View Full Version : next time you fill up yr gas tank
MR Electrician
02-10-2008, 08:44 PM
ok so the next time you fill the tank on yr car here's something to remember.
feb 8 the temp here was a balmy -49 deg c
feb 9 my birthday the temp was -51 deg c
feb 10 -31 deg c
and i worked outside for 10 hrs a day so you could have some gas for yr car's
i hope yr warm and happy:rolleyes:
something to think about
from fort mc murrey alberta
02-10-2008, 08:56 PM
I am sure your pay check had somthing to do with it! :)
02-10-2008, 09:00 PM
well what about the people up in southern yukon with -80 c with out the wind chill and -100 with wind chill
hard maple
02-10-2008, 09:15 PM
Do want a medal, or a chest to pin it on????
Fred Henderson
02-11-2008, 04:51 AM
You are lucky that you got a job with your attitude.
02-11-2008, 05:49 AM
You Chose Your Profession
Dave Y
02-11-2008, 07:23 AM
We May be warmer than you, but we are not happy. I checked beaver traps when it ws 35 below so some rich lady could have a fur coat. I did it cause I wanted to. If you want to be warm get a job at Wal-mart.
02-11-2008, 08:09 AM
at $4.00 a gallon at the pump there isnt to much sympathy
Brad W Wi
02-11-2008, 09:00 AM
33 years a city worker and worked on streets with water main breaks in winter as well as many other problems. Worked on my birthday as well and holidays too. I got paid and didn't look for a thank you from anyone. I'm sure your hourly rate more than made up for the cold. And like Dave Y, I run traps and the payback is small. But hey! It seems you want a thank you... so here goes... Thank You.... Happy now??
02-11-2008, 10:09 AM
Well at least you can dress for the cold, I work outside on trucks and equipment and I'd rather be dressed and work outside in the winter, rather when it's +35 degrees celcuis with a humidex of 48 laying on hot ashphault. Heres your hero cookie.
02-11-2008, 10:26 AM
Here's my personal best (worst) for hot conditions:
Working on a bearing on top of a fired up antique steam tractor, in Indiana, in July.
Dave Y
02-11-2008, 10:31 AM
I can beat that. Pouring molten steel out of a blast furnace in a foundry in July. For 4 bucks an hr. Did that in 1976.
02-11-2008, 10:38 AM
I was not getting paid anything... but you've got me beat Dave.
Brad W Wi
02-11-2008, 11:23 AM
Raw sewage line broke 8' below ground level 30 below. Get wet in that weather. When done try to ask for a slap on the back. Just ain't going to happen.
02-11-2008, 12:54 PM
Ouch! "I can beat that. Pouring molten steel out of a blast furnace in a foundry in July. For 4 bucks an hr. Did that in 1976."
I can deal with cold ok, but the heat is a killer. I went out west, well from NH USA to Cal, in August and saw "dry heat" That sucks too!
But this takes the cake.
I lived in a tee pee at -50 below F, wasn't all that bad inside the tee pee..
02-11-2008, 03:50 PM
well this morning it was -34c and it was a pain walking to the bus with that wind made it fell like -45 or -50 so dad i know what you feel like and you are moving all day cuz you work very hard like you told me right after all i worked my @$$ off working at tim hortons for $8 an hour so you should be working very hard and there for you must be nice and warm but those iron worker know they deserve a hero cookie so keep up the hard work dad and you will be fine but besides your in a tent so you don't have wind
02-11-2008, 04:06 PM
I lived in a tee pee, but don't now.. I can't figure C' to F' in my head, but I know -40 c' is the same as -40 f'. I have worked outdoors all my life.. I prefer real cold to hot anyday.
Once I got called into work at a B&B because a sligh driver bumped the head of a well which fed water to 8 draft horses, and 16 saddle horses. The driver didn't like me much and knew it should have been my day off.
it was -40 f and in high winds.
When my Boss found out the entire night had passed, so i arived in a panic mode and had to dig in water and snow 4 feet deep to get the pipes up, and set set the basin. The horses needed water!
