View Full Version : Improper taps have damaged trees- what to do?

David Wayne
03-29-2023, 08:48 AM
This year I picked up a few trees from a neighbor down the road. When I ask him he said sure, some had been tapped before he bought the place and the taps are still in the trees! I thought there wouldn't be much left of them since he bought the place 21 years ago. Then I seen them, the taps are 1/2" CPVC plastic water pipe, some are now flush with the tree while others are still sticking out a good 2 inches. Out of curiosity I took a twig and stuck it in one of the pipes, first 2 inches were nothing, then resistance like rotten spongy wood for a depth of 6 to 7 inches. Seems the tree will not heal until it can cover the opening. So what should be done? 1- cut them flush and seal the hole (with what) 2- drill the pipe out , or 3- do nothing the damage is already done. All I can do is advise the owner but man I hate seeing the trees neglected like that.

Thanks in advance

Bucket Head
03-29-2023, 11:52 AM
Maple trees are pretty resilient, but some wounds are just too much for them. Years ago, I was offered some maple firewood that had the old, blue, 7/16" plastic spiles still in it. The wood was all rotten around and behind all the taps. In fact, that is why the trees were taken down. They were not healthy trees anymore. Sadly, the damage is done. Maybe I'd cut the remaining stubs off flush for aesthetics, but there isn't much more you can do now.
Maybe another poster, or an arborist, might have some insight on the subject.


03-29-2023, 07:47 PM
Cut them flush and leave them.

03-30-2023, 06:20 AM
I can't judge too harshly. About 5 CVs snapped when I was pulling them (1 when I was setting it). There was too little of the stem sticking out to grab to pull it out. It's there to stay - which stinks because I don't want it to be a vac leak in future seasons. It seems like the tree will eventually grow around it. I feel worse if there's a potential for that kind of damage to the wood.