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View Full Version : Trying to find or build a spark arrester

12-07-2023, 11:49 AM
Setup; 10" insulated pipe through the roof and 2' past the cupola peak. I've been unable to find a off the shelf spark arrester that would have sufficient area not to choke the draft.

The North American Maple Producers Manual (3rd. Ed.) has an image of one in chapter 7, Fig. 7.7 that is what I have in mind. (Upload image failed.) the arrester looks to have a 2" larger radius and is the length of one length of pipe with cap and supports.

So with 10" insulated pipe, OD=13" I'm looking for something approximately 15-17" in diameter and a minimum of 24-28" long not including the cap.

I'm aware of other potential spark reduction methods like Air Over Fire and concentric exhausts but at this time they are both cost and time prohibitive.

Any thoughts on where i can purchase this or the parts fora a D.I.Y.?


maple flats
12-07-2023, 07:58 PM
Put a T on top and place a 1/4" SS hardware cloth over each open end. Try to face it in the direction of the most common prevailing wind. Attach them with a Band clamp to hold it in place. I also suggest you add 1' more, the formula for chimney height is to be 3' above the exit and 2' above the highest point within 10'. If your stack is real close to the cupola, 3' is safer.

12-08-2023, 06:55 AM
I rolled a cone-shaped arrester for the top of my stack out of 1/4" mesh. Definitely catches the big stuff, but small ones get through. Cheaper than buying another T :)

Don't seem to have a great picture of it....but this may help.


12-09-2023, 10:09 PM
I’ve found that any type of mesh that is put in the stack will eventually get clogged with soot and chunks of charcoal what is basically what you see flying out your stack on fire.
If you don’t mind changing out the mesh every boil or going up and cleaning it out I think you will be disappointed in the performance.
The best spark arrestor I had was the last year we had our old arch. I installed a thick 1/8” stainless screen right at the back of the arch. Basically slid it between the back flue pan and the stack. Went right down to the fire blanket. I left it stick up maybe 6” and would just loosen the pan tensioner before every boil and slide the screen out and whatever was on it and stuck in it would fall off or I would bang it out.
I found the screen at the scrapyard in a commercial sink. Was some sort of drain board for a rack.
Worked amazing. I might even try to install something similar on my new CDL Venturi.
People will chime in and say that it will impede your draft putting it behind your pan. But it won’t. I never adjusted the fan or anything. If anything I was able to run it hotter because I wasn’t worried about blowing sparks 300’ into the air and burning down the shack.
There is little to no sparks now with the new Venturi but when I open the door to fire the sparks start flying out the stack. Stop as soon as the door is shut though. No blow torch at the top of the stack though.

If I’m able to find a picture I’ll post it.
I’ve been having a WHO%e of a time trying to post pictures though. Don’t know what’s up with the site lately.

Here is a link to something similar to what I used. Can’t tell if it’s exactly the same spacing but looks similar.

12-11-2023, 06:56 AM
I've been running the one pictured above for at least 4 seasons now. It's never plugged or impacted performance. It stays very clean. Perhaps the wood used affects things and most of what I burn is ash and boxelder, but I've run large amounts of elm and spruce through it too and it's never fouled up.

12-11-2023, 08:14 AM
Thanks all for the thoughts and recommendations. I appreciate your time on this.