I was dressed far to light for the high winds and these temps, and there was little I could do but wet my clothing and allow them to freeze.. The water froze solid in seconds and did did all I needed to do, which included get that other driver fired. So I know what cold is..
In winter for kicks I play in the Presidential Range, usually for 10 nights.. I have seen a little cold around Mt Washington in some many past years years, and still I prefer it to heat.
I have rather alot of cold gear that can't be bought in stores. This is so i can work a manual 35mm camera in this sort of cold where not many battery hungery camera's will work for very long.
Pretty much my only grip about the cold like that is beers freeze to fast.. What a bummer to pack beers for several hours and shake the can to see if it is solid and find it isn't, but no sooner than you pop the tab, a little foam rises, and then the can turns rock hard instantly.
If you just don't like cold move to Mexico. I have never been there, but I hear it doesn't get very cold down there ever..
To me the cold is great! There are almost no bugs and none that bite!
02-11-2008, 07:54 PM
Ok, back to maple. Most of us have done difficult things from time to time. Thank God for the good health and strength he has blessed us with. We don't need to make this a contest.
There is getting to be too much mud slinging on the trader. If you enjoy this sight, let's clean it up. One individual seems more interested in other stuff than maple and stirring up something.
02-11-2008, 10:36 PM
I second that.
02-11-2008, 10:51 PM
WESTVIRGINIAMAPLER , No where in this thread is there anything on making maple sugar. I feel accused, and am simply new here. I have asked where the general area to post, so as to get to know others better is, and so far no one has offered.
I like to make maple sugar, but I also like a lot of other things and around here I see no place to discuss anything else. If this site is just about maple sugar and nothing else, I suppose I shall have no choice, to discuss anything else, but i won't be posting much in that case.
In the future should you want to say something to me add my name to it. If you can't do that in the open send me an email and or a PM as they are both open. If you can't do that complain to the admin and perhaps they will explain or just ban me.
Right now I am a bit angery which happens when I feel accused, and for no reason I can see. I don't like snivling little insinuations much. Perhaps you can point out where my flaws are in this thread since there isn't one referance to anything maple wise, unless working, gasloine, and cold have something to do with it.
VA maple guy
02-11-2008, 11:23 PM
Mac, I may be wrong, but I don't think your the one WV mapler is fingering,
But he is right, lets get back to maple talk.
02-11-2008, 11:46 PM
VA guy, Maybe I am wrong, but it sure looks like it is me, being pointed at.
I like making maple sugar, but that is just a part of the way I live. A part of the old ways long before fancy equipment made it easier.
Long before anyone even knew what hammer welding at the forge was.
I can document early times in US history where maple sugar was a trade item to apx 1750 on papers I use from day to day. This is listed with many other thing from axes to beaver hides. All trade items from the eaarly days of trade.
Perhaps I am in error and only sugar is allowed here, and I see no place for in general anything, and i suppose if this is so, then i don't belong here anyway.
Sugaring isn't all that simple to me as it coveres a broader spectrum than just boiling sap asap, to market it off asap. No joy there. If you ask me and while there is nothing wrong with turning a buck many new ways are no fun and become no more than any other at hard labor chore, where you do it for one reason and one reason only, to earn cash.
If this makes me wrong and I do get banned I sure won't feel bad about it.
Don't take that wrong as i am not seeking to be banned or cause any problem, but the way that post is worded, and this whole thread is with no mention of making syrup, or even machines to make syrup, I saw no harm in making some fun of the cold.
I come from the school of hard knocks and being part biker part moutainman, which comes from parts of that school of hard knocks I don't back up very well. I'ld like to think that I don't get to off the wall at the same time with slander and low level insults.
If this isn't pointed at me, then still I must consider what I do with my time here, as I can not contribute very well in the new age sapping systems.
All I know is that around my pan I have fun, swap camp-fire lies and just have more fun. I take that and the candy into what ever else life offers and still have fun.
If this is a crime here then I really don't belong.
I expect at this point to hear something from the admin no matter what, and maybe just be banned for the better for all deal that can happen. So I guess what happens isn't going to be my call anyway.
