View Full Version : LMP Maple 2024

LMP Maple
01-21-2024, 05:40 PM
Thought I would get this started tonight. As usual feels like I am behind. I have been in the woods, squirrel chews abound, I will do most of my repairs once I get the vacuum up and running. Trying out the new SapSpy LED tank level monitor system this year worked on that a bit today. That is probably the biggest purchase this year. I plan on being ready to tap by Feb 1 and will go for it any day after that when the weather looks good. First boil was on Feb 6th last year so I feel pretty good about needing to be ready by Feb 1. Plan on a test boil either Thursday or Friday this week then should be about ready when mother nature gives the green light. Lows of 9 here this weekend with no above freezing temps all weekend looks good temp wise this coming week. Good luck to all, here we go again.

01-22-2024, 06:26 AM
About the same here. Lines have been replaced where squirrels and deer went crazy, followed by new drops in some areas. Ready to go for Feb.1 tapping. Moved my tap date up to Feb. 5th last year, and it turned out to be a life saver. Caught some big runs during early Feb. Hoping for repeat this year. Upgraded my 2x4XL Mason to a Smoky Lake 2x4 hybrid pan during the off season. Also added another membrane to my RO.
Should be coming out of the deep freeze this week. Maybe get some sap moving. Good luck to all for a good season.
Thanks, Bill

LMP Maple
01-27-2024, 07:15 PM
Had a decent couple of days. Sap tank is all set up in the woods and sureflow is installed. Forgot my batteries from work so did not get that all hooked up but made some progress. Sugar house is ready to go with one big exception. Tried to do my test boil and ran into problems, would not be sugaring if I did not, never goes as smooth as you hope. Eventually got her going but going to add to the evaporator thread for some thoughts. Weather has changed a bit here but I still think next week I will tap first day I see some sun. I HOPE to be tapping by weeks end or the weekend but we shall see...

Hillcrest Maples
01-28-2024, 12:41 PM
Going to tap next weekend as well. I was in the sugarhouse yesterday and still had all my days harvests on the white board. We tapped 2/11 last year, so 2/1 isn’t that far off. I’m sure we’ll all get hit with an ice out at the end of February but I’d rather get a couple good runs in early. Got a new Smokey lake filter canner w/ vac and a nice new CDL 230gal concentrate tank I’m itching to use.

LMP Maple
01-28-2024, 01:17 PM
Sounds like a sweet set up. The filter canner with vac is a great idea and makes a lot of sense. My dream rig is a smokey lake 2X6 oil....some day. Probably need a few more taps for that rig. They make some really nice stuff. Good luck keep us posted. I find being tapped by groundhog day is the new norm for me, not that I am ever truly ready but maybe someday :lol: Looks like a typical buildup in your operation judging by your signature 5 spiles to 200, nice growth best of luck.

LMP Maple
02-01-2024, 03:17 PM
Taps are in. Landed at 93. I should be able to get a few Reds that are close and land at 100, why not. Just need some sun now. Nothing was running today. Looks good towards the end of next week and beyond. I am hoping for some flow to get the lines cleaned out maybe this weekend. Temps look good and the sun may make an appearance. I will spend Saturday adding the final 7 and see if I can chase some leaks. Still need to set up my permeate tanks and then waiting on some sap! Oh also need to get my cell set up on the sure flow so I can monitor it that is always an adventure.

LMP Maple
02-04-2024, 05:52 PM
Final tally was 103. Sap is running but fairly slow. With the cold nights and ice in the tanks I feel good about letting it collect a bit for a bigger boil. I will be cleaning it all up tomorrow. Will not be a ton but should be enough to get started and run the r/o etc. Spent most of the day chasing leaks on Saturday. Having an issue with the pump but hoping it is just a lack or flow issue and not something else. I will be posting about that in another section. If boil tomorrow that will put me one day ahead of my first boil last year. Looks like we will get buried here this weekend in sap with some 50 degree weather with a major cool down after that.

