View Full Version : North East Ohio 2025

01-26-2025, 07:50 PM
Anyone getting the itch to tap in the next couple of days?

Looks like the next week is going to have highs in the upper thirties around Chardon.

01-27-2025, 07:02 AM
I'm holding off till next weekend. We have a pretty heavy snow pack around tree roots, plus this has been the coldest winter in quite some time. My trees are still making that popping noise when the wind sways them. They're frozen...

Side note: I'm glad the Trader fixed their website format so we can still get together on this thread!

01-27-2025, 09:40 AM
I know it's probably a little early, but with temps in the 40s on Thursday and Friday by me I'll be tapping a portion of my trees then and the rest the following week. It'll probably be slow flowing, but with this winter we've had even 30s seems like a heat wave! Glad at least someone else is considering starting soon so I don't feel so crazy. Good luck!

Ohio Maple Blaster
01-27-2025, 11:06 AM
Love to see some chatter getting started for '25! I had to take last season off due to life just getting busy, but very excited to get back at it this season, even with trying to work around our 7 month old's schedule! I was thinking about getting started in the next week or so, but deciding to wait since the new forecast is showing highs just at or above freezing. I'm all thrown off now that we're finally having a more typical winter!

01-27-2025, 07:03 PM
Just about ready over here.

Replaced 165 taps on back woods with new MVM arched spouts during Christmas break, still have 135 to do on the north woods.
Bought a new CDL 250 2-Post Hobby RO this year, and it's all set up and ready to rip.
Wood is all split, stacked and ready to go...thanks to help from son, grandsons and son in laws!
I sure hope this is a better year than last...will have the answer in April...game on.

01-28-2025, 07:33 PM
we definitely started tapping today, we put out about half of our taps (25) this evening, no flow yet. We'll probably get the rest (~30) out later this week.


01-29-2025, 07:31 AM
we definitely started tapping today, we put out about half of our taps (25) this evening, no flow yet. We'll probably get the rest (~30) out later this week.


Let us know when you start seeing drips.

01-29-2025, 07:39 PM
Quick evening update: most of my taps had at least a bit of a dribble, a couple of them got about a quart or so. Nothing to write home about, but looking to see how the next couple of days pan out.

01-31-2025, 08:03 PM
Another evening update, today we had a bit more of a run and collected about 20 gallons across our 25 tap, some are definitely still only trickling, while others were flowing pretty good. I'm considering putting out the rest of our taps tomorrow to catch Sunday/Monday

02-01-2025, 08:38 AM
Gallon per tap is respectable!

02-02-2025, 12:37 PM
That's a nice little run! This weather is a bit too bipolar for me to tap right now.
Even if I put my taps in today I wouldn't have enough to boil for a week based on the weather coming up. But that's just my setup.

02-02-2025, 06:05 PM
Got the membranes installed in the new RO yesterday and have completed the initial rinse-wash-rinse.
Was really surprised that it would take 5 hours for the wash last night, but it is what it is.
Unit shuts down automatically when wash water is at 109 degrees.

Did the rinse today and then installed fittings on a new 165 gal additional permeate tank.
Have just a few little things to set up in the sugar house and I’ll be tapping.

Looking like this is going to be a more traditional season than the past couple and I’m 100% OK with that.

Let the Games begin!

02-02-2025, 06:17 PM
Got the membranes installed in the new RO yesterday and have completed the initial rinse-wash-rinse.
Was really surprised that it would take 5 hours for the wash last night, but it is what it is.
Unit shuts down automatically when wash water is at 109 degrees.

Did the rinse today and then installed fittings on a new 165 gal additional permeate tank.
Have just a few little things to set up in the sugar house and I’ll be tapping.

Looking like this is going to be a more traditional season than the past couple and I’m 100% OK with that.

Let the Games begin!

John, I ended up putting in a heating element in mine to help the temperature come up. I had the same issue.

02-02-2025, 08:11 PM
John, I ended up putting in a heating element in mine to help the temperature come up. I had the same issue.

Thanks Chris! Made me crazy waiting, but I wasn't walking away until I knew it would shut down...don't think I'll worry next time. Just let it do it's thing I guess.
Hope to be boiling soon!

02-15-2025, 04:52 PM
So is anyone else in NE Ohio tapped yet?
Every time I think it’s time, all I see is a week of single digit lows.
Not real excited to go through all the work for maybe a one day run and then 10 days of frozen trees and equipment!

You could play hockey on the driveways over here.

02-15-2025, 08:11 PM
Yes 3/4 tapped.
Will finish last week in Feb.

Hopefully march is a 4 week steady flow

So is anyone else in NE Ohio tapped yet?
Every time I think it’s time, all I see is a week of single digit lows.
Not real excited to go through all the work for maybe a one day run and then 10 days of frozen trees and equipment!

