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View Full Version : Space under flat pan

04-02-2023, 11:19 AM
I have a home built 2 foot by 7 foot evaporator with a 3 foot 3 chamber syrup pan that boils very well. The flue pan is flat 4 by 2. The fire box is under the syrup pan only. I have 3 inch to 2 inch tapper under the flue pan. I have a hard time getting the boil going in the whole flue pan. Should I tighten up the space under the flue pan. I try to maintain 2 inch sap depth throughout while boiling. TIA

04-02-2023, 08:01 PM
Bring that space down to 3/4 to 1/2 inch, that should help your boil.

04-03-2023, 08:27 AM
Bring that space down to 3/4 to 1/2 inch, that should help your boil.

That sounds like not enough space. His firebox is only 2' wide, and he has a flat pan, no flues.

What size is your stovepipe? Is it six inches or eight? You want the space under the pan to be no less than the stovepipe, or it will restrict flow. So if it's a 6" stovepipe, that is 28 square inches. Meaning with a 2' firebox you need a bit over 1" under the pan. If the stovepipe is 8", that is 50 square inches, so you would need a bit over 2" under the back pan.

Hope that helps,


04-03-2023, 10:34 AM
Thanks, my stove pipe is 6 inches. I'l try an inch and quarter or inch and half.