View Full Version : Global Warming
02-11-2008, 05:51 AM
To celebrate our 0 degree morning (in PA, anyway), here is an interesting article.
Draw your own conclusions. Was interesting if for nothing else but to try to hightlight what might be the "normal" average temperature.
Also interesting...Solar Activity plays a part? Imagine that.
02-11-2008, 09:20 AM
we arent on topic, but ill add anyway. yesterday i was reading an article about what the real scientists are studying right now. anyone heard of a phenomena called "maunder minimum"? it is a period of up to 80 years of very reduced magnetism (solar flare and activity) in the surface of the sun that happens every few hundred years. the last one went from the 1650's to 1715 with only short warm spurts in between. do a quick search on it. its pretty interesting. they think we may be coming into one of these very cold cycles.
maybe we can sugar right into may or june next year :)
02-11-2008, 09:32 AM
Excellent article. Thanks for posting it. Yes, imagine that the sun plays a part in atmospheric warming. Whooda thunk it? And of course there's that major greenhouse gas that Al Gore doesn't talk about: water vapor. If we could just lay our hands on the greedy capitalist that's creating all of that stuff!!
02-11-2008, 11:20 AM
its those insane maple syrup makers!!! all that EVIL WATER VAPOR IS KILLING OUR CHILDREN!
BIG MAPLE will be the death of us all, and we should all do our part to end the madness..... send your donations to me :)
02-11-2008, 11:52 AM
Hey, you kind of sound like Al Gore! But I don't think he looks or acts like a maple guy -- he's just not sophisticated enough.
02-11-2008, 03:47 PM
pennslytucky , Some where around here I have a book with a repro wood cut print of the Hudson River coated over in ice thick enough for cargo hauling ICE BOATS circa 1650/1700.
I guess at one time fright was hauled up river in big ice boats from NYC to Albany and from there who knows....
02-11-2008, 07:59 PM
It is kinda funny how we haven't been hearing much on global warming the last couple of months. Of course Al Gore's electric bill is probably $ 6,000 a month this time of the year. LOL!
02-12-2008, 06:58 AM
All I can say is thank god for global warming as it would be cold out there if not for it.
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