View Full Version : Bubbles in Releaser

Cider Hill Maple Farm
03-18-2024, 08:34 AM
So last year I bought a second hand Bernard double releaser, it was what I thought was in good shape. After a lot of repairs, cleaning, lubrication(Food grade grease) and tightening screws, it seemed to be working great. It switched from side to side easy, and dumped great. But what I've noticed (on one side only) there are bubbles and lack of good draining. Any Idea? Having a releaser is new to me, I've been using a guzzler for years.

Side note: Everything is in a heated structure.

03-18-2024, 09:05 AM
It’s Probley a leaky joint or a small crack in the housing.
I had a small leak in mine where the pipe goes into the releaser. It would produce little tiny bubbles around where the leak was. I had to wait untill the end of season to fix it.
Used clear oatley PVC cement and turned the vacuum on after I had cleaned the releaser real good. Just waited untill I had full vacuum and then put the brush from the pvc right up against where the hole was and it sucked it in. Turned the vacuum off and held the brush there untill there was no vacuum.
Let it dry and then did it a second time amd leak was gone.
I gave it a day to dry then put clear silicone around the pipe on the outside.
Been good now for 3 years no leak.