View Full Version : North East Ohio 2024

01-02-2024, 07:33 PM
Ready for another season up here in NE Ohio.
Have been working some in the sugar house but honestly haven't spent much time in the woods yet.
Anyone made any big changes for this year?
I'm pretty much status quo with new drops and taps planned and getting some windblown "stuff" off my lines.

Heard Fred has a line on a new "clear" candy machine...good to see him finally seeing the light

01-02-2024, 08:51 PM
Ready for another season up here in NE Ohio.
Have been working some in the sugar house but honestly haven't spent much time in the woods yet.
Anyone made any big changes for this year?
I'm pretty much status quo with new drops and taps planned and getting some windblown "stuff" off my lines.

Heard Fred has a line on a new "clear" candy machine...good to see him finally seeing the light

Now he can probably see his lantern through the clear machine haha.

Added 450 taps at home woods, installed a second pump house, and got a new vac pump on the woods side.
For the sugarhouse we got a lapierre glass bead filter that filters down to 3 microns, sometimes better. Excited to see how that works.

Frankies Family Farm
01-19-2024, 07:40 AM
2nd year for me, and I am super excited. Nowhere near the sophisticated level of many of individuals in NEohio but ready to get to work.

Last year I tapped 3 trees, and cooked with a turkey fryer, this year will be 20. using (3) 20x12x6 pans cooking with a 3burner propane camp stove.
My 3y/o loves it and we were busy during the offseason looking/teaching her to identify red/sugar and silver trees. She helped clear more efficient paths as well to the trees.

Will follow on here to see when tapping should begin, but based on past Ohio years looks like a lot of you start setting up around 1st week-February, so I planned to at least start setting up around 2.5.24.

01-19-2024, 12:18 PM
I'm going to heed the words of my teachers from back in the day when they said "there's no such thing as a dumb question" and "if you're wondering it chances are someone else is too". I understand I'm typing this in the middle of a winter storm, but is anyone looking at the next week or two for early tapping? Temps in the mid-upper 40s should bring us out of the deep freeze we've been in this week. Last year I tapped just over 1/3 of my trees on Jan. 22 and the rest a week or so later, and didn't regret it. I know that was an unseasonable warm winter, but it that seems to be the trend we've been heading in the last few years. Just wanted to get people's thoughts. Happy tapping whenever you choose to do so.

RC Maple
01-21-2024, 02:55 PM
but is anyone looking at the next week or two for early tapping?

I was looking forward to the coming thaw and watching the forecast which seemed good until I looked again today. Except for AccuWeather (which seems to overly predict lower nighttime temps), all my weather sources show no temps below 30 for the next two weeks. It changes again every day though, but I don't like that trend.

01-21-2024, 04:50 PM
Will finish tapping tomorrow and start leak checks.
Hopefully have syrup by the weekend.

01-22-2024, 06:14 AM
Will finish tapping tomorrow and start leak checks.
Hopefully have syrup by the weekend.

You probably will, but forecast up here is not much freezing for the next 2 weeks.
It'll be interesting to see how the glass bead filter works out for you, it's a cool concept.

01-22-2024, 06:59 PM
Wrapped up tapping 5/16 tubing today. I’m going to wait a little bit for the 3/16 and buckets.

01-23-2024, 09:32 AM
For those that have already tapped are your trees flowing yet?

01-23-2024, 06:49 PM
Temps hung around 34 all day and trees are pretty froze up. Not much is going to happen up here for a bit. Next few days are looking pretty good.

01-23-2024, 08:06 PM
After I finished installing drop lines this evening I went ahead and tapped one test tree and hung a bag just to get another indicator for tapping. Got a few drops, but sun was already down. Temps here have been hanging in the upper 30's all day.

01-24-2024, 08:05 AM
I have a friend who's new to sugaring that lives in NE OH. She's all on buckets. Should I recommend she tap now?


Gabe O

01-24-2024, 07:32 PM
I have a friend who's new to sugaring that lives in NE OH. She's all on buckets. Should I recommend she tap now?


Gabe O

Just my two cents, I would tell them to consider tapping this weekend depending on their schedule.

01-25-2024, 10:52 AM
I tapped 50 last Sunday (Jan 21st) sap ran Jan 24th - 15 gallons from those 50 taps at 2.5-3% collectively. Ground was still froze yesterday evening when I collected, looking for double production today with the warmer temperature and more frost coming out of the ground. Temperatures are looking favorable (Accuweather forecast) for the next week. I will be finishing out my tapping this Saturday (+50 more)

01-25-2024, 12:25 PM
Finished tapping yesterday, not much of a run over night, but it's running really well today. First boil tomorrow.