You could play hockey on the driveways over here.

02-15-2025, 09:50 PM
I definitely tapped the first of my taps too early, they've been frozen for nearly two weeks, so I'm glad I held off on the rest of my taps. Keeping my fingers crossed for week after next. On a positive note, this freeze up gave me plenty of time to prepare setting up my very first tubing and build a little shurflo system.

I just need to find an IBC tote, I've been striking out finding any locally, does anyone have any good suggestions on where to get one?

02-16-2025, 09:24 AM
I definitely tapped the first of my taps too early, they've been frozen for nearly two weeks, so I'm glad I held off on the rest of my taps. Keeping my fingers crossed for week after next. On a positive note, this freeze up gave me plenty of time to prepare setting up my very first tubing and build a little shurflo system.

I just need to find an IBC tote, I've been striking out finding any locally, does anyone have any good suggestions on where to get one?

Be careful with the tote, or any tank for that matter...make sure nothing nasty was in there. You'll ruin some nice syrup in a hurry.

02-18-2025, 01:05 PM
I will start tapping our "yard" maples this weekend and see what's running soon

02-18-2025, 01:42 PM
I definitely tapped the first of my taps too early, they've been frozen for nearly two weeks, so I'm glad I held off on the rest of my taps. Keeping my fingers crossed for week after next. On a positive note, this freeze up gave me plenty of time to prepare setting up my very first tubing and build a little shurflo system.

I just need to find an IBC tote, I've been striking out finding any locally, does anyone have any good suggestions on where to get one?
Reach out to Ray Gingrich in Owell. He builds ROs and sells maple for a living, but also gets 275 gallon poly tanks from the old middlefield cheese plant quite frequently.
Last time I bought them from him they were about 75 each and looked almost new... Nothing stinky in them. Just some sort of cheese making by-product that's food grade.


02-22-2025, 04:56 PM
Started tapping my back woods today and some trees were dripping.
Kind of surprised me as temps were hovering around 35 and as cold as it’s been.
Tough going with 10-12” of snow still in there and all the downed limbs etc.
Kids coming and will get started on the sugar house tomorrow and likely finish tapping after work this week.

Looks like we’re getting closer to game time. The forecast is looking better every day.

02-22-2025, 06:17 PM
I noticed a few dripping to. Sun beating on the trees definitely helps. All of my tubing taps are in, buckets tomorrow.

02-23-2025, 02:52 PM
I got my ~470 tapped between yesterday and today. can't say anything is running, some holes seemed a little wet, but they are waking up. letting things run with the tank valve open to dump some of the nasty stuff in the lines.

sitting at 25" of vacuum right now, can't really chase leaks without sone bubbles to chase.

02-24-2025, 10:16 AM
Tapped 20 this past weekend in about half of them were already running which surprised me. This week should be really good runs for my small operation

02-26-2025, 01:35 PM
first boil last night, had about 1000 gal on 470 taps. Sugar was surprisingly up for me (2%), ill take that all season long

02-26-2025, 07:35 PM
We’re off to a slow start up here. It’ll get better though. Probably boil tomorrow night or Friday.

02-27-2025, 08:26 AM
Super slow start, need some sunshine to get these trees out of their winter hibernation.

03-01-2025, 07:47 AM
Got sugar house ready last Sunday, but never did finish tapping this week and with temps in the 20's this weekend I don't think I'm missing anything.

Picked up a new tapping bit this week as mine was on season 4 and had been dropped in the woods one-too-many times.
Don't know how, but most every-time it dropped it face planted the bit 3" deep into the ground.
Battery only lasted for 50 some holes last week and my arm was getting tired - sure signs the bit is done...doesn't take much to ruin a good bit.

03-01-2025, 05:05 PM
Just got in from tapping north woods.
Got maybe 1/2 done…Da’m it’s cold out there today!

03-01-2025, 09:05 PM
Finish 3rd boil after tapping last weekend. We had some great runs this week and made 50 gal in 3 boils (10,18,22) on 470 taps. All were a light amber (70,68,67).

Had a bit of a scare today when my head tank gauge froze up near our shutdown time, first time we ever boiled when <30 degrees, good thing we caught it in time.

03-03-2025, 09:44 PM
Reach out to Ray Gingrich in Owell. He builds ROs and sells maple for a living, but also gets 275 gallon poly tanks from the old middlefield cheese plant quite frequently.
Last time I bought them from him they were about 75 each and looked almost new... Nothing stinky in them. Just some sort of cheese making by-product that's food grade.


Thanks for the recommendation! I picked up 2 totes from him this evening.

03-05-2025, 08:42 AM
sap tsunami today...

03-07-2025, 11:03 AM
Quite a warm up next week... It looks like no freezing nights for 5+ days... Looks like I'll have to chase the back pan with permeate and finish everything and reset after the warmup...