been pressure on the vessel? But usually when you shut the EE off it's flow stops going to the concentrate and the filtrate about 5 seconds later. This was happening 2 minutes later.

World was upside down for a couple of minutes i figure and i didn't know i was standing on my head. LOL

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
05-13-2008, 08:06 PM
I never did post my final report on the Mythbuster findings. Same thing happened the last time i used the EE=It still had 100 PSI on the gauge after being off for like 2+ minutes so the pressure relieving from the vessel was pushing the concentrate up into the head tank.