01-26-2024, 04:09 PM
All tapped in as of today. Ran good yesterday but only 10 or 20% of the trees were running today. Buona Fortuna everyone!

01-27-2024, 05:25 PM
Spent today clearing fallen trees off lines. Some areas looked like a bomb had gone off!
Got to say I was really appreciative of our son, his buddy and new member Todd Moyer, and our son in law for their help.
Had some full tree tops that we had to “dissect through” just to get lines up off the ground. Being able to chainsaw through and have them pull limbs out of the way, as I went, made quick work of it all.
I’m planning to tap this week, but thinking this upcoming weather is just the calm before the storm.

01-27-2024, 07:25 PM
We made 7.5 gallons of dark amber (hanna 55) last night and 8 gallons of dark (hanna 40) today. A strange start to the season with the darker syrup, but temps in the 50's will do that I guess. Looking forward to a reset and some colder temps. Things definitely slowing down. Thursday I was getting about 2.5-3 gal/tap, yesterday slowed to ~ 1.5 gal/tap, and today, maybe .5 - 1 gal/tap.

On a side note, I got a new Lapierre water jacketed bottler, I'm not sure if one can love a piece of equipment, but man that thing is nice, it brings things to temp quickly and having 4 valves to bottle at the same time really save time if one was inclined to multitask. A huge improvement over my steam pan bottler.

01-29-2024, 06:39 AM
Good morning to all, Just thought I would update you all on my maple farm for this season so far. I started tapping on Jan 1st and finished on the 7th. The 12th was my first boil (I've got cooling tanks to hold my concentrate this year!) and made about 95 gal of syrup. Then we had that hard freeze so I didn't boil again till the 24th at which I made 80 gal. The weather the last week was certainly not ideal and this week doesn't look the greatest but could be a whole lot worse. I know I'm an outlier with tapping so early, and I'm still somewhat apprehensive if it is wise, but here's hoping for a long season and good weather for all.
P.S. I tapped about the same time last year and made out ok in spite of abysmal weather in February.

02-06-2024, 06:43 AM
We tapped about 325 on gravity Friday and it did not start running until mid Saturday afternoon after the sun finally made it's way out of the clouds. Ran a little better Sunday and decent Monday, but still kind of slow for my liking. We are in North Central Ohio near Ragersville.

Frankies Family Farm
02-06-2024, 10:28 AM
We tapped yesterday, though much smaller operation compared to many of you on here. Sugars were flowing well. Nothing from Silver or Reds. Looking to boil next Monday!

02-06-2024, 07:45 PM
Getting some decent runs over this way. Sugar is up a bit too from when I started.

02-06-2024, 08:08 PM
Getting some decent runs over this way. Sugar is up a bit too from when I started.

Awesome! Almost ready over here and should be done by the weekend.

02-07-2024, 08:45 AM
We got tapped on Sunday/Monday and got a good run yesterday. New 18cfm kwik vac pump is definitely an upgrade from our old dairy piston pump. Still need to clean up the sugarhouse some but should be boiling tomorrow

02-08-2024, 07:14 PM
Nice run over the last couple days. Woods are getting very dry though. My red maples are at 1.6 and the sugars are 2.3.

02-11-2024, 05:40 PM
I’m finally all tapped.
Took a lot longer than expected with the carnage in the woods from the wind storms we’ve had and repairs of squirrel chews, kind of a first for over here…
Also spent a lot of time re-tensioning lines, improving slope, and re-evaluating some of the trees I’d tapped.
Took some out and added some in. Next is getting vacuum on-line and doing a final check for leaks.
Let the Games begin.

Darrel Wright
02-22-2024, 08:37 PM
Sweet Fancy Moses what a run these past 3 days. Probably the single best 3 day stretch I've seen.

02-24-2024, 08:48 AM
After fixing some major vac leaks, I hope to finally be on line and boiling by Monday.

Figure I've missed some good runs but the old saying "while we're at it" cost me some time...I found myself changing out lines, sap hoses, gaskets and various other things that I'd always been in too much of a hurry to attend to.

It's been quiet on here this year, anyone making syrup yet?

02-24-2024, 02:37 PM
We had a very good run Thursday and Friday. Had to change the filter press a little more often than normal due to sugar sand build up. Pans didn’t build up like the press did. Hoping for another good run coming this week.

02-24-2024, 06:32 PM
Wrapped up boiling Friday after a really good run. Buckets ran well too. Sugar content was around 1.7 on the red maples and 2.5 on the sugars. I’ll take that!

