View Full Version : Favorite/ Least Favorite
Andy VT
03-30-2023, 08:22 PM
Well, I've figured out my favorite and least favorite parts of sugaring, and it turns out they're the opposite ends of the same thing. My favorite thing is the sound of that "pop" of the canning jar lid, and my least favorite thing is the non-sound of the non-pop of the canning jar lid. Just had a 7 for 7 pop and that was very nice!
Posted this under "backyarders" because I suspect we're the only ones using jars like this for syrup. I guess I'll have to come up with both a new favorite and non-favorite thing if I ever stop using the canning jars.
Now that I have an orlon cone filter, filtering is not my least favorite. Not sure why people hate them so much. Syrup sailing right through. I'm only using one pre-filter though and suspect I'd be clearer if I used more than 1 as I'm reading of some people doing. But still looking pretty good.
I'm having much flavor anxiety; so much so that my latest dark batch I thought I might throw away without finishing all of it. So, I took it around the neighborhood with a jar and dixie cups to see what the tree owners and other neighbors would think. Universally, they loved it and want more of it.
So, I lied, that's actually my favorite thing. Still like that pop though.
03-31-2023, 06:12 AM
Love that pop. My wife and I giggle everytime one pops down on our bottling night.
Favorite of mine is collecting and seeing a overflowing 5 gal jug.23116
Another favorite is the smell in the sugar shack when the bubbles start to get big and glossy.
Least favorite was filtering through fabrics and cheesecloth in a funnel. New 3 plate Badgerland press eliminates that problem. Also least favorite is driving 3 hours up to my sugar camp and realizing all my jugs and buckets are frozen solid.
03-31-2023, 07:35 AM
Favorite = spending time in the shack making memories with friends and family, enjoying some food and drinks, rejoicing in this awesome spring ritual.
Least favorite = dealing with 90 frozen solid 3 gallon blocks of sap because I couldn't collect my buckets in time before a deep freeze.
red dorakeen
03-31-2023, 02:05 PM
Favorite for me is just being in the woods tapping, collecting or just maintaining trails.
Least favorite is boiling when it's in the 70°s and you can't wait because there's no snow to pile around the the sap to keep it from spoiling.
03-31-2023, 03:49 PM
Great thread idea!
Favorite: “Taste testing “ each batch as it comes off the evaporator. Tied with just being in the woods.
Least Favorite: post season clean up. Ugg.
On the ledge
03-31-2023, 06:21 PM
Favorite : Put me down as another of tapping and being in the woods.
Least Favorite: washing all the buckets at seasons end.
03-31-2023, 07:06 PM
Favorite: The beginning of the season when it's still cool and some snow on the ground ( most years ).
Least Favorite: Dealing with the sticky that goes with making the syrup. I just have never been able to stand that and am constantly washing my hands to get the free of anything sticky. My wife just laughs.
03-31-2023, 07:07 PM
Favorite: Woods work in the fall on a crisp December day. Good exercise, peaceful and not in a rush.
Least Favorite: Definitely end of season cleanup. Usually into smelting season and it never enough time as work gets busier.
03-31-2023, 07:20 PM
Favorite: CRISIS! - Tank overflowing, dry line pulling apart, pumps not starting as sap flows in, frozen lines through culverts, chasing a tiny leak freezing up an entire woods, syrup pan temperature climbing more than expected, tree down on a mainline, .....
Lease Favorite - waiting for the next crisis!
Life would be less interesting without sugaring.
Sunday Rock Maple
04-01-2023, 06:44 AM
Favorite is hearing what someone is doing that improves the process, investigating it, implementing it, debugging, then (hopefully) seeing it bear fruit.
Least favorite is squirrels...........
04-01-2023, 08:43 AM
Least favorite is boiling when it's in the 70°s and you can't wait because there's no snow to pile around the the sap to keep it from spoiling.
:lol: Been there!
04-01-2023, 08:48 AM
2 fav's, the start of the season, and the end of the season. Least fav , waist deep snow.
04-01-2023, 07:45 PM
Too many to choose from. How about:
Favorite: Arriving at the sugarbush to find every bucket overflowing.
Least favorite: Looking at the woodpile and knowing I won't be able to make it through all that sap.
Favorite: being in the sugar shack, everything is going well, snow is lightly falling outside and all is peaceful and beautiful.
Least favorite: washing endless buckets after the season. Frozen buckets of sap is a good one too.
Bucket Head
04-02-2023, 10:53 PM
This has been a fun post to read! All good likes and dislikes. We all probably have a small list of both if we gave it more thought. I have a bunch, but here's two of the bigger one's.
Favorite: Spending quality time at the evaporator- both operating it and showing visitors how it works.
Least favorite: Spending quality time at the evaporator- cleaning it.
04-03-2023, 05:17 AM
Right now Least Favorite is my struggles with my RO and DE filtering.
Favorite: Night boils, , the stack glowing, the yellow glow from the shack lights lighting up the steam coming out the shack, a star filled sky
Favorite: All work prior and during the season.
Least Favorite: Post season clean-up.
04-03-2023, 07:41 PM
Favorite: Eating it on waffles before work most mornings
Least Favorite: the dry rough burnt hands from hot and cold. Seems like not matter how careful I am, my hands take a beating after boiling.
04-03-2023, 08:34 PM
Favorite: talking and showing people about the maple syrup process and the anticipation of the upcoming season
Least favorite: Mud, having to dump sap on the ground, sleepless cold nights.
Thanks for starting this thread!
04-03-2023, 09:04 PM
Favorite: Being outside in the woods. Secondly the plumbing of vacuum and pumping.
Least favorite: troubleshooting mechanical issues.
04-04-2023, 06:55 AM
Favorite-tapping and hanging buckets in the snow
Least-taking buckets down knowing I have to wait another year to do it again!
04-04-2023, 09:00 AM
So many Favorites - That first big sap flow after you tap
Least favorite - End of season cleanup
Andy VT
04-11-2024, 01:48 PM
2024 was my 4th year, but my second year of having a significant number of pails and buckets to clean, dry and put away.
This is not my most favorite.
But I also wanted to mention, it is also not my least favorite.
I'm finding that splashing around with a water hose outdoors on the first warm days of the year is not my least favorite at all.
It might help that I only have maybe 20 minutes a day to put towards it, so it's taking over a week but at least I'm not doing it for long.
But it's just nice to be outside.
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