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View Full Version : Leader steam away plugged air holes

blissville maples
03-19-2023, 08:30 PM
So here we are 5 year old evaporator and I can't seem to unplug the steam away holes. aggressive warm acid wash, bubbling permeate overnight. Wondering if any other have this issue and any successful methods in restoring the bubbles. You'd think the tubes would be removable. Can't really exert enough pressure on a wire to poke them out so I dunno....any thoughts

03-20-2023, 06:09 AM
Leader products. Best solution is to cut a hole in the back and remove your stack so you can get a brush in there and scrub the tubes (seen it done plenty of times). That or drill some new holes in the top.

blissville maples
03-20-2023, 06:40 AM
Leader products. Best solution is to cut a hole in the back and remove your stack so you can get a brush in there and scrub the tubes (seen it done plenty of times). That or drill some new holes in the top.

I can brush from the front with the removable plugs on each but the niter is too hard to make much difference. Might be able to get a drill down into where they are they sit underneath a couple tubes that steam goes thru without holes. I suppose that would work, but that's one idea I didn't think of!

03-20-2023, 06:52 AM
Have you tried acid inside the air pipes? It might be closer to the source and work better, also maybe try not diluting the acid. First time I have heard of the air holes getting plugged in a steamaway.

03-20-2023, 07:40 AM
We used a Steamaway for many years and never had this problem. We always got away with soaking and boiling with permeate.

Are they copper tubes or stainless? If copper, be REALLY careful using acid and make sure to rinse EXTREMELY well afterward.

03-20-2023, 11:56 AM
Had this happen many times. H&M has cut out the front section and turned it into a bolt on option and caps on the ends of the tubes for direct contact cleaning. the early models were solder and copper, not able to be acid washed. the later models welded and all stainless but then still hard to get the acid out. Best financial decision is to get a better RO and scrap the steamaway\piggyback systems. Just like all that crap that is in there. the sap spreads bacteria and end of season helps ferment the sap to make it ropey.

blissville maples
03-21-2023, 06:19 AM
Have you tried acid inside the air pipes? It might be closer to the source and work better, also maybe try not diluting the acid. First time I have heard of the air holes getting plugged in a steamaway.

We use the fc 350 from the dairy store. Supposed use 1 oz to 30 gals we use about a qt....next time I'm going to boil the hell out of it for an hr instead of 15 minutes. I guess perhaps turning air off and let it get into tubes a little, I'm sure it does some.

blissville maples
03-21-2023, 06:20 AM
We used a Steamaway for many years and never had this problem. We always got away with soaking and boiling with permeate.

Are they copper tubes or stainless? If copper, be REALLY careful using acid and make sure to rinse EXTREMELY well afterward.

Ha of course only here. They are stainless tubes so no worries there. What about spots of nighter that don't come off does that hold residual acid?

blissville maples
03-21-2023, 06:22 AM
Had this happen many times. H&M has cut out the front section and turned it into a bolt on option and caps on the ends of the tubes for direct contact cleaning. the early models were solder and copper, not able to be acid washed. the later models welded and all stainless but then still hard to get the acid out. Best financial decision is to get a better RO and scrap the steamaway\piggyback systems. Just like all that crap that is in there. the sap spreads bacteria and end of season helps ferment the sap to make it ropey.

It is a pain, I feel it helps with the efficiency of our boiling since we're able to do around 160 to 180 gallons an hour when everything is running right. Oh yes I've had that experience when we first got the machine you have to make sure that everything in the steamway makes it to the back pan otherwise it is not get sterilized. Learn that the hard way!!