I have my own thread running now and so maybe I should just stay in that one. If it still exisits in the morning that is...
02-12-2008, 03:53 AM
I had a bunch I was going to say but forget it. VA guy was right I belive WVM was talking of another person. That person needs to take a look at the site and read If they want there back patted then start a pitty party thread then those who wish can reply and those that want to talk maple can. Since this is homemade maple equipment.I am sure the maple guys didn't have this kind of stuff in mind when they started this site. And I am sorry to see that its getting worse and worse. Might be time to get out of here all together!!!!
VT maple maker
02-12-2008, 07:25 AM
Last time i checked this was "Mapletrader" not whine-***.com. I love sugaring, i havent been doing it forever like most of you fine gentleman but i feel like its in my blood just the same. We are all here becouse of something that we love to do and to tell our stories about it and ask questions. I come to this website becouse i feel that the wealth of information available is better than anywhere else i might find it. And i enjoy the people who come to this site to talk maple. We are all good, hardworking people. Im not hear to offend anyone nor am i hear to preach. I just wanted to let everyone know that i greatly appreciate all of your ideas and knowledge no matter how long youve been into maple.
Dennis H.
02-12-2008, 08:32 AM
Well I have enjoyed this reading I must say.
Mac you asked where to post off-topic stuff I posted a pic below of the forum to use.
My take on the whole posting off topic stuff in the wrong place is that it is in a section that gets a lot of traffic so it will get more people stired up.
Just ignore it and move on this time of the year there is a lot of new posts so the off-topic will just move on down the list with no new post, I know my post doen't help, but it does I added the pic of the place to post stuff that is off-topic to Maple syrup.:)
You all have a great day.
By the way here is the link,
02-12-2008, 03:48 PM
Mr. Electrician- Your a pretty cheap date my friend. You work away from home indefinitely and only put in 10 hours a day? Dont even tell me that only 2 hrs of that is overtime. When my company sends me out ot town I work 16-24 hrs per day as long as the work lasts. Its a little hard on the system but If youve got to be away from home try to put a few hours in so you can make a little money. Im sure your mother is proud of you but my little neice's mother is proud of her to. Step up to the plate and be a man my friend. I thought you guys were tough up there. I think ill send my sister up and see if you can get her a job. Theeeron
Valley View Sugarhouse
02-12-2008, 05:52 PM
Well Said Theron!!!
Mr Elec My only wish is that you would spend more time being proud of your son and his ambition towards sugaring and less time worying about how you know more or have it harder..
Valley View Sugarhouse
02-12-2008, 06:04 PM
Are we going to get pics of you boiling?? Oh and I would love to see one of you and Matt at 2 am tapping.. LOL
(there a maple post)
02-12-2008, 06:13 PM
yes to all. I see now i am incorrect and in error, and this isn't about me.
My crime was to play along to soon, not knowing who was who, and taking this as a joke, when I am seeing it was no joke.
Please disreguard my words where they also are no joke.
I have some other opinons that will remain mine. Over all to those who dropped me a pm and or posted explaining things thank you.
Maybe?????? I will get up in war paint and not much else, :p for a few pics boilin' sap.
02-12-2008, 07:22 PM
I forgot my **** camera. We were going to shoot some videos. I dropped the ball. At least I would have liked to get some pictures of us boiling. Maybe next time.
02-12-2008, 08:09 PM
Is your filter press set up yet?
Valley View Sugarhouse
02-12-2008, 08:47 PM
Is your sugarhouse open to visitord anytime?, By appointmet?? I have a really good friend that lives on Waterman Rd and works for Dearborn Const that has a 6 year old son and wants him to see the sugaring thing, But he doesn,t think he can make it here...
02-12-2008, 09:08 PM
This post turned to sugarin, just what it should have!
02-13-2008, 06:09 AM
Valley View, certainly send them over. They can give me a call to make sure I am around. 207-229-9125. There would be lots more to see during sugaring season. I'll be open maine maple sunday, And saturday this year. Due to Sunday being Easter.
I would be happy to show them around.
325- Not set up yet. It will be though soon enough.
Good job fellow HI-jackers.....
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