Schanz Family Maple
03-15-2023, 09:23 AM
We have a very difficult time getting an invert sugar level high enough for maple cream. I have just bought a second glucose meter, because I thought the first must be bad. The only syrup that we have that tests in the proper range is Very Dark, and it only tested at 50 mg/dL--so an invert of 1%. I am following the instructions in the Cornell Maple Bulletin for measuring and adjusting invert sugar to a T. 10 grams of syrup, 90 grams of water...all that. I have watched Cornell's video on using the glucose meter and purchased the identical meter to be sure. Because the invert in the Very Dark is still only 1%, it's hard to use it to adjust the invert in the lighter syrup. I have made maple cream with the 1% Very Dark, and it has a fairly good texture, but a stronger flavor than typical maple cream, of course.
So here are my questions--First, Do other maple producers experience this same thing? Second, Does anyone have an explanation for why the inverts would be so low? (Ours have been low for the last three years that I've been trying to make maple cream.) And last, Is there a way to raise the invert other than blending? I'd really like to make the lighter flavored maple cream, so I'm hesitant to have to mix in as much Very Dark as it would take.
I have scoured the forums for any info on this subject, but I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Any help will be much appreciated!
Dawn Schanz
Schanz Family Maple
New Vineyard, Maine
So here are my questions--First, Do other maple producers experience this same thing? Second, Does anyone have an explanation for why the inverts would be so low? (Ours have been low for the last three years that I've been trying to make maple cream.) And last, Is there a way to raise the invert other than blending? I'd really like to make the lighter flavored maple cream, so I'm hesitant to have to mix in as much Very Dark as it would take.
I have scoured the forums for any info on this subject, but I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Any help will be much appreciated!
Dawn Schanz
Schanz Family Maple
New Vineyard, Maine