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View Full Version : New Mason Raised Flue

09-04-2023, 06:28 PM
My son and I went to see Bill yesterday...
We came home with a shiny new 2x4 raised flue with hood/preheater, floats, autodraw. All the bells and whistles!
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the upgrade from the old 2x4XL.

Spent some time in the woods today looking at additional trees to tap for 2024!


Andy VT
09-04-2023, 09:45 PM
That's awesome!
You're gonna need some more taps, bigger RO, bigger canner, bigger sugarhouse, better get started!

09-07-2023, 08:39 AM
Congrats on the upgrade and props for not starting out with all the fancy add ons. Having all the bells and whistles is definitely worth the extra funds. and should make your sugaring season even better.

12-03-2023, 10:34 AM
I also have a 2x4 XL and would like to upgrade.

Options include a used Small Brothers, a new Leader Vermonter raised flue pan, or Bill's raised flue.

Any suggestions or hindsight?

12-04-2023, 06:31 AM
I just upgraded my 2x4XL with a new Smoky Lake Hybrid Pro pan, with float box and Simplicity draw off. The SL 2x4 pan fits perfectly on the Mason arch, and you can leave Bill's preheat pan in place. I capped off the two feed valves on the preheat pan, and ran a silicone line from the bottom of the preheat pan drain to the float box inlet. Tested all with a water boil and running great. Looking to improve from the 14-15 ish to 25+ gph on the new drop flue SL pan.