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View Full Version : Margin of error for bottling density

03-11-2024, 12:34 AM
I bottle about 4 gallons per batch. Good hot test, then through the vac filter. Just started using DE and it took maybe 8 minutes to get all 4 gal through, sucking some water out. Retest filtered syrup and it's about half a baume degree heavy at 185F. Not having any warm permeate/sap, decided to go ahead and bottle anyway. Now I'm worried about crystalizing.

I'm struggling to convert brix/baume. What's my margin for error in baume when at bottling temp?

And for those with a similar filter process (sticky kitchen floor warriors), do you have a rule of thumb for perhaps intentionally putting light syrup through your filter so that it comes out perfect density?

03-11-2024, 05:02 AM
I make our syrup a point heavy on the hydrometer and run it throu the filter press that way and into the drum. When we bottle it,we pump it into the canner and heat it up to 190f and around 180f we check density and add alittle water to it. I like to be at least .5 heavy it keep the syrup from spoiling in the jug.