View Full Version : Spring Harvest 2024

Amber Gold
03-18-2024, 07:22 AM
Hey Everyone,

I finally made it on here. My web browsers have been blocking mapletrader, so I haven't been able to get on here to post my season. I've only got a few minutes, so a quick blurb, and if I can get back on again, I'll start filling in the blanks as I remember it.

Started tapping February 10/11 and got about half our woods tapped. Replacing all drops this year, so tapping taking a bit longer than usual. We missed most of the warmup. Tapped the rest of the woods February 18/19. We didn't make any syrup until February 24th.

To date, we've collected 16,500 gal of sap, but have only made about 200-250 gal of syrup. That's about 19 gpt of sap, but only 0.25 gpt of syrup. Sap flow really slowed down Friday and haven't recovered. The weather looks great this week, so if the trees start running well again, I think we'll do OK...if not...meh.

We had a good turnout for maple weekend. Total sales were down a bit from last year...not sure why.

Hopefully, more later. Good luck everyone for the rest of the season.

red maples
03-21-2024, 04:07 PM
Hey there he is... I am hoping this gets things going so we can make a little bit more syrup everything from the weekend is too dark and strong to anything with except BBQ sauce. not sure if things will pick up at all but just have to wait and see.

We had smaller crowds but sales were only $12 less than last year. We didn't have a lot of the repeat customers we had in the past for what ever reason. maybe because it was a week earlier than normal. I don't know...

Amber Gold
03-21-2024, 05:03 PM
It seems like I can get back on now??? IDK. Will try to fill in the blanks from the season as I have time.

We're right at 18,000 gal of sap, so just over 20gpt which is my season target. Syrup production is just not there. We started the season at 1.4% and last night's sap tested 1.0%.

Amber Gold
03-26-2024, 07:52 AM
Unexpected ice storm came through over the weekend. Lost power at the woods from Sat. night through Mon. morning. Sap was running a bit Sunday afternoon, but the downside with an electric releaser is no power, releaser doesn't pump out.

Monday morning, vac. up and running. It took most of the day for the trees to thaw out, but they were running. Vac levels still good, so maybe there's no leaks in the woods?? Will find out later today. Not sure how the woods fared with the storm.

Wednesday was the last time I boiled. Syrup had a bit of an off-flavor. Not sure if the flavor will come back with the cold snap. Hopefully, the SSC increases. Also, really need the sap flow to come back...last week, it was down to 1/3 gptpd...can't do much with that.

red maples
03-26-2024, 05:26 PM
I gave up syrup is off flavor I have a few reds budding I already made about 5 or 6 gallons of off flavor and only need so much for BBQ sauce. so I shut things down. sugar is under 1% now it is running alittle today but still not enough. tough season!!!