View Full Version : Put out taps then it turned cold

02-23-2008, 08:45 PM
I put out 190 taps on the 19th. I only got 160gal. of sap in my bulk tank then it turned cold down in the teens. I have a 160gal.sap slushee in my tank. It is starting to warm up some. Going to try to cook some tomorow. I will have some fresh sap comming in tomorrow. I was afraid if I tried to suger my pans it would freeze in my pans. I rather it freeze in my s.s. Bulk Tank.

Fred Henderson
02-24-2008, 04:50 AM
That is what can happen when you get the itch. You just got to have patiences in this business.

02-24-2008, 09:58 AM
Fred that is what happened. My drill finger got to itchin and it warmed up so I put out my taps with out looking at the weather forcast. I'am learning. There is more to it then just tapping a tree and cooking it down. It is a science and I have the maple itch bad. THAT IS WHAT MY WIFE SAYS