View Full Version : impossible task

maple flats
02-17-2008, 06:03 PM
I have been trying to get Mapquest to map my location correctly for 14 months. They have not budged. If you look up my location on mapquest for my sugarhouse, Dave's Sugarhouse, 1220 Canal Road, Oneida, NY 13421, they place it about 7.5 miles to the southwest on Canal Street in Canastota, NY 13032. I have sent them corrections with detailed specifics on the error giving the nearest intersection and distance and directions from there. I get an automatic response but they never contact me nor do they correct the error. I have sent them about 40-50 requests. Have any of you had to correct an error of more than a few feet and gotten any satisfaction? If yes, how did you get it done. This is a big deal to me because on the www.mapleweekend.com website a link is there to get a map. Last year i had several people call from their cell phones when they were at the mapped location and i gave them the correct directions from there, but I will never know how many got lost and gave up. If anyone has a way to deal with them other than the map error reporting form they offer (which does absolutely no good) I am very interested to find out how.

02-17-2008, 06:57 PM
I dont think it will happen anytime soon. There is just too much rural area for mapquest and like sites to log every single address. If I enter my post office or zip code mapquest gets within 7 miles of me also but it is village specific. It recognizes my village which is 1/2 mile away but it will not pick up on my specific address and I have found this to be true to getting directions to other rural addresses too. Our address was updated around a year ago for e911. Maybe mapquest will pick up on this sometime in the future as they should because the junk mail has beat them to it.

02-17-2008, 07:38 PM
maybe you just don't know where you're at.

I feel that way frequently.

I just tried maps.google and buddy, you might as well move to Canastota.
But looking at google's map, you're going to have to learn how to tap street lamp posts.

Interestingly if you just ask for Oneida, NY you get it right. And I can see a Canal STREET in the top right corner.
But Canal St or Canal Rd still come up miles away in Canastota.

02-17-2008, 08:35 PM
Maple Flats,
I just looked up your address on Google Earth. It does not label the streets as I look at them but it puts your addrees on the road following the Canal about 1/4 mile north of I 90 near an intersection (kind of a Y that has been curved to make more of a 90 degree intersection. Looks like a small farm with several buildings between I90 and the intersection and another set of buildings maybe 1/2 mile north of the intersection. looks like canal road ends at a T another 1/2 mile north. When I looked for the Canasota address it put it near center of town on the canal.

While looking at your address I noticed you are not far from my son who lives in Vernon.

02-17-2008, 08:38 PM
Mapquest is a joke. I've had customers drive 30min out of the way to get to my place, by mapquest dirctions. My place is one of the easiest to get to.

maple flats
02-17-2008, 09:29 PM
Yes, i am only a few miles from Vernon, unless you use mapquest. I don't live at the sugarhouse, my home is about 3 miles away, in the sw residential section of Oneida. I will be building a home by the sugarhouse in a few years.

Father & Son
02-17-2008, 09:40 PM
Don't depend on mapquest or any mapping site.Our association is in the process of having signs made. They will be the size of political signs (18 x 24), white corrigated plastic with red lettering. These will be placed at intersections to direct people in.


02-18-2008, 06:09 AM
I tried to find another sugarmaker a few weeks ago with gps. I had no directions and was totally relying on the gps. I thought if I at least found the road the destination would be easy. That wasnt the case. once off the main road the back roads were not marked the same as displayed on the gps. I ended up calling for directions. The gps had me within 1 mile of the destination but with the roads being improperly marked it was worthless. In a way these slight innacuracies could be for our own good.

H. Walker
02-18-2008, 08:11 AM
Ask the Goverment to help with the directions. I'm told that here in Ontario that if the Goverment officals come to visit once that the coordinates of your sugar camp are locked in their GPS for ever and ever.

Breezy Lane Sugarworks
02-18-2008, 08:18 PM
I agree with themaple king!!! Yeah, they might get you somewhere in the vacinity, but if you really want to get there, call where you're going or get out a map and plan it yourself. I went to Honesdale, PA to get my tractor 2 years ago. The mapquest directions were horrible at best. They went roughly 1/2 hour too far south past the place, then a few tiny narrow windy hilly dirt back roads (not good for pulling a decent sized trailer for a 5 ton tractor) then had to turn around and go north to get back to where we just practically were. And there were many other stupid things that were not accurate as well. So before we headed home, we sat down with the owner of the dealership with an atlas, and re-routed home and cut off roughly an hour plus or minus a little, and MUCH better roads for pulling 5-ton with my 2500hd. So all in all, i'll use mapquest to find the area, then use something of my own method to actually pick a route.

maple flats
02-19-2008, 07:14 PM
That being said, I have already advertised saying not to use mapquest, but some people will only see the web site for mapleweekend and will try to use the map furnished. I still need to find a way to get mapquest to make the necessary correction so i don't lose any potential new customers.

VT maple maker
02-19-2008, 07:27 PM
Last summer me and my girl went to visit her friend in North Carolina. She mapquested the directions and i told her they were way out of the way. Last time i came back from NC it took me and my buddy 17 hours and thats with a blizzard coming into Brattelboro. She had to go the way the directions map quest gave her, 24 1/2 hours later we were there. Needless to say i was very irratable. She no longer uses map quest!!