View Full Version : Maple-pocalypse? Syrup looks like the latest victim of climate change

03-14-2023, 07:37 AM
There was an article in the Financial Times yesterday about the Maple-pocalypse and the impact of climate change on the industry and hobby. I would post the link, but I think you have a better chance of reading the article, finding it on Google than from my link, as they will want you to subscribe to read the the link.

They talk about an earlier start to seasons, eventually less sugars in the sap and less yields per tap.

When you look at one year, you are looking at weather, when you look at many years of change, you are talking about climate change.

This year, as I imagine almost every year, there will be areas with low yields and areas with high yields.

I am a believer in climate change and its impacts will be real. I likely will not see too many profound changes in my sugaring time, but I think the difference 25 years from now will be profound.

03-14-2023, 07:57 AM
The world economic forum, leader of the fight for climate change says that in order to save the planet, the Future of food, is NOTHING from nature. I would post a link but you need to sign up to see it.

03-14-2023, 08:06 AM
As much as we try to dispel these notions when reporters call us, they frequently already know what they want to write (not all of them...some are happy to be educated on the subject). When we won't give them a gloom and doom story, they move on to someone else who will. It's difficult, because the story really is quite complex and has a lot of uncertainties.

That said, in the LONG run, climate change will not be kind to our friends in the far southern ranges of the maple production areas.

03-17-2023, 12:12 PM
They were saying 20 years ago the maple business would be dried up by now and we are having our best year ever in the Finger Lakes region of NY. Doom and gloom sells in media. They can't even get tomorrows weather right and we are supposed to believe the 20 year forecast?

blissville maples
03-18-2023, 06:54 AM
As much as we try to dispel these notions when reporters call us, they frequently already know what they want to write (not all of them...some are happy to be educated on the subject). When we won't give them a gloom and doom story, they move on to someone else who will. It's difficult, because the story really is quite complex and has a lot of uncertainties.

That said, in the LONG run, climate change will not be kind to our friends in the far southern ranges of the maple production areas.

So true! Unfortunately boring news that doesn't excite people don't make good articles! It's all about the narrative -sad.

But yes in 500 years I'm sure the weather will be significantly different (not just a warm week here or there) but who knows things can change now they are employing devices to capture the pollution out of the air- thank bill gates

blissville maples
03-18-2023, 06:55 AM
They were saying 20 years ago the maple business would be dried up by now and we are having our best year ever in the Finger Lakes region of NY. Doom and gloom sells in media. They can't even get tomorrows weather right and we are supposed to believe the 20 year forecast?

💯 Uts all speculation. Ever go to a mechanic and have him fix the wrong thing or do a bad job? Every person is different some know their stuff while others think they do- big difference

03-18-2023, 11:31 AM
Well, I am not all doom and gloom...but it's pretty hard to refute the science and the evidence that supports a warming planet. Won't affect me in my lifetime. And if it does, I'll just plant olive trees and make olive oil instead.

03-18-2023, 01:53 PM
Well, I am not all doom and gloom...but it's pretty hard to refute the science and the evidence that supports a warming planet. Won't affect me in my lifetime. And if it does, I'll just plant olive trees and make olive oil instead.

Are you going to use sap as your defoamer, then? :lol:

I know it wouldn't happen at all, but couldn't resist the joke.

03-18-2023, 03:46 PM
...but it's pretty hard to refute the science and the evidence that supports a warming planet.

This. And it's affecting people's lives now.

03-18-2023, 04:22 PM
A worst threat from "climate change" are the proposed solutions.

FWIW, It's SDG 2 where they want to INCREASE Food production while REDUCING the land used. No new sugarbushes someday?
And SDG 15 is where they want to take the people OFF the land altogether.

Their agenda is no secret, Its all here: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

03-18-2023, 07:11 PM
Thank you for providing your source. When I first read your posts, I coudn't figure out what you were talking about. These UN goals are really saying the opposite of your conclusions. It's all about the preservation of forests and sustainable agriculture. Goal 2 is an end to world hunger. It's about improving food security. Goal 12 is responsible consumption and production. It focuses on minimizing waste. I don't have a problem with any of these goals. In fact they all sound great to me. These are all things that have positive impacts on maple syrup production and life on our planet - human and otherwise.

03-19-2023, 08:06 AM
I don't have a problem with any of these goals. In fact they all sound great to me.

So, your ready to Eat Ze Bugs?

The title of "end world hunger" sounds nice, But do you know how they intend to end world hunger? Like i said, NOTHING from nature. Maple syrup comes from nature.
I got to believe the people that are so worried about the planet actually understand the solutions (past the headlines) that are being put forth by the very people that created "climate change".

SDG 12 is " the circular economy" where trash is no longer allowed and recycling is no longer enough. Sounds "fun"

03-19-2023, 09:48 AM
So, your ready to Eat Ze Bugs?

The title of "end world hunger" sounds nice, But do you know how they intend to end world hunger? Like i said, NOTHING from nature. Maple syrup comes from nature.
I got to believe the people that are so worried about the planet actually understand the solutions (past the headlines) that are being put forth by the very people that created "climate change".

