View Full Version : 2024 Season
01-20-2024, 08:44 AM
Our business is in SE MN. Wondering what everyone is thinking about the predicted mid-winter warm up and tapping? Predicting 2 full weeks of highs in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. I’m concerned about tap hole health for the normal run.
01-20-2024, 02:22 PM
I’m in west-central Wisconsin wondering the same thing. I’ve only been syruping for a few years, but I’m currently inclined to wait until late February like I have in the past. The forecast sure looks promising for next week, though.
01-20-2024, 09:33 PM
I'm seeing competing models for me south of Mille Lacs. One model says warm up, the other says we got a week of 30s but it gets quite cold again. I'd hold off, personally.
01-27-2024, 05:18 PM
I'm seeing competing models for me south of Mille Lacs. One model says warm up, the other says we got a week of 30s but it gets quite cold again. I'd hold off, personally.
Alright, never-mind. Hold my beer, I'm tapping tmw. Looking like a solid week and half window. Going to pick some big silvers so I can put another tap in later if the season goes long. I also predict a nearly floodless spring on the Rum River, we had a flood and rain in December and basically no snow.
01-28-2024, 05:06 PM
Alright, never-mind. Hold my beer, I'm tapping tmw. Looking like a solid week and half window. Going to pick some big silvers so I can put another tap in later if the season goes long. I also predict a nearly floodless spring on the Rum River, we had a flood and rain in December and basically no snow.
I just tapped today (I'm in St Paul) and they started running right away. Sad for the trees I think.
01-28-2024, 08:52 PM
I just tapped today (I'm in St Paul) and they started running right away. Sad for the trees I think.
My sugar-bush was still frozen, but its close. Tapped and waiting on the first 15.
01-29-2024, 08:25 PM
Put 90 taps in this past weekend. Subday evening all were "running." Looking forward to making syrup this weekend. In 2017, we made syrup on Feb. 10th. The eariest we've ever made syrup. This weekend should beat that personal record by one week. Crazy weather! Our peak time here in South central MN is usually about St. Patrick's Day.
01-30-2024, 01:42 PM
I am in Princeton, I am going to put in taps this afternoon and see how it looks. Looking at the forecast, we are looking at 2 weeks of warm tapping weather.
01-30-2024, 02:00 PM
Looking at the forecast, I fear it might actually be too warm:/ From my 4 little taps I've gotten at least 6L so far but .....
02-01-2024, 09:51 PM
I tapped my maples on Sun. 1-28-24. I collected sap today and have averaged 2 gal per tree. I tapped 25 black walnuts on Tues. 1-30-24 and they are flowing rather well. Black walnuts are not as generous with the sap as maples and I have not collected the BW sap yet. The weather forecast looks good for the next 10-12 days in the SW metro area and then we may be in for a 2 week cold snap.
02-03-2024, 07:50 AM
Greetings all!
What a weird winter, if you can even call it that. Lakes took forever to freeze over, really warm December with only one real true week of winter's breath on us. Frost went deep in SD this year, I have heard reports of 5'. I'm sure that plays into sap flow somehow but so does a lot of variables. The biggest one for me are these temps. Man 'O man is it driving me crazy, I don't think I have looked at the 10, 15, 30 day forecasts in the past as I have done now. I am glad I have been keeping a tapping journal though to help aid some decisions, but of course that only helps with the micro swing compared to the 100 year cycles.
I picked up another farm site to tap this year! Getting up to 75 taps or so. I got a "time bonus" as my oldest son is driving now (only chauffeuring one now!) But conversely I lost a sap hauler:cry: I'm sure he'll help from time to time.
Last weekend I talked myself out of tapping earlier than Feb 14th. Partly I wasn't physically ready for syrup season, and I wasn't really mentally ready either. I think I read somewhere on here that tapping early is like drinking whiskey in the either feels right or it hurts really bad. Since I really don't drink much at all, I decided to look at that tapping journal a little more in detail. Within the last 15 years tapping early was 50% successful, where the sap actually ran. Awesome thanks tapping journal, why don't you take a back seat and let this coin make the decisions this year!
I hope everyone has a great season & sorry for the long post! I gotta go get some buckets ready for today!
02-04-2024, 10:01 PM
Good luck Dave! (And everyone else)
Put in 75 taps today by Marshall. All were dripping good. Can't believe I'm doing this so early but I'm "all in". Hoping for a late February cold snap to extend things and make this a loooooong season !
02-12-2024, 11:03 AM
I just noticed some bud swelling on some box elders (acer negundo) on my property. Also last Friday (2-9-24) I saw bud swelling on some black walnuts about 40 miles south of me. I hope this does not mean an early end to the season. Has anyone else seen bud swelling? No cloudy sap yet from my maples or black walnuts but will surely be on the lookout.
02-14-2024, 09:37 PM
I am in Princeton, I am going to put in taps this afternoon and see how it looks. Looking at the forecast, we are looking at 2 weeks of warm tapping weather.
Tapped two weeks ago just north of Princeton. 18 gallons sap first week, 60 the second. 20 or so taps on flood plain silvers. Low sugar even with a lot of freezing water cast off. With no snow the ground is frozen hard. Very little development. I'm hanging it up until March and I'll go after my sugar maples that are always grumpy and late.
02-18-2024, 03:45 PM
About 10% were slowly dripping. It’s super early but with the predicted warm weather we are hoping for some good gathers over the next week.
02-18-2024, 04:44 PM
I put mine in as well today....Should get some kind of run this week. I would say half were dripping decently when I was tapping and only 36 degrees. Fingers crossed for sap and time to boil it:)
02-20-2024, 09:28 AM
My buddy in Apple Valley plans to tap this week. Glad to hear he's not the only one who's waited. I'm not local (I live in the Massachusetts), but it sounds like his timing is decent, yeah?
Gabe O
sweet acer
02-23-2024, 09:08 AM
Pulled the plug yesterday north on Marcell. 80 taps on 3/16 with shurflo and collected 30 galllons of 3% sap. Trees taking a break today with 13 temp. It was great to put taps without the need of snowshoes. No snow! Our normal tap date is March 15. Forcast looks promising.
02-23-2024, 07:26 PM
Our normal tap date is March 15. Forcast looks promising.
If the long range forecasts are to believed, we are in the the prime weather this week and its not going to be a long season. Get while the getting is good.
02-25-2024, 05:15 PM
Our buckets have been up for one week in east central Minnesota. We have gathered 4.5 gallons per bucket total so far as of February 25.
02-25-2024, 07:08 PM
What a year! Average sap per tap so far is 20.22 gallons all on buckets!! Pretty average sugar as well, hovering around 2.2 to 2.4%. A few trees (Silvers) today started the flowering stage and I expect more the next day or so. Another short reminder on Tuesday night & Wednesday morning that winter is still around. Temps not looking favorable for me after that, figure a couple more collection days left. Best wishes for the rest of you on a bountiful season!!
02-25-2024, 09:15 PM
Our buckets have been up for one week in east central Minnesota. We have gathered 4.5 gallons per bucket total so far as of February 25.
Only 3 gallon per tap in Central MN, last Sunday-Saturday. Crazy flow on a few today 2-2.5 gallons in about 16 hours. Lower than I usually get 2-2.5% sugar.
sweet acer
03-04-2024, 08:36 AM
Made a little over 2 gallons of syrup on Saturday from early sap. Trees are taking a nap for now, but hope for another run later this week.
03-06-2024, 07:42 AM
Only 3 gallon per tap in Central MN, last Sunday-Saturday. Crazy flow on a few today 2-2.5 gallons in about 16 hours. Lower than I usually get 2-2.5% sugar.
I have been experiencing lower than normal sugar content as well. The flow has been great! 6.5 gallons so far.
03-11-2024, 07:26 AM
Yesterday I decided to call it, mainly because of time. It was a good sap year! 12 gallons of finished sap. My final ratios were up from usual 38.6:1 for sap to syrup ratios. Normally I get anywhere from 33:1 to 35:1. I am not complaining though especially after how last year went for me. Hopefully those of you still going can get through this warm up and the sap is still good! Now the clean-up begins!!
03-12-2024, 03:32 PM
This is my second year tapping trees (first full season). I have no confidence in gauging the buds on the trees and trying to figure out when I should be calling it quits. I'm in the Saint Michael area...anyone else around here pulling there taps due to "buddy" syrup?
03-12-2024, 04:17 PM
This is my second year tapping trees (first full season). I have no confidence in gauging the buds on the trees and trying to figure out when I should be calling it quits. I'm in the Saint Michael area...anyone else around here pulling there taps due to "buddy" syrup?
Hi Jeremiah,
I'm in Chaska behind the Arboretum. I've been tapping Maple & Black Walnut for about 40 years now. I tapped maples 0n Jan 28th this year and black walnuts on Jan 30th. I pulled my taps on both on the 3rd of March this year. Most years I have not even tapped by this time. With the weather being what it is, I feel we are in uncharted territory and I do not feel qualified to make any guesses on what the remainder (if any) of the season is left.
My advice would be to taste the sap or to have several people taste the sap. If it tastes sour or "green", I would not waste the time boiling it. Some folks will continue processing sap even if it is still a bit cloudy as this can still make rather decent dark syrup. The sugar concentrations are definitely dropping now so it will take a bit more sap to make good syrup. Hope this helps.
All the very best,
03-12-2024, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the feedback Jonny. It was an afterthought last year when I thought I'd try tapping 5 sugar maples on our new home/property in late March and I quit when I hit 50 gallons which happened to correlate to all the bucket space I had:).
I loved it so I tapped 10 trees this year the same date you did when I saw some promising (and really abnormal) temps and have been boiling each weekend. I boiled all the sap collected as of Saturday and am at about 4 gallons of finished syrup. I think I'll just let it roll until Friday and call it quits unless I get any tips otherwise.
It's just so much fun I don't want to stop!
03-13-2024, 10:43 AM
This is my second year tapping trees (first full season). I have no confidence in gauging the buds on the trees and trying to figure out when I should be calling it quits. I'm in the Saint Michael area...anyone else around here pulling there taps due to "buddy" syrup?
Don't worry about the buds, let the smell/taste of the sap tell you when you should be done. Both taste and/or smell will be off and recognizable when you collect from the pails.
03-13-2024, 07:07 PM
Don't worry about the buds, let the smell/taste of the sap tell you when you should be done. Both taste and/or smell will be off and recognizable when you collect from the pails.
On point advice here. I'll add cloudy sap as a sign, but cloudy sap just makes me taste it to be sure.
I'm just a bit north of Princeton, I have not checked sap since Sunday but my feeling is the silvers/reds might be nearing the end while the sugar maples are just getting started really. We'll see what this warm snap does here. The next few weeks look nice.
03-18-2024, 06:54 PM
Thanks Keitha333 and if I'm hearing correctly the appearance, smell and taste of sap really should be my indicator? I already pulled my taps last Thursday as I noticed elongating of the buds and I already have 4 gallons of syrup now but I'll try that next year.
Part of my reservation to continue was that I collect into 5 gallon pails so I didn't want one bad day ruin a week. I'll change it up next year to start dumping into separate pails when the season nears the end to avoid the anxiety.
I also find it interesting that you say the sugars are just getting started dew042...that's all I tapped just 20 miles south of you and consistently got sap from 29-Jan until I pulled them on 14-Mar. 178 gallons from 10 trees boiled into 4 gallons of syrup. Would have likely had another half gallon if I hadn't burnt a 15 gallon batch a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for all the help and can't wait until next year already!
03-19-2024, 08:01 AM
Thanks Keitha333 and if I'm hearing correctly the appearance, smell and taste of sap really should be my indicator? I already pulled my taps last Thursday as I noticed elongating of the buds and I already have 4 gallons of syrup now but I'll try that next year.
Part of my reservation to continue was that I collect into 5 gallon pails so I didn't want one bad day ruin a week. I'll change it up next year to start dumping into separate pails when the season nears the end to avoid the anxiety.
I also find it interesting that you say the sugars are just getting started dew042...that's all I tapped just 20 miles south of you and consistently got sap from 29-Jan until I pulled them on 14-Mar. 178 gallons from 10 trees boiled into 4 gallons of syrup. Would have likely had another half gallon if I hadn't burnt a 15 gallon batch a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for all the help and can't wait until next year already!
Yes I would let that be my indicator
Dripping into different pails would prevent the whole batch from going bad but remember this will be at the end of the year and you would be making more work the rest of the season by doing this. I would keep the same pail, dump (yes it is okay!) the bad pail, eliminate the buddy tap and keep going.
Sounds like you had a great first year! I am sure you have 20+ different ideas you want to improve on for next year!
03-19-2024, 10:37 AM
Yes I would let that be my indicator
Dripping into different pails would prevent the whole batch from going bad but remember this will be at the end of the year and you would be making more work the rest of the season by doing this. I would keep the same pail, dump (yes it is okay!) the bad pail, eliminate the buddy tap and keep going.
Sounds like you had a great first year! I am sure you have 20+ different ideas you want to improve on for next year!
Perfect, thanks...and yes I'd only do that toward the end of the season.
It was a great year indeed. The main thing I want to change is to figure out how to filter the final product efficiently to where I don't have a plugged filter that won't pass any more syrup. I don't know if it's just me but I've burnt myself a few times now trying to figure out what to do in that scenario which seems like it happens every time to me. :)
Any good tip, tricks, or resources for that?
03-21-2024, 05:17 PM
Maple Fest is at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum this coming Saturday (3-23-24) from 9am to 2pm (no pancake breakfast this year). Demonstrations will be given on tapping, boiling and the whole process as well as demos and information on our Black Walnut syruping and research. Check the Arboretum website for further details.
03-26-2024, 02:38 PM
Anyone still going?
03-26-2024, 06:45 PM
Anyone still going?
I expect so, skipped the snow this week but there have been several single digit temps so I expect frozen solid sap, if any, this coming weekend. Silvers were still going but low sugar, so I pulled them 3/17. Forest bound sugar maples tend to be slow and grumpy, so I'm optimistic I'll get a week or two more here. Ground was still pretty frozen with the lack of snow this winter. I think that has really slowed the season down.
03-30-2024, 07:45 PM
I expect frozen solid sap, if any, this coming weekend.
That's what I found, there was sap but it was almost all frozen from the last two weeks. Emptied and reset buckets. Sugar content continues to be marginal this year.
I expect a great week this week to end the season. Fingers crossed on no bad sap!
03-31-2024, 11:01 PM
That's what I found, there was sap but it was almost all frozen from the last two weeks. Emptied and reset buckets. Sugar content continues to be marginal this year.
I expect a great week this week to end the season. Fingers crossed on no bad sap!
♩♫ Alllllllll by myyyyyyself ♫♩
One more boil on my docket, see y'all next year!
sweet acer
04-03-2024, 03:01 PM
Sap still running today with clear liquid and a brix of 3. Yesterday it did not run so emptied the tanks and made a batch of maple sugar. Think the rest of the week looks good. North of Marcell.
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