02-25-2024, 08:26 AM
We had a very good run Thursday and Friday. Had to change the filter press a little more often than normal due to sugar sand build up. Pans didn’t build up like the press did. Hoping for another good run coming this week.

Wrapped up boiling Friday after a really good run. Buckets ran well too. Sugar content was around 1.7 on the red maples and 2.5 on the sugars. I’ll take that!

Today should be great, I am now officially ready.

02-27-2024, 08:32 AM
6th year for us. Tapped 2/17 with about 15 taps. Boiled Saturday and put together a real rustic Lean-to. Hopefully the start of getting some real equipment. Looking for recommendations on sizing for a 10-20 gallon syrup per year evaporator. Currently using the drum with 2 chafing dishes. Likely get a bucket RO or make one.

Can't seem to post a picture...

02-27-2024, 08:18 PM
6th year for us. Tapped 2/17 with about 15 taps. Boiled Saturday and put together a real rustic Lean-to. Hopefully the start of getting some real equipment. Looking for recommendations on sizing for a 10-20 gallon syrup per year evaporator. Currently using the drum with 2 chafing dishes. Likely get a bucket RO or make one.

Can't seem to post a picture...
Any 2x6 evaporator should work out just fine. Go see Fred at Richards Maple in Kirtland. He would have some good recommendations.

02-27-2024, 08:22 PM
Nice run over the last couple of days! A little too warm though! I’ll have to say my buckets ran very well!

02-28-2024, 06:43 AM
Nice run over the last couple of days! A little too warm though! I’ll have to say my buckets ran very well!

Same over here, was surprised it ran as long as it did with 55+ degree temps. Crystal clear but only 1.2%, may be looking for a bigger RO...

02-28-2024, 11:11 AM
Any 2x6 evaporator should work out just fine. Go see Fred at Richards Maple in Kirtland. He would have some good recommendations.

I'll second that, Fred has some nice equipment, on the floor, and ready to go. Also knows a thing or two about syrup..

02-29-2024, 08:45 PM
also knows a thing or two about syrup..

lets not get too carried away

02-29-2024, 08:46 PM
Been quiet on this thread this year...has anyone made a significant amount of syrup, or has it been too warm?
So far, I've got one boil in (Tues night) and other than these next few days, it's not looking too good going into March...

02-29-2024, 09:30 PM
Been quiet on this thread this year...has anyone made a significant amount of syrup, or has it been too warm?
So far, I've got one boil in (Tues night) and other than these next few days, it's not looking too good going into March...

Define significant
Made a little bit so far this year

03-01-2024, 07:23 AM
Define significant
Made a little bit so far this year

In this instance, the same or more than last year.
Nice front page spread in the News Herald this morning by the way!
But someone should tell them Presidents Day is Feb 17 not Jan 21?

03-01-2024, 09:18 AM
Tapped week of 1-22 and after boiling down today's run I'll be at a pint per tap, which has been the norm the last several years.

Darrel Wright
03-01-2024, 09:48 AM
Looks like we're right at the GDD point for silver maples to start budding. But set for a nice run. I think I'm going to leave my silvers on? Dunno. I guess I go do some tasting? What are you guys doing with silvers?

Darrel Wright
03-01-2024, 09:53 AM
We passed up last year with the last run. But it's not a fair comparison because it's a different mix of trees, and a staggered start from 1/16 through 2/05. Everything feels so early this year, and we're about to add another dozen GDD over the next few days.

Darrel Wright
03-01-2024, 10:00 AM
Crystal clear but only 1.2%, may be looking for a bigger RO...

In the last hours of that run we measured .8%, the lowest I've ever seen. It's been low all year for us. I think there hasn't been enough idle time, feels like it's just been a burst of gushers and a very short season. Despite all that, I think we're not too far off a quart per tap here.

03-01-2024, 01:22 PM
I am in SW PA about 2 hrs away and have had VERY low sugar content all season. Averaging slightly under 1%. Worst I've had here in 7 season.

03-01-2024, 01:36 PM
I’m seldom over 1.5%.
Monday’s sap was right there but by Tuesday it was just over 1%.
Figured we were just pulling water out of the ground so boiled what I had and turned the vac off.

03-01-2024, 03:38 PM
extreme smoke from cannada sopped alot of the sunlight thats what i think

03-01-2024, 06:49 PM
extreme smoke from cannada sopped alot of the sunlight thats what i think

Sap Chap is a robot…that’s what I think. :cool:

03-01-2024, 06:54 PM
So we got all tapped in 2/5 and are at half a crop. Sugar content has been a little lower than average for us but not by much. Just our sap runs have not been stellar here on the lakeshore

03-01-2024, 07:27 PM
I’ve got sap coming in today, about 1/2 gal/tap, but it’s only a bit over 1%.
Also looks cloudy but we’re going to boil it off tomorrow and hope for the best.
What a goofy year, starting to look like 2012.