SDG 12 is " the circular economy" where trash is no longer allowed and recycling is no longer enough. Sounds "fun"

Woah there. Maybe it's time to just breathe a little. Not really sure there's any evidence to support what you are saying and the contradictions are getting out of control. The way to solve world hunger is to stop interacting with nature and eat bugs? These are just ideas to help address a problem. That's a long way from the mandates that you seem to be worried about.

Sugar Bear
03-19-2023, 09:52 AM
As much as we try to dispel these notions when reporters call us, they frequently already know what they want to write (not all of them...some are happy to be educated on the subject). When we won't give them a gloom and doom story, they move on to someone else who will. It's difficult, because the story really is quite complex and has a lot of uncertainties.

That said, in the LONG run, climate change will not be kind to our friends in the far southern ranges of the maple production areas.

That about says it like it is.

This is my 8th season in a row as a hobbyist and this winter was by far the most apparently/visually affected by climate change in our region, the lower end of Mid-Hudson Valley and Soutwest Connecticut, out of all the winters I have seen/remember in the past 55 years. This year was a real head scratcher on when to put in my 70 spouts but gave in "typically" early on Feb 6th. Most taps still seem fully capable of providing good sap in what will be the final run of the season in the next couple of days.

This year I set my record on gallons of sap per tap by far. Sugar content was the same as other seasons. I had to buy more half gallon jars for syrup storage.

Early March came in as strong as any of them this year. And trees are a lot like people, they learn to figure it out no matter what comes their way. Well, most do.

Unfortunately, none of us will be here if and when it just does not work "well" anymore.

We will all be long gone.

03-19-2023, 10:46 AM
Woah there. Maybe it's time to just breathe a little. Not really sure there's any evidence to support what you are saying
"not really sure there's any evidence" is THE problem, There is PLENTY.
It's why this is happening the world over
https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=farmer+protest (https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=farmer+protest&ia=web)

The way to solve world hunger is to stop interacting with nature and eat bugs? These are just ideas to help address a problem.
Meat: The Future A Roadmap for Delivering 21st-Century Protein
Insects for food and feed
Plant-based diets will be essential to the planet's future, report says
Shaping the Future of Global Food Systems: A Scenarios Analysis
https://www3.weforum.org/docs/IP/2016/NVA/WEF_FSA_FutureofGlobalFoodSystems.pdf (http:// https://www3.weforum.org/docs/IP/2016/NVA/WEF_FSA_FutureofGlobalFoodSystems.pdf)
When Will Our Meat-Filled Diets Go Post-Animal?
https://www.fastcompany.com/3055504/when-will-our-meat-filled-diets-go-post-animal (http:// https://www.fastcompany.com/3055504/when-will-our-meat-filled-diets-go-post-animal)
It May Be Uncomfortable, But We Need to Talk About It: The Animal Agriculture Industry and Zero Waste
https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2022/03/15/it-may-be-uncomfortable-we-need-talk-about-it-animal-agriculture-industry-and-zero-waste (https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2022/03/15/it-may-be-uncomfortable-we-need-talk-about-it-animal-agriculture-industry-and-zero-waste)

Are you ready for the post animal agricultural world? Its all tied to the Paris Climate Accord. Surely you know what that says.

Increase "food" production while reducing land usage. Stop deforestation. Maple has no chance when the "consensus" (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/03/27/why-americans-overwhelmingly-prefer-fake-maple-syrup/) says the fake stuff is better.

That's a long way from the mandates that you seem to be worried about.
Not really, 2030 is not THAT far away.
And in 2022
"The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is vital to enhance partnership relations for the sake of global development and make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness."

YES 192 countries (including Russia AND China) Agree to reach the SAME SDG goals. DO you know the goals and how they will get there?

Fun Fact, Liquid cremification is Legal in 28ish states.
The "waste" from the process is allowed to be dumped into waste water systems,
"This effluent is discharged with all other wastewater, and is a welcome addition to the water systems."
which is the allowed to be turned into COMPOST (BioSludge).
Then it's applied to FOOD crops

If its not grown by you

220 maple
03-19-2023, 11:05 PM
As much as we try to dispel these notions when reporters call us, they frequently already know what they want to write (not all of them...some are happy to be educated on the subject). When we won't give them a gloom and doom story, they move on to someone else who will. It's difficult, because the story really is quite complex and has a lot of uncertainties.

That said, in the LONG run, climate change will not be kind to our friends in the far southern ranges of the maple production areas.
The key word that caught my attention is Dr.Tim’s reference to our friends in the southern regions, that I’m still his friend warms my heart, almost to the level of climate change, he is days from escaping my wrath with his retirement! Oh how I would like to be at that retirement party, just to get him fired up with another one of my Hillbilly schemes. Hopefully there will be someone to fill his shoes at Proctor, willing to communicate with us wannabe syrup makers, even though his shoes are as big as Ronald McDonald’s!
Your Southern Friend, Mark 220 Maple

03-20-2023, 07:36 AM
Hopefully there will be someone to fill his shoes at Proctor, willing to communicate with us wannabe syrup makers, even though his shoes are as big as Ronald McDonald’s!
Your Southern Friend, Mark 220 Maple

Hey Mark,

No offense taken...I wouldn't expect any different from you...ever.

With that...and because this thread has gotten somewhat off the rails...I'm going to use my moderator superpower and terminate it. :mrgreen: