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View Full Version : Temperature Probe Problems

04-13-2023, 05:59 AM
My auto drawoff probe(s) were a challenge this season. I have a reversible syrup pan so I already had two. It was apparent during the first boil that the probe I was running was drifting by several degrees. I found that wiggling the connection would reset to what seemed like an accurate temperature. Next boil I swapped to the other probe which worked fine, for a couple boils. But it eventually had the same problem. Meantime I had replaced the original and I removed the old probes from the pan and used the new one by just resting it into the pan. I also set up with an analog thermometer for a second check.

Then towards the end of the season the new probe began to drift.

I was wondering if others have had this problem and have found a cause and solution.


04-13-2023, 07:56 AM
Sounds like your ground might be just a bit wonky. If the probe is a thermister-type, even very small voltage differences have a big effect on the reading. Maybe condensation got into the box and corroded something or the ground is partially loose? Alternatively, it could be some electronic component starting to go bad.

maple flats
04-13-2023, 06:47 PM
If it is a ground issue, are you plugging it into a grounded outlet (hot, neutral and ground)? You can't use an adapter, if you don't have a grounded outlet, rewire one. You can get a ground by using emt (electrical metalic tubing) and all metal connections or use greenfield (flexible metal wrapped cable) and run it into the neutral screws in the panel box. If you don't know how to do it, get an electrician, before next season.

04-13-2023, 08:37 PM
The outlet is grounded but the plug is a 2 prong without a ground plug. And 2 of the 3 probes I started with started working fine.

04-16-2023, 06:10 PM
I fought with the same problem for two years. It ended up being the connection as mentioned. I needed up taking it to an electronics guy and he installed a new connector on the auto draw unit and the plug at the end of the wire.
He also found that on 1 of the probes the wires were getting twisted and 1 was almost broke. It was under the spring thing on the end of the probe.
Fixed all my problems and was $50 of well spent money.
I also take my probe out after every boil and soak it in vinegar untill the next boil. Keeps the minerals from building up on it.

04-18-2023, 05:36 AM
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I agree that it has to do with the connection to the probe.