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View Full Version : CDL electric releaser issues

02-27-2024, 06:54 PM
This year I installed a CDL horizontal electric releaser in a remote pump house in our new bush.
Is only about 18” high and basically sits right on the ground. It’s got a submersable well pump head laying horizontal in the releaser.
It is in a heated enclosure and I have it pumping up about 15’ with a 3/4 line to a check valve. Then it runs into a 1” main that is sloped 1/2” per foot. 1” line runs about 150 feet to the holding tank.
Problem I’m having is that when the pump kick on it pumps no problem. It’s when it shuts offisnwhatbos creating the problem. The sap gets hydro locked in the 1” pipe.
I added a tee and ran a 1” line up the tree as high as I could reach on my ladder to try and add a vent.
It seems to work ok I can hear it hissing when it pumps and the sap seems to get to the tank ok.
Just never seen that setup before. Am I missing something ?
Also the 3/4 pump line gets hydro locked as well so it always stays wet. It will slowly drain but it takes a while. This is going to be a problem as it will freeze since it’s not in the heated area.
I’ve seen in other posts that people have drilled a very small hole in the pump line inside the releaser. This will create a drain that’s under vacuum to let the pump line drain after the pump shuts off.
Is this something I should do to make the pump line drain faster. ?

03-01-2024, 10:19 AM
i had the same issue as you with mine. i had to add more slope for it to drain and not get airlocked. mine was originally sloped 1-2%. Not sure the exact percent of slope now, but i'd say around 6-7% slope.

03-01-2024, 02:41 PM
I have a vertical CDL electric releaser. It came with a hole drilled in the pump line inside the releaser.


03-01-2024, 05:33 PM
Does it have the pump inside the releaser ?

03-01-2024, 06:03 PM
Does it have the pump inside the releaser ?

Yes it does.


03-01-2024, 06:05 PM
Does it have the pump inside the releaser ?

The hole is the size of a pencil.


03-01-2024, 07:16 PM
Mine has no hole at all.
The pump head sits horizontal and has a clear braided tubing from pump to pump outlet with a sanitary Tri clamp fitting holding it together. No hole at all.
I would assume it’s Probley better if the hole was there to be close to the pump and not at the very top of the outlet.
If the pump is pumping it would be quite the stream of sap comming out of that hole. Sap would be flying everywhere.

I’ve fixed my air lock issues with my line going back to the holding tank. I installed a 1” clear check valve facing straight up with a whip comming off the tee where the pump line is.
The pump turns on. The line fills with sap and then almost instantly drains.
The clear check valve just opens instantly when the pump turns off letting the line to vent.
I put a piece of tiger flex tubing facing down on the open end of the check valve to keep rain out.
Now I just gotta deal with the 3/4” pump line not draining back to releaser.

04-25-2024, 08:08 PM
Anyone have a CDL vertical releaser with the submersible ( well ) pump inside the releaser ?
I would love to know where CDL was supposed to put the hole in the outlet. Mine has no hole at all.
Pump line stays filled the whole time after it pumps.
When the hole is drilled in the pump line inside the releaser does it actually let the sap out of the pump line while it’s under vacuum ? You would think it would air lock with not having air on top of it.
Kinda like filling a straw with water then plugging one end then trying to suck the water out. Dosnt work.

04-26-2024, 05:28 AM
I have used a CDL vertical releaser with a submersible well pump for 11 seasons. Mine has a hole in the bottom of the outlet line just past the 90 degree elbow. The hole plugged on me in the second season so I enlarged the hole to an 1/8" hole instead of the tiny hole that was factory drilled. It has worked excellent ever since. Just to be sure, I do check and clean the hole every time I clean the releaser.


04-26-2024, 06:23 AM
Is the hole in the 90 fitting or the actual pump line ?

04-26-2024, 03:37 PM
The hole is drilled in the actual plastic pipe pump line.

04-26-2024, 06:29 PM
Where is the check valve be located in your pump line ?
I had to put mine at the end of the vertical line where it switches to gravity

04-27-2024, 05:47 AM
That is an interesting question. There is no check valve in the pump out line, only in the pump itself.

04-27-2024, 07:33 AM
My releaser came with a check valve. It was just loose and not installed anywhere.
I originally hooked the releaser up without it installed and it pulls a vacuum through the pump out line while not pumping. So I installed the check valve at the end of the pump line.
I may have a unique scenario as my releaser is in a heated cabinet in the woods about 200’ from my sugar house. It pumps up about 15’ into a 1” gravity line. And then drains on gravity to the tank.
So my 15’ of pump line is exposed to freezing.
Only way I could make it work was out the check valve at the end of the vertical pump line. It’s not so bad when the vac pump is running and the temperature is warm out. But I would like to have the line drain when pump is off and temp gets below freezing.
But the way it is now the check valve kinda creates the fill a straw with water and put your finger over then end effect. The sap in the line pulls creates a vacuum and stays there even when the vac is off.

04-27-2024, 07:45 AM
My releaser came with a check valve. It was just loose and not installed anywhere.
I originally hooked the releaser up without it installed and it pulls a vacuum through the pump out line while not pumping. So I installed the check valve at the end of the pump line.
I may have a unique scenario as my releaser is in a heated cabinet in the woods about 200’ from my sugar house. It pumps up about 15’ into a 1” gravity line. And then drains on gravity to the tank.
So my 15’ of pump line is exposed to freezing.
Only way I could make it work was out the check valve at the end of the vertical pump line. It’s not so bad when the vac pump is running and the temperature is warm out. But I would like to have the line drain when pump is off and temp gets below freezing.
But the way it is now the check valve kinda creates the fill a straw with water and put your finger over then end effect. The sap in the line pulls creates a vacuum and stays there even when the vac is off.