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View Full Version : Oil fire conversion

04-02-2023, 09:03 AM
Good morning!

I have a leader inferno 4x12 drop flue that I知 planning to convert to oil. Looking for some input on the ins
And outs of this. Planning on removing the door and replacing it with a plate that can swing open. What size burner should I use and how far below the pan should it be mounted?What thickness steel should I use? Planning on lining the fire box with ceramic blanket, can I leave the the fire brick in the rear of the arch and not blanket that? Thanks for any input, pics etc!

07-09-2023, 08:36 PM
I知 in the same process. I did my last two boils of the season on an oil gun. 30x8 leader max and I知 running it at 6.8 gph.
But I to am questioning about taking the brick out and just doing blanket. I called leader and talked to an oil gun tech that have and he suggested 5.8 or something like that but everyone says you have to try different Nozzles. I got lucky and had a friend that used to be in the business and he gave me a bunch of Large nozzles not likely to be using household furnace. I壇 say you壇 probably be in the 10 gallon per hour range. I would call your evaporator company and see what they say.

07-10-2023, 08:20 PM
https://leaderevaporator.com/content/Leader-Insulated-Oil-Arch.pdf there is a place to start.