View Full Version : Somers, CT - 75 Taps in!!
02-02-2008, 07:27 PM
I took a look at the forecast for my area for the next week and it is perfect for sap and decided to take the plunge and put some of my taps in.
I put about a little less than a third of what I have (75 or so) in and I'll take a wait and see approach about putting the rest in over the next few weeks. It looks like after a cold stretch later next weekend, good sap weather will return. If it wasn't for the date, I'd put all of mine in, but it just seems too early.
I must say though, the sap was running pretty good today.
47 in here in Guilford today. Running pretty well.
02-03-2008, 03:52 PM
Here in Salem I wasn't going to tap for 2 weeks but finally gave in as I didn't want to miss the run this week. I have right about 206 drilled for now and the releaser is dumping around a quart every couple minutes. It sure takes longer using isopropyl alcholol at each tap and needing a step ladder for some. Not sure how i'm gonna keep up with this but what fun would it be otherwise. good luck.
Grade "A"
02-03-2008, 04:15 PM
dhbiker1 do you dip your taps in isopropyl alcholol before you put them in the trees? I'm guessing this helps get rid of bacteria.
02-03-2008, 07:42 PM
Grade "A" - Yep, I just fill up a small container (empty pill bottle or similar) and dip each spile in before drilling. This is the first year I did it so we'll see if it keeps the holes sanitized and with minimal bacteria for a long time. It was a pain opening the bottle at each tree so after a while I dipped every spile on one lateral before drilling that lateral.
02-03-2008, 07:55 PM
The sugarhill plastic 1/2 litre sugarhouse bottles work great. Just takes a second to stick the entire spile in and out. The cap is easy on and off and it is a shape that will not tip over as it is bottom heavy and a nice flat bottom.
Grade "A"
02-04-2008, 05:07 AM
Thanks, I will remember to do that when I tap.
I know what it does but is the alcohol dip really necessary or more specifically what do you really get out of doing it?
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