03-01-2024, 08:15 PM
I’ve got sap coming in today, about 1/2 gal/tap, but it’s only a bit over 1%.
Also looks cloudy but we’re going to boil it off tomorrow and hope for the best.
What a goofy year, starting to look like 2012.

Yea, Mines cloudy too. Smells a bit too...... Hoping it clears up some but not optimistic... I think our season down here in Columbiana County will be over after the weekend. No freeze in the forecast for 2 weeks and at that point they are just guessing anyway.:). Oh well, we just hit 560 gal yesterday afternoon on 1500 taps, so I'm happy. Although if God would see fit to continue the season for another couple weeks, I wouldn't complain.:lol::lol: Hope you guys up north can keep going for awhile yet. Planning to make a trip to Kevin Holly's outfit tomorrow. Would be great to meet some of you...... Cheers!

03-01-2024, 08:39 PM
I tapped around January 16th and I’m about at my average right now. I’ll check sugar content in the morning. So far this year I’ve seen it from 1.3-1.7 on the reds and up to 2.5 on the sugars. Sap coming in pretty decent now.

03-01-2024, 09:35 PM
I’ve got sap coming in today, about 1/2 gal/tap, but it’s only a bit over 1%.
Also looks cloudy but we’re going to boil it off tomorrow and hope for the best.
What a goofy year, starting to look like 2012.

I was concerned about a 2012 repeat from the beginning, averages are always about the highs and lows. Going to try to stick it out through the warm spell, the gdd just arnt there yet to call it quits. We will see by end of week but vacuum is going to be the key to keep them running.

As always….we will know by April the outcome of the season

03-02-2024, 09:46 AM
I was concerned about a 2012 repeat from the beginning, averages are always about the highs and lows. Going to try to stick it out through the warm spell, the gdd just arnt there yet to call it quits. We will see by end of week but vacuum is going to be the key to keep them running.

As always….we will know by April the outcome of the season

Got a gallon per tap over night. Running through the RO now and will boil today.
It’s still coming in although it’s definitely slowing up.

03-02-2024, 04:24 PM
Sap shutting down quickly, had a ok run last night and today. Red sugar was at 1.6 and sugars holding on above 2. Definitely not a good run for the buckets compared to the last couple of runs. From here on out it’s a matter of preference if you stay in.

03-02-2024, 07:11 PM
Sap shutting down quickly, had a ok run last night and today. Red sugar was at 1.6 and sugars holding on above 2. Definitely not a good run for the buckets compared to the last couple of runs. From here on out it’s a matter of preference if you stay in.

Decent run last night, about 1 GPT but really slowed down.
Got 2nd boil in today but RO couldn’t keep up and ended up boiling 2.5% sap.
It was coming in about as fast as the Hobby RO could process.
1 step forward, 1 step back for almost zero gain.
This is a weird year. No runs, then tsunamis, and temps in the 60’s.
Going to hold on till next weekend hoping for a change in weather pattern, but not holding my breath.

EDIT: I need to add that when I went to run today’s syrup through the filter press… I had all the papers upside down with holes at the top. Just for excitement I had syrup shooting all over the place until I figured out what was wrong. Hosed everything down with hot water and kept telling myself how much fun I was having. Big *** grin

03-03-2024, 01:17 PM
I am outside at the sugarhouse right now cleaning up from yesterday's boil, and doing a deep clean on the back pan. We have a large creek system that's on the property and I just heard my first peeper... It was strange, only one frog. Not an orchestra. Let's hope his buddies don't chime in, and finger's crossed for some hard freezes by next weekend... but by then it might be too late.

03-03-2024, 02:04 PM
… I just heard my first peeper... It was strange, only one frog. Not an orchestra. Let's hope his buddies don't chime in, and finger's crossed for some hard freezes by next weekend... but by then it might be too late.

The rest are sure to follow soon. We rarely go more than a few days once they start. The end is neigh, although it’s been a strange winter, so who knows.

P.S. what people refer to as “peepers” here are generally wood frogs.

03-03-2024, 07:06 PM
I just shut down just now , walked outside and 1 or 2 were peeping as well. 70 degrees tomorrow I’m sure they’ll all wake up!

03-04-2024, 06:54 AM
I got boil #3 in yesterday, woke up to about 120 gallons still clear although still low at 1.2%.

Not heard any frogs here...but I can't hear for beans anyway.

