View Full Version : CDL releaser issues belly dump

09-29-2023, 06:12 PM
I have a CDL 4000 tap manual dump extractor model 122408. The guIllotine actuator sticks. The unit is. Not serviceable. Does CDL make these any longer or is there a retrofit kit available that I could install to make this thing work again

Trying to add picture

09-30-2023, 08:10 AM
send me a pic. that is one of the most popular releasers and still made. sounds like its out of adjustment and everything on it is able to be serviced.

09-30-2023, 02:10 PM
send me a pic. that is one of the most popular releasers and still made. sounds like its out of adjustment and everything on it is able to be serviced.

Hi Fred

Yeah, this site is not very friendly when it comes to pictures and I’m not tech savy enough to mess with it

Send me your email address and I will send the picture.

In addition, I’m not exactly sure where all those drop lines go to. I used my maple brain but not exactly sure. There were 2 that were on the guillotine blades I remembered where o e went but not about the others.

Can’t find a manual for this particular model with the guillotine either. If I had it, I’m sure I can figure out where all those drop line vacuum lines go.

Thanks for any help you can provide. It is appreciated


Ps your stored message quota is reached, tried sending this there first

10-02-2023, 10:18 AM
thank you i fixed the messages board and replied to your email