View Full Version : 2025 Season

02-16-2025, 09:02 AM
Okay, ducks in a row......lets go! I am planning on tapping my maples and black walnuts in about10 days. The current predictions would suggest ideal conditions for the end of Feb and all of March. I am in Carver County and will post when I tap. Here's hoping for a productive season for everyone.
All the best, Jeeves

02-17-2025, 12:44 PM
I'm in Saint Michael and looking at the forecast planning on tapping Saturday 22-Feb. I'm still new (this will be year 3) but the weather looks good to hopefully see something start flowing. Will probably tap 10 trees again this year but may add a few more if I get an itch to do so...I'll post back on progress later next week.

02-17-2025, 12:59 PM
Went out today and looked at the trees, looks like the river I tap along took a few trees away. Tap run may have to either be a little longer or reduce the amount of trees I tap a bit. Started getting equipment out of the deep storage and ordered a few things. Looking to tap the 1st or 2nd.

sweet acer
02-20-2025, 09:33 AM
I am ready to go in northern Itasca county but I fear that the sap may not run till mid March or later. Last December was very cold with little or no snow in the woods and I think this created a lot of frost in the ground. With the ground frozen and the current snow to insulate it the sap cannot flow until the tree roots unthaw. Several years ago we had a similar situation and the sap did not run despite the 50 degree days and bare ground. I hope I am wrong because I am ready to jump on my snowshoes, gab my drill and head for the woods

02-20-2025, 04:18 PM
Central Stearns County boiled one time by this time last year getting anxious 😃. Going to test tap some early runners tomorrow will keep an eye on them. The stand that I tap is usually 1 week behind the first gallon from the “yard trees” if the weather stays similar.
Looking forward to singed hair.

02-21-2025, 12:04 PM
Looking to place some taps, 23rd/24th... weather is looking good and the test taps should give me a good idea were we are at.

02-21-2025, 02:44 PM
Heading out on the prairie this weekend. Looks like a normal year for timing down here, hopefully it turns out to be a normal length of season as well. Picked up some more trees to tap, but losing a very valued sap gathering partner to the spring track season. Hopefully I'll get a few sap runs in with him before his season really starts. I really do enjoy the time with him in the spring, why do they grow up so fast?

Have a great season everyone!


02-21-2025, 06:26 PM
SDdave - I feel your pain. My youngest and his wife are expecting their second child this summer, July, I think. He lives in Texas.

02-24-2025, 06:57 AM
Heading out on the prairie this weekend. Looks like a normal year for timing down here, hopefully it turns out to be a normal length of season as well. Picked up some more trees to tap, but losing a very valued sap gathering partner to the spring track season. Hopefully I'll get a few sap runs in with him before his season really starts. I really do enjoy the time with him in the spring, why do they grow up so fast?

Have a great season everyone!


Yep I get it too....My oldest is now in college and my youngest just had knee surgery a month ago....He has PT today and I told him to ask if he is cleared to carry 5 gallon pails;)
I did not tap yet most likely this weekend Sunday if I get time. Hopefully if any of you tapped this week, you will get a run!

02-24-2025, 08:32 AM
I tapped black walnuts and maples here in Carver County yesterday (2-23-25) and the sap is flowing nicely.

02-24-2025, 11:14 AM
Tapped maples here in Saint Michael (NW Metro) on Saturday 22-Feb-2025, a few drips from all trees yesterday...guessing with a high of 50 today things should wake up quick.

02-27-2025, 01:29 PM
First time poster here. Trying maple syrup as a backyard hobbyist for the first time this year. Doing 10 taps with bags. Tapped 7 trees at home 2/23 and 2 trees at work 2/24. Taps at home at still dry, the 2 taps 25 min south at work have given about half gallon each so far. Will continue to post updates.

02-27-2025, 06:18 PM
Welcome aboard Moto - Caught the maple bug. Hard to get rid of once you get it. Just seems to grow. Make sure to keep it fun.

03-02-2025, 03:56 PM
Welcome MotoBBQ! I just got done getting all my taps in. Sounds like I haven't missed much in the area as most are not getting much if anything. About half the taps I put in were dripping today.

03-03-2025, 10:37 PM
I tapped 35 trees today about 10 miles SW of Hutchinson, MN. Nearly all of them were dripping. No snow and warm temps this year for tapping.

03-04-2025, 11:10 AM
I and my son tapped 100 trees over the weekend 80 on Saturday and 20 on Sunday, some of the trees where dripping Sunday and Monday afternoon but not much volume yet. With the current weather not expecting a collectible amount anytime soon maybe this weekend.
Happy Sapping

03-04-2025, 06:11 PM
I was happy to find about 11 gallons today....they appear to be waking up all silvers along the Rum. Won't be long.

03-09-2025, 07:32 AM
Decent little run yesterday in the Milaca Area of 23 gallons. Not all trees are awake yet for me. With the warmer week ahead I would assume they will if we can get cold enough at night.

03-09-2025, 09:39 PM
Decent little run yesterday in the Milaca Area of 23 gallons. Not all trees are awake yet for me. With the warmer week ahead I would assume they will if we can get cold enough at night.

Oh that's music to my ears! I've been road tripping and was concerned I was going to miss all the fun this year. Maybe not!