View Full Version : Next Generation Maple Products 180HPRO question

03-27-2023, 08:30 AM
I have bought a used HPRO180 that has the (2) 4" x 40" membranes. Is it possible to install 2 ball valves and isolate and shut off one membrane on small run days if I am running low on permeate? On big sap run days I would open the valves and let it run through both membranes. The plumbing between the 2 membranes looks like it would be easy to install the valves. If so, should I use stainless valves or would brass valves be acceptable?

maple flats
03-27-2023, 07:29 PM
Seems like you should be able to. Call Steve, the one who owns Next Gen Maple Products, he's a regular guy, he can give you specifics.