View Full Version : old sugar pics on Ebay

super sappy
02-18-2008, 11:11 AM
There is some old sugaring postcards for sale on ebay. #320218112183. If you are into sugaring history these are some of the clearest that I have seen and the price reflects this. Thay are of C.S. Read East Fairfield VT April 1912 The last one is a good close up of his evaporator boiling and his float etc. Good stuff. SS

02-18-2008, 12:25 PM
super sappy

thank's so much for the photo post, these photos are of a sugarhouse that borders our home farm they are only a few hundred yards tru the woods from our sugarhouse. very nice wonder how they ended up in Nevada. i have a photo of our old sugarhouse from the early 1900"s here on a recent post titled more photos


super sappy
02-18-2008, 04:51 PM
Believe it or not I was thinking of you when I posted them. The chimney in your photos looks similar to the one in pic and I knew that you were up from that way.A crap shoot I guess but it is a small world. That guy looks like his face would break if he ever smiled.I am glad that you found a connection. SS

02-18-2008, 07:32 PM
well i just toke a good look at them and they are the same building wich is aswome how thing can match up 90 years later but for $450 i can just copy paste blow it up and refine it then print it and it looks just as good

02-18-2008, 07:52 PM

nice pics!