I 'm sticking it out at least until this time next week.

Darrel Wright
03-04-2024, 07:13 AM
Has anyone else noticed their leader sap hydrometer giving bad measurements on the very low side? We were measuring as low as .6 towards the end here, but it would run through the R/O removing slightly less than half the water, and come out as 2% concentrate. Something doesn't add up.

Full orchestra of the froggies were singing last night in Hiram. It's too early! I'm toying with the idea of trying Birch and/or Beech.

03-04-2024, 08:43 AM
Has anyone else noticed their leader sap hydrometer giving bad measurements on the very low side? We were measuring as low as .6 towards the end here, but it would run through the R/O removing slightly less than half the water, and come out as 2% concentrate. Something doesn't add up.

Full orchestra of the froggies were singing last night in Hiram. It's too early! I'm toying with the idea of trying Birch and/or Beech.

You need to correct for temperature. The hydrometers are calibrated to around 34 degrees F. If it's really warm, you might need to add as much as 0.4%.



Darrel Wright
03-05-2024, 08:06 AM
Thanks, yes, didn't realize it was that large an adjustment but still with the temp it was at, around 55, that would explain only about half the discrepancy.

03-05-2024, 01:13 PM
Thanks, yes, didn't realize it was that large an adjustment but still with the temp it was at, around 55, that would explain only about half the discrepancy.

I've used one similar to this for a long time for making both beer and maple and they work fine for my use, and much more durable than a hydrometer for sap. I carry it around in my back pocket when I want to check buckets, and checking RO readings.

Just a thought...

Brix Refractometer with ATC, Dual Scale - Specific Gravity & Brix, Hydrometer in Wine Making and Beer Brewing, Homebrew Kit https://a.co/d/iULJzxr

03-08-2024, 07:19 AM
in the event we get a good freeze over Saturday and Sunday…

Going to start vac backup tomorrow, clear out any nasty sap from the lines and make way for one last tank.
Sugars are still looking good, but the reds are flowered and ready to pop.

Darrel Wright
03-09-2024, 10:50 AM
Interested to see what you report, I struggled with the decision but decided to shut it down. Sugars do look like they have a ways to go. I'm sure I cheated myself out of a few gallons.

03-09-2024, 05:13 PM
in the event we get a good freeze over Saturday and Sunday…

Going to start vac backup tomorrow, clear out any nasty sap from the lines and make way for one last tank.
Sugars are still looking good, but the reds are flowered and ready to pop.

Going down to 30 degrees tomorrow, I checked the reds, they are flowered but buds have not opened.

Vac on this am, have maybe 50 gal of real cloudy sap so far but will keep on until the freeze hoping to clear out any junk sap and fire back up with the thaw coming Monday-Tuesday. This year is the worst for us since 2012, likely ‘cause I didn’t tap until mid Feb.
Stopped to see Fred at Richard’s today to get supplies (bottles) as I’m feeling fairly confident we have more syrup to make.

Talked a bit about MT and how difficult it’s been to log in and how much he wishes he had a Leader Clear Press. :lol:

03-11-2024, 09:24 AM
As I only remember part of that conversation :) I am at least glad the format is back to normal and we've retained all the past 25 years of debate and info past along.

03-11-2024, 07:23 PM
We were in sub 30 degree temps both Sat and Sunday. With the warmup forecast for today, I turned the pump on this morning at 8.
By 2 this afternoon maybe 30 gal had come in which was junk in the lines so I dumped it.
By 6 pm it had freed up some and was somewhat clearer - had about 50 gal - dumped this also with hopes that I'd cleared out the lines.
I'm hoping it'll run tonight and tomorrow and we'll get one last boil in...buds here on Little Mountain are still not broken open.

Darrel Wright
03-13-2024, 02:50 PM
Still running up in chardon?
We're having a neighborhood pancake breakfast on Saturday so I left 2 gravity lines running to collect up enough so the evaporator can be in action then. Put it in the pan and just bringing it up to a boil and stopping every day. Still coming in this afternoon.
Btw anyone do this before, or know what temp you need to go up to to halt bacteria? I presume boiling is probably overkill.

03-14-2024, 04:17 PM
Still running up in chardon?
We're having a neighborhood pancake breakfast on Saturday so I left 2 gravity lines running to collect up enough so the evaporator can be in action then. Put it in the pan and just bringing it up to a boil and stopping every day. Still coming in this afternoon.
Btw anyone do this before, or know what temp you need to go up to to halt bacteria? I presume boiling is probably overkill.

boiling point is the only way to kill the bacteria. there is no way sap is still good at this point. everyone else has pulled taps