LMP Maple
02-06-2024, 07:02 AM
First boil of 2024 last night. Short one but gave me a chance to work out the kinks. Should be good this weekend however I do think the trees will run out of juice without freezing temps at night but the first two days should be monsters…..where’s my coffee….

02-07-2024, 06:51 AM
This week does look good for sap. We have been thinking about beginning the process here in Merrimack, but may hold off. I usually tap the last week in February - all buckets, so I am hesitant to start too early.... and so it begins!
Have a great season!

LMP Maple
02-08-2024, 08:47 AM
Pulled off a quart at the end of my boil last night. Pans are sweet and should be ready to go for the weekend I hope….
Thank god for the r/o!

02-09-2024, 05:43 AM
Pulled off a quart at the end of my boil last night. Pans are sweet and should be ready to go for the weekend I hope….
Thank god for the r/o!
Sounds like you are on a roll!

LMP Maple
02-09-2024, 02:43 PM
Guess so, it could all end tomorrow :lol: Made about a gallon today I would say. Trees were running pretty good at 9:30 this am when I collected from yesterday. I don't get to do it often, but day boiling is such a treat!

24 Maple
02-10-2024, 12:47 PM
Good Day All

Thought I would make my first post today. This is my 4th year making syrup. This year 100 taps on buckets and some on 3/8 lines and will be boiling on a homemade evaporator. I have a number of acres of maple that has been made available to me so hoping to perfect my skills this year and move up to a larger evaporator. I am finding this to be as addictive as fishing.

02-10-2024, 06:46 PM
It is much worse

LMP Maple
02-11-2024, 06:32 PM
Couple of big days here. Lots of sap to say the least Friday/Saturday. Probably up to 4 gallons made or so. Did not collect today due to other obligations. I have tomorrow off so will collect and try to boil everything in that I can before we get 7 inches of snow or so Tuesday then looks like a freeze for a least a week.

LMP Maple
02-20-2024, 07:01 PM
Things really ground to a halt here. Looks like we should be back to boiling tomorrow or Thursday at the latest. Cleared all the ice and old sap, not much, from the tanks so ready. Looks warm next week, should be a good stretch. I am a little worried about what I am seeing on the 14 day forecast, but what do they know.....

Hillcrest Maples
02-20-2024, 08:10 PM
Landed at exactly 200 taps. Pans sweet, drew off 2.5 gallons this weekend. I run a cool bot and insulated walk-in cooler so we just boil on the weekends. Guzzler pulled 21”, not the best vac ratings but man did this move some sap. Was pumping 30 gallons an hour into the shack during that warm spell. Sugar sand like I’ve never seen. Hoping we start flowing again tomorrow and the sugar is more than the 1% we were getting on the first run.

LMP Maple
02-22-2024, 06:24 PM
Thought I would be boiling by now but the last two days while there was flow just not enough to justify firing. Pump was running this evening was at 19 mercury. I was able to walk the lines and the vacuum is doing its thing I think the trees are just frozen. I will definitely be boiling tomorrow night.....I think.......

red maples
02-25-2024, 05:47 AM
I don't know 9F here on the seacoast this morning. gonna be tough to get sap again today I think.

LMP Maple
02-25-2024, 07:57 PM
Had 12 this am in SNH. Never warmed up fast enough for a run today. Should be good this week. Took the day today to can up what I have made so far. 5.19 gallons. A good start for me and the bulk was from the early run that we had. I really think early tapping on vacuum is going to be the new norm. I may even shoot for Jan 1 and go from there. I aim for 20 gallons total so we shall see how the rest of the season plays out. I boiled on Friday night really just a clean up but had not boiled for 11 days until then. Should be boiling tomorrow night and the rest of the week. I have to be wrapped up by maple weekend and if the long range holds I might be lucky if the trees make it till then.

LMP Maple
03-01-2024, 06:55 PM
Cold day today. Sap not running like I thought it would hopefully tomorrow. I ran a recirculation line for my sureflow today hoping that will get some of the surge out of the pump to coax a little more sap. Was inspected this AM for the quality seal for NH. This is a great program for the cost and helps to ensure that what you are making is the right density etc. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to learn etc. $25 bucks I think. SHOULD be boiling tomorrow but I am so confused this year who knows. 32 right now at my place.

red maples
03-02-2024, 07:56 AM
I was inspected when I first opened the sugarhouse like 14 years ago. but never followed through with the seal of NH. Have had Dept of ag. stop in the last few years during maple weekend and regularly enter in the fairs which is checked by the Dept of Ag and anyway and not sure who did yours but when I see Janice she always says yeah your good I see your stuff in the fairs and its spot on...

was much colder than I though it was gonna be thursday night as well. got like 30 gallons yesterday. but with 30*F last night and low pressure system should be good a good sap run I just hope it goes for a while since there are no freezes coming for a few days.

LMP Maple
03-03-2024, 06:59 PM
Strange is all I can say about this year. Boiled twice over the weekend. One I did not even RO as it was such a small amount. Today boiled about 80 gallons. Every day that I think it is going to be a big run nothing or close to it. 22 inches at the pump and still not much to show for it. Even with a week of cold temps the recharge just didn't happen. Not really sure what to make of it. Was like the first big run was the one big thaw and that was it. Quite a few smaller runs but nothing to write home about. Also picked up a tick in the woods the other day to add to the fun.
Not sure, no peepers yet but I cant see any more sap this week unless the trees have something planned. I am probably at 10-12 gallons finished syrup or so, I would like to get to 20 but does not look like it is in the cards. I see boiling water in my future for maple weekend......

LMP Maple
03-04-2024, 12:37 PM
Not saying its over but not looking good here in Hudson. Pump was on for 4 hrs 19 on the gage maybe brought in 10 gallons...Maybe... I shut down the pump and I will try to fire everything back up after the warm spell. Looks like we may see some freezing temps here by Thursday but marginally cold at best and the long range looks not so good. I guess we take what we can get but this seems awfully short. Maybe the trees will make it though this week.

LMP Maple
03-06-2024, 05:40 PM
No Sap and we wait........optimistic that we can get one more run......no peepers yet still need to listen tonight

03-07-2024, 07:56 AM
I think if the sun was out this week, we'd be done. The weather is saving us. I collected a fair amount of sap (for us) on Tuesday this week, which was surprising. My cold maples were still running yesterday morning. I think we'll just squeak through on the weather. We really need tonight to get below freezing for several hours. Good rule of thumb for me, if its above freezing for 5 days and 5 nights consecutively, we're usually done. Here's hoping we are not done.

LMP Maple
03-09-2024, 07:13 PM
Well that's it for me for 2024. Canned up everything and boiled out the front pan. Made 11 gallons this year. Made every grade except for fancy. I will leave my taps in for a week or so hopefully to get enough sap to flood the pans and let them sit until July or so for the clean up. Not really sure what to make of this year. There were certainly days I thought I would be buried that did not materialize. I'm wondering a bit about my 3/16 lines and the three year drop off but not convinced on that as sap was flowing in the lines with the vacuum just never really hit high gear. The low sugar content certainly did not help matters this year either. I am definitely going to be shooting to tap any time in January next year that we get any thaw as the best run I had was in early February. Had a blast. Made some real nice syrup even though it was not a lot and on the bright side did not have to get any more oil:lol: For those of you still in the game keep plugging.

4 Paws Sugar Shack
03-09-2024, 07:38 PM
Sad to see you cut it short. This month has been hard. I'm going to leave the vacuum on until Wednesday then we are wrapping up the earliest we ever have

24 Maple
03-10-2024, 01:34 PM
Strange year for sure. I managed to get 6 gallons. Lots of ideas and hope for next season. I guess it’s time to call it over. Enjoyed